Untitled Episode

1969 Words
Gerald boldly rubbed my infertility on my face, humiliating me in front of his slut. I clenched my fist tight, unable to utter a word because it all got choked up inside my chest. I tried to control the tears forming in my eyes, I wasn't going to show them any weakness. "Oh, so that's it?" I asked. "Because we couldn't have children, Gerald! I already told you, the doctor said no one's at fault. It was going to come naturally", I yelled at him. "Naturally? Until when? Ten, twenty years? Come on, Aysel. You are too smart for this!" Gerald claimed. I raised my hand and gave him a hard slap on the face. "That's for cheating on me." "Don't you dare lay your hands on my man!" Anna stood up and stepped forward. I hit her also, a very hard slap with all of my strength. "You ingrate, after all I've done for you. After everything, Anna. Remember when you were just an ordinary slave Omega from the slumps? Now you are trying to snatch my husband from me!" Anna was stunned by my slap, she lost balance and fell into Alpha Gerald's arms. He grabbed her, preventing her from falling. I could see the looks in his eyes when she almost got hurt. Anna instantly began to sob. "Gerald, our baby… It hurts" she cried out. Gerald looked at me sternly, and before I could speak, he slapped me on the face. I instantly fell on the floor, hitting my body hard on the floor. "Gerald, how dare you!" "Look here, Aysel. Being unable to give me a child doesn't mean that I will never have one. I will, and Anna will be the one to give that to me!" Gerald declared before heading outside with Anna. "Someone, call the doctor!" He yelled out. I saw how he showed so much concern for Anna. He did the same with me once, but that ended so many years ago. Now, all I felt was hatred. I left the annex building, I didn't want to inhale the smell of betrayal and s*x that filled the air. I went back to my bedroom and when I moved closer to the bed, I noticed a pile of files on the bed. Stunned, I read and realized that they were divorce papers, from Alpha Gerald to me. I was shocked, picking them up, my hands quivered fearfully. "Sign them and get out of my life forever, Aysel" Alpha Gerald's voice sounded from the entrance. He walked into the bedroom, his face had a gloomy look, but I knew that it wasn't because of the breaking of our relationship but because of Anna, who had fallen sick earlier. I heard from Alice that Anna almost lost her baby because of the fall. She was in shock, so it almost affected her health. I knew that it was all a pretense. Anna, whom I knew so well, was a good actress and could do anything to gain people's sympathy. "Gerald, do you really want to divorce me?" I asked him, my heart skipped a beat at his reply. He really wanted me out of his life. "You're such a whõre, Aysel. You think I do not know about your multiple affairs. I think that is the reason why the moon goddess never blessed us with children. Because you are not worth it," he said to me. How could he just accuse me this way? Knowing fully well that I've been loyal to him for years, how could Gerald say this to me out of the blue? Did he ever even love or trust me? How did I manage to live with such a despicable man for so many years? I didn't even know this side of him. How could I be so stupid? I wanted to speak, but a sharp pain hit my chest and my legs got weakened, I fell to the ground and my knees began to hurt. "G.. Gerald, what are you doing?" I managed to ask him as I felt more pain in my chest. Our bond was slowly breaking. Gerald was finally ending things with me, which meant that there was no change for me anymore. "How could you do this to me?" I asked him, groaning out loud in pain. "I, Alpha Gerald Lancaster, denounce you, Luna Aysel, as my chosen mate. You are free now to be used by other Alphas or cheap Omega werewolf to perch on as a leftover from me," he announced, with a mocking grin on his face. He didn't even care about how I felt when he said that, and he added a curse to me. He insulted me. "I… I will make you pay for this, Gerald" I managed to say to him as I used my last strength to grab them. Divorce papers and sign them. "Alpha Gerald, I mark you and your pack as my enemies. May we never cross paths on this earth" I stated, standing up and exiting the bedroom with my copy of the signed divorce documents. Stepping outside, with so much hatred for him in my heart, I vowed never to forgive him for doing this to me. For hurting and breaking me. …….. "Congratulations, you are pregnant" I heard the doctor announce as he handed over the positive pregnancy results to me. I was in shock, but I managed to check to confirm if it was real. How could I be pregnant when it's been more than a month since Gerald touched me? I looked at the details, and it stated that I'd been pregnant for only a month. How come I didn't realize it sooner? Pregnant? I took the results and stood up quickly. I didn't even wait for the doctor to finish when I left. My whole world