
1025 Words
AYSEL I placed the last dish of the sumptuous meal I had prepared on the table. Today being my third anniversary with Alpha Gerald, I have taken the opportunity to prepare him one of my best meals. Hopefully, he will enjoy it. We have been married for three years and there's nothing to show for it. Alpha Gerald isn't happy about it, but he supports me regardless. For the past three months, I have noticed that he has been distant and busy with my time, but I didn't mind, I always understood him for it. Being an alpha and a husband to me is a great duty for him, so I understood him and supported him always. I finished placing the dishes on the table, waiting for him to come join me when he arrived from his business trip. I went back to my bedroom to dress and prepare to welcome him tonight. I planned on giving him the best night of his life when he returned, making him enjoy my body after we didn't get intimate for more than a month. I was inside my bedroom, fitting myself the newly made dress I had a fashion designer make for me. It looked beautiful and perfect, displaying my curves and some parts of my body. A knock sounded on my door, distracting me from what I was doing. "Come in," I answered calmly, and the door was pushed open. "Luna, I found something out". It was Alice, my handmaiden, who rushed inside to inform me of the news. I looked at her, she was breathing heavily, and she seemed exhausted as if something bad had happened. Alice would never react this way if things were fine. I became instantly worried as I looked at her. "What's going on, Alice? Did something bad happen?" I asked her. Alice tried to catch her breath. I wondered what it must've been to make her feel this tense. "Alice, speak up. What is it? Does it involve the alpha? Did anything happen to him?" I asked but she couldn't reply. Obviously, she ran all the way here, so it was hard for her to speak until she caught her breath. Alice nodded. Meaning that it involved Alpha Gerald. Fear gripped me and I instantly began to feel pain in my chest. "Tell me what happened!" I almost yelled out. Desperation hit me. "No time to explain, let's just go, Luna '' she said, grabbed my hand, and took me away with her. We arrived outside the mansion, but she wasn't satisfied. She took me towards the annex building. It was built and made to host guests who came from afar to visit our pack. Alpha Gerald was on a business trip. Why would he be in the annex building? Is Alice mistaken? I wanted to ask her, but I decided to keep shut and just followed her to see. We entered the huge building. Despite that it was just an attachment to the original mansion, Gerald had it built beautifully and exquisitely because of the caliber of guests we use it to host. After passing through a few bedrooms, we finally arrived in front of the one with two huge double mahogany doors. Alice pointed towards the door. Before I could open it, I started to hear voices and soft moans coming from inside. My heart shattered when I recognized my husband's voice, my own Alpha. I placed my hands on the knob, but I was unable to open it as I wasn't ready to face the scene inside. "Luna" Alice held my hands and patted my shoulders. She has been my greatest support since I got married, and I am happy that she decided to tell me about this discovery and not keep it away from me. "I do not love Aysel, you are the one I love Anna. I only married her because my father forced me to. I was never in love with her" I heard Gerald say. He said it without any regrets or hesitation. Anna giggled excitedly when she heard his words. "It's fine, you do not have to explain yourself, Gerald. I believe you and love you so much. I know you cannot choose that woman over me. I am your true mate and nothing can ever change that", Anna responded to him. Her voice was the happiest as she spoke. Anna, who I saw as my best friend, connived with my husband to insult and cheat behind my back. I was so hurt, but I decided to hold myself back and listen to more of their revelations. I was so enraged I felt like slapping Alpha Gerald and making him pay for what he'd done. Deceiving me the whole time that he was on a business trip while he was here in the annex building enjoying himself with his mistress. I regret cooking his favorite meals. I hated the fact that I took my time to give him a treat, but everything ended up in a mess. "I'm excited to take you in as my Luna. Especially now that you have my child. No one can stop you, Anna." "What?" I exclaimed loudly, forgetting the fact that I wanted to hide. How could they? I pushed the door open and entered. "How dare you, Alpha Gerald!" I yelled at the top of my voice, staring at the two chatting bastards lying in a compromising state after being intimate. Gerald jerked up from Anna immediately he saw me. "Aysel, how did you?" He paused. "How did I find out, Gerald? You bastard, you've been cheating on me. You've been deceiving me, you i***t! How could I be so stupid enough not to realize this?" I questioned rhetorically. My heart was broken into pieces and tears filled my eyes. "H… How could you?" I stuttered. "It isn't my fault, Aysel. We've been married for three years and I couldn't fall in love with you. Besides, you couldn't give me kids either. You know how much I love children. I need an heir and Anna is the only one who could give that to me."
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