birthday celebrations

1222 Words
Alora POV I'm woken up with Liam and Poppy jumping on me, I'm wrapped up in my quilt and blankets on the bed I share with the girls. "Ok ok I'm up," I say groggily, rubbing my eyes, all 3 of them laughing at me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they shouted, making me jump and them to laugh more. As I opened my eyes, they all stood there with a card, a beautiful bunch of wild flowers they had picked, and a present wrapped in a colourful paper. "Aww, you guys, you didn't have to do all of this," I say, getting up and giving them all hugs. How did I get so lucky. I might not have my birth family, but my chosen family is amazing, and I couldn't wish for better. "Yes, we did, we love you so much," Kylie said, hugging me back before giving me the card, Poppy gave me my flowers, "Now sit and open," Liam said excitedly. I smiled at him ruffling his hair, I sat and took the present, opening it and wow... I don't know what to say. Inside was the most beautiful gold necklace with a locket, and I couldn't help the happy tears that escaped my eyes. "Please don't cry, Lori," Liam said, wrapping his arms around me. "It's beautiful, so beautiful, I love it, thank you all so much," I say now in a massive group hug. "You deserve the best," Kylie said also in tears. "Open it... open it, " Poppy said as she stood up, looking excited. I opened it and inside there were 4 small photos, 1 of us on each side, all smiling and I know the photo that they were cut out of because it was my favourite one. "Thank you, my beautiful little family," I say again with tears dropping down my cheeks. We all have a talk, laughing about the silly stories that happened the day before at the market. We are currently walking into town going to our jobs but went a little early so we could have breakfast together. "SURPRISE... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! " I almost jumped out my skin as I walked through the door of the cafe. Heidi, George, Emily, Sue, her husband Kev, their son, Daz, and their daughter Terry were all stood together smiling with gifts in their hands and George had a big chocolate cake with my name on and candles. I was clutching my erratic heart while everyone laughed. "I wrote your name," Emily said with the biggest smile on her face she was the first I hugged, she has the purest of hearts. I was pulled into cuddles and wished happy birthday, and it was truly great. better than I could have hoped for, and I'm so grateful to them all. It finally felt like home with family. I blew out my candles and opened my gifts. Heidi, George, and Emily had got me a new top and a new thick cream knitted blanket with my name on it. They know how much I love blankets to wrap myself up in. Off Sue, Kev, and their kids, I had gotten chocolate, sweets, and a new thick coat. I appreciate everything so much, I never thought my eighteenth birthday would be this great. We all sat and chatted over breakfast and then shared the cake. It was all amazing,especially the cake, yum. I'm glad I have some left to take home with us. The day went by as usual.. cleaning and waiting tables, the regulars all wished me happy birthday and left me a tip. I loved working here, and I appreciate everything that Heidi and George have done for us. I'm so happy we decided to stay here and make it our home. We had plans to go home after work and have a chilled night, tomorrow is saturday and so none of us have got work. We will be going for a trek into the forest that surrounds the north side of town. We have all booked in a 2 weeks holiday with our work, and George has borrowed us his tent, sleeping bags, blow-up mattresses, stove, and pan. I had ordered a lot of different meat and salad sandwiches, nibbles, and treats as a surprise for Kylie, Poppy, and Liam. We as a group have massive appetites, not that you would tell with our bodies. We were all healthy weights, lean, and also toned. We don't really have treats as such because we all only earn a little from our jobs, and we all club it together and spend it on food, essentials, and anything else we may need. Since living here, we try and do what we can at home, and we shower at Heidi flat. Otherwise, I don't know what we would do about our hygiene. We spoke about getting a house in town but they are really expensive so we stay where we are. I'm just finishing my shift when Poppy and Liam come in and are ready to go home, we say our goodbyes and head to the sweetshop to wait for Kylie. We all walk to and from work together every day, making sure we are always safe. We walk through the shack door, and Poppy and Liam get comfy on our old sofa while I help Kylie prepare our tea, we were having soup out the flask from the cafe with buttered bread. Pouring us all some in bowls before sharing our days with each other, our routine every teatime. After we have finished, it's Liams turn to take the bowls outside and rinse them off with water. We spend another hour talking about our trip and how it's going to be nice to have time off work and enjoy nature that surrounds us. We all love nature to a point that's where we love to be, we love exploring woods around our shack but never have trekked in the forest, so we are all excited about our trip. We have stocked up on food and also got another gas cannister for the stove. After we have packed everything, we will need an early night for an early start. We said our good nights and went to bed. After living here nearly 2 years Liam opted to go and sleep on the sofa, he said it's because we are all girls and need our privacy but if I'm honest I think it's because he wants to protect us. He is always there like he has a need inside himself to keep us all safe, probably the brother sister bond we all share, he is always watching around us walking to and from work and I've also noticed that he's always the first one to enter and then does a sweep with his eyes to make sure it's clear. When it's getting dark, he also insists that he will rinse the pots outside. He really is a sweetheart. I don't doubt that he would protect us either. He is taller than the average teen and also has started getting muscles, probably from cutting the wood for our fire. As I drifted off to sleep, I could have sworn I heard a faint voice, but I'm already being pulled into sleep. The last thing I heard was.... "Not long now, my sweet"......
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