shattered when I thought about it. We are divorced now. He cheated on me and chose someone else over me. How can I be pregnant to him? I entered a taxi heading to my apartment as I thought about it. It will be hard for me, but I will keep this child only because it's mine and not because he's a memory of me and Alpha Gerald's love. Soon, I arrived at my apartment. I dropped the results on the couch and I went to my bedroom. I couldn't think straight for a moment. What should I do? I am becoming a mother to the child of the same man who hurt and broke me. Since I'm carrying his child, Alpha Gerald might find out soon and come for me. But I've made my decision not to want him anymore. I have to exit the city before he smells his baby. ~~~~~~~ The next day, It was as early as 7 a.m. when I packed up my luggage and boarded a taxi to the airport to flee from B City. I looked around the airport and I remembered the first time I had come there with Gerald. We were so in love that people noticed how we walked, kissed ourselves, and played. He was going on a business trip then, and I escorted him there. So many memories that I'm about to delete from my life forever. Except for our child who is going to be with me, I know that Gerald and I still have a connection through him, but I didn't want my son to be connected to Gerald in any way. I do not have plans for returning to this city ever. As I grabbed my luggage and headed towards the waiting area, I noticed some men wearing black suits crowded around me. My heart skipped a beat and I assumed that Gerald had found me. No, I couldn't let him discover my baby. I tried to escape but those men who gathered around wouldn't let me. They became too numerous and I couldn't escape them. "What the hell do you want from me?" I yelled, almost causing a scene. One of them, a man in his mid-age, walked up to me from them. "Luna, we are here to escort you back home. We've searched for you for so long" the man bowed, and the rest of them followed. I was confused for a second. "H… huh?" I asked. Tears filled my eyes as realization hit me. My pack was destroyed years ago, and I managed to escape with the help of my father. I was later found by another werewolf who brought me up. I left there to get married to Gerald when we met and fell in love at the ball party. I didn't realize that my pack had been rebuilt, and they searched for me for so many years. I followed them without hesitation, and we arrived at the pack at night that day. Carl, my father's beta, explained to me how my father was killed in cold blood and how the Blood Night pack, Alpha Gerald's pack, was involved in the m******e that happened ten years ago. I have just got to realize that it was his motive for approaching me in the first place. He did that to keep me from finding out the truth. I clenched my fist hard as I thought of everything, how he pretended not to care about my origin and got married to me. Gerald has been using me for so many years and I didn't realize the truth until now. I almost puked when I recalled that I was pregnant with his child. The child of the monster whose pack destroyed mine. My hatred for him grew, and I was more determined to kill him. "What about the other elders? Are there any survivors?" I asked, and Beta Carl shook his head. "I and a few others survived with the help of your father. Sadly, none of the elders did. They also helped to make sure that we survived. I promised your father that I would find you. Although it took me so many years, I'm happy that I have finally found you, Luna." Beta Carl stood up from his seat and knelt in front of me. "No… please get up. Please", I begged him. "Luna, I'm begging you to please stay and lead the pack. We need you. We need a leader because we've been astray for so long" he begged. "Please get up. I will definitely try my best to lead the pack. I promise" I said in a low voice, but only I know how shattered my heart was. Gerald and his pack must pay for this. I will make them regret everything they've done for me. I looked at Carl and the other members who were around me in the living room, begging me to lead them. I made my decision to take over my father's legacy and do it. I will surely lead them and also get revenge on my father. I was left alone in my bedroom and I pondered about everything. I've been deceived for so many years and I never realized it until now. How sad it was for me. I feel so stupid to have thought that alpha Gerald would just love someone like me out of the blue. No wonder he easily replaced me. He never cared about me, he was only using and keeping me in the dark, so I wouldn't find out the truth about him. My fist was clenched as I faced the huge antique mirror in my front. I wanted to punch it to relieve myself, but I didn't. It would only cause my subordinates to worry. I am a leader now, so I have to learn to control my emotions. Beta Carl and others believed in me and I promised not to fail them.
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