
1858 Words
Alora POV My name is Alora, I'm 17 years old and I'm an orphan. I don't know what happened to my parents. Maybe they died or just didn't want me. I have no idea of my surname, so I wouldn't be able to search for them even if I wanted to. I was dropped on the doorstep of a house when I was young, too young to remember, but whoever it was that abandoned me there couldn't have picked a worse place to drop me. They either didn't check the place out first, or maybe they just couldn't care less. I'm not sure why they picked that place, I was the first dropped off there, but Kylie wasn't far behind me. From what our "carers" Sid and Sally said over the years Kylie came 6months after me and the only reason they kept us was the money that was dropped with us and also because we served a purpose to cook and clean. I'm not sure if it's because people heard about the house taking us in, but 5 years later, both Poppy and Liam were dropped on the doorstep with a bunch of money. They looked like brother and sister as they got older and seemed to stick together throughout the years. They seemed to solidify that thought, but then again, it maybe that they were closer in age. As we grew, we were beaten and starved from as far back as I remember, so we stuck together like glue and became our own little family. Tending to each other when we were hurting or upset. Me and Kylie tried to take Poppy and Liam punishments so they didn't suffer and we tried to give them half of our food so their little bellies didn't hurt as much but when we got next to nothing it was hard but we got through it. I think I was about 8 years old when we started getting foster kids arriving, but we were shoved in the basement and threatened to stay quiet. We looked after the kids that came and went while Sid and Sally spent the money on luxuries and beer. We made the plan to leave a few weeks before we did because Sid had been drunk and tried to grab at me, saying filthy things, and I'd never want to feel like that ever again. I was 14 years old and scared. We decided to leave together late at night when they were sleeping. We made sure the younger kids were all ok first, at that time there was 3 kids 11 year old boy Evan who was there because his mum was in hospital and he had no one else to care for him. 9 year old girl Molly and her 3 year brother, who had a new family waiting for them, but had to wait for the paperwork. I left a note for Evan so he would know to keep an eye on the younger 2 until the social workers went. We snuck out. We knew that when we left, it wouldn't be long before that place was shut down. We sent a letter to the social workers who placed the kids there, we explained that we were there, all of us left on their doorstep but wasn't allowed to be seen or heard while visitors were there and that we were the ones that cared for all the other children while being beaten and starved, we hoped that would be enough to raise concerns. Kylie and I were the oldest of our little group. I'm not 100% sure when my birthday is, but I picked a date, and that's when we celebrate. The others also picked a date, and we tried to go close to the date we were abandoned. I have long black hair and icy blue eyes, a few months after my birthday Kylie turns 18 also, she has shoulder length brown curly hair and dark brown eyes, she is beautiful inside and out. Poppy is 14 years old with blonde long wavy hair with dark blue eyes and is also beautiful in side and out and Liam is 13 years old, he has short blonde hair and green eyes he is so caring but really funny. Both Poppy and Liam look so much alike. The only difference is their eye colour. It's been hard since fleeing our abusers but it was worth it. We found our little shack after we had been on the road for 6 weeks trying to get as far away from the orphanage as possible. It's not much, but it's ours, we have fixed it up as much as we could, but it was home and the best home we have ever had. It was a wooden shack