
1007 Words
I was excited for her but not so sure about myself. I have returned to the same place where I was deceived and cheated and recalling it makes me devastated. This city holds so many memories for me. We got into the car prepared to take us to the mansion I've just bought here in this city. Even though I intended to go to Gerald, I didn't plan on living in his packed house like I did once. As we drove there, I kept on checking the time and schedule for the event. Alpha Gerald and his Luna, Anna, were both celebrating their wedding anniversary tonight. Just like four years ago when Anna coveted my husband for herself on the day of my anniversary, I had planned to do the same for her. I asked my assistant to help me check if the dress I'd ordered was ready. I didn't want anything to go wrong with tonight's party. I also had received an invitation from Alpha Gerald, who didn't know my true identity as his ex-Luna. "The dress should be ready in a few minutes. I will pick it up immediately after I drop you at the mansion," Karl explained to me. I stared at the picture on the screen of my mobile phone, alpha Gerald's and Anna's anniversary pictures, they looked so innocent, no one would know that they were scheming! Especially Gerald, who deceived me for years. We arrived at the mansion. I had only seen the pictures online before I purchased it, but it was just as I'd expected it to be. It was huge and spacious, and the environment was also very beautiful. Gwen took care of David while I carried out my activities for the day, especially monitoring the time and venue of the party. I was going there to reveal myself to Gerald. Am I not supposed to do it in a grand style? After we were done settling in, I went on to shop for the dress I would wear to the event. At the boutique, so many beautiful dresses were displayed for me to choose and, after carefully checking them, I finally went with a long gown that would cause a dramatic entrance. I wanted to get their attention on me while I went in, especially Gerald and that betrayer. I was going there with a purpose, so I shouldn't tone down my actions. After successfully purchasing the dress, I ordered a home-service makeup session. Everything was done by the time it was two hours to the event. I was fully prepared to face Gerald after so many years of being apart. This time, with the motive of destroying him for good. It still hurts me that I was going to get my son involved, but it was my only way of getting into his life to carry out my plans. The speeding vehicle took me to the event which was taking place in the grand hall of Alpha Gerald's villa. While I was on my way, I was well-informed about everything going on there. I watched it all on my tablet. I had cameras installed there for me to watch their every move, some of my men infiltrated their pack, so they weren't aware of me having full surveillance of them. Alpha Gerald and his Luna were busy welcoming the guests into the party, I wondered how they would feel when they saw me there. They had no choice but to welcome me, just like the others, because I had their VIP invitation card. They invited me themselves because of my pack and position in the nation. They never knew my real identity but will be stunned to find out tonight. I couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when the time came. I arrived a little late for the event which was on purpose. I needed to get their attention, but the event had already started and Gerald was already giving his speech. I was welcomed by the bodyguards at the entrance to whom I presented my invitation card. They didn't recognize me anymore as their former Luna, they were also mesmerized by my appearance there. Starting from my dress down to the aura I portrayed, they were forced to get attracted to me. My heart beat faster as I approached the main entrance of the hall. I could already see alpha Gerald who was busy with his speech, laughing and making merry as he was having a good time with his guests. His event was going fine for him, but not for long as I was about to put fear into his heart with my presence. As soon as I entered the hall, all eyes were on me. My entrance was as grand as I wanted it to be. With my bodyguards trooping behind me, no one would notice me there. "What is that b***h doing here?" I heard a familiar female voice speak, and I was quick to recognize it as Diana's voice. How dare she refer to me as a b***h after what she's done to me? I looked at them with my head held up high, glaring. Gerald's speech was immediately cut short and his smile faded upon seeing me. I wanted to move forward, but a strange feeling caught me, my heart began to beat fast and my blood boiled. I looked around after perceiving a very delicious scent in the place. What was this? Why is it happening right now? How come I am about to find my mate here and in this situation? When my eyes finally saw the man from a distance, my heart skipped a beat. I was rendered speechless, even when Alpha Gerald spoke to me, I couldn't respond as my voice seized. My wolf, who had been asleep for so many years, finally reached and yelled the word out, mate! The man who stared at me from a distance was my mate. I found my mate right in the middle of my revenge scheme.
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