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~ Four years later ~ AYSEL POV "David, stop running around" I yelled at the top of my voice, hoping for my son to listen, but this energetic little pup kept running around the living room and making a mess of the place. David, from birth, had his own wolf and was so powerful that I couldn't even tame him. He is the direct replica of Alpha Gerald, which is something I feared would happen. I was finally able to get a grip on the little pup and I held him in my arms, taking him up the stairs. Although David was a strong wolf from birth, he has never spoken once. I cupped his face in my hand and I looked him in his eyes. "David, do you want to play?" I asked him curiously and he nodded. I couldn't take my eyes off my handsome son. He was my world and my only reason for happiness. After losing my pack years ago, I never thought that I would have another reason to be happy. Gerald, who promised to make me happy, disappointed me just when I needed him the most. I took David away with me but when we arrived in front of my bedroom, Karl, my personal assistant, appeared and informed me about the results of the investigations I asked him to carry out for me. After so many years, we finally found the pack that massacred mine, and we plotted a way to infiltrate the pack and destroy them. Alpha Gerald would never see this coming, never would he expect it. I handed David over to his nanny and I went with Karl into my bedroom with the files he gave me to inspect. I finally got the answers to my quest. There is finally a way for me to return to Gerald's pack. I am standing near the window looking outside while my thoughts are filled with different questions that have no answers. I couldn't tell how I felt, going back to Gerald after what he did to me. I have never forgiven him and I never will. My heart clenched, and I felt hurt just thinking of how I planned to use my son to go back to that bastard. I didn't intend to go with him because we have a son together. I intend to do it because I need to gather enough evidence of the m******e and destroy his pack just like his father did to mine. Fear filled my heart. What if David finds out in the future about what I did to his father? Will he ever forgive me? I thought of explaining everything to him when he comes of age, but what if he blames me for it? I cannot just forgive Gerald for all of his betrayals. He did them to me purposely, and I wasn't going to have mercy on him either. I heard a loud knock on my door which distracted me from my thoughts and I moved towards the door to see who it was. When I opened up, it was Nanny Gwen who had David in her arms. "He had fallen asleep while playing, so I brought him here," she explained. I gave way for her to enter with my little boy in her hands. She took him to bed and laid him down gently. Gwen has been so helpful to me. While raising David on my own, she was a great assistant and I managed to raise him with her help. David was so attached to Gwen, which made me rethink my decision to go back to Gerald. I know I couldn't take Gwen with me. But I didn't want David to be separated from her as he'd never forgive me for it. After Gwen was done with David, I escorted her outside the room. In a few days, I'd be away, and she wouldn't be needed, but I was scared to announce it to her. I needed to be honest with Gwen regardless. I didn't want her to waste her time. I was also planning to compensate her for it. I was breaking the news to her at the wrong time. I should've told her before now, so she could prepare and get another job. Gwen and I walked down the hallway together in utter silence, only the sound of my heels could be heard. "Ma'am, you wanted to tell me something, right?" She asked curiously. Gwen looked so innocent I was scared of announcing it to her. I could see in her eyes the love and affection she had for my son and I knew that Gwen was also attached to him emotionally as well. I rubbed my hands on my clothes nervously before I proceeded to speak. "Gwen, I'm leaving with David. We are going to his father's" I stated, breathing deeply as I spoke. Gwen looked surprised, she parted her lips to speak but nothing came out. She ended up just staring at me confusedly. "Ma'am, are we all going together? That's good news. I'll be delighted to come. I promise to work even harder this time" she said cheerfully. I could see the happiness in her eyes when she thought that I was taking her along, but I felt so bad to announce to her that David and I would be going alone, and her services weren't needed. Gwen looked happy. I was scared to end her joy there, so I just played along and told her she'd be coming with us. I tried to give myself reasons why I was taking her with us. Maybe it was to keep her happy. Gwen immediately hugged me. I was moved by her actions, so I just let her stay excited. I called Karl to prepare her papers, so she could also come with us. After I returned to my room, I saw that David was still asleep. I couldn't help but feel sad for him. In the future we might have a difficult time, but he'll have to hang on for me. I touched his black silk hair slowly, regretting the fact that I included him in my revenge which was going to disturb his peace. David is the heir of Alpha Gerald and, after his father, he was going to rule, he is his first child and even Anna could not change anything about it. Even if she has a child for me, I'm sure I had mine first. Aside from destroying Gerald, I'll have to make my son take over his rights, whether anyone likes it or not.
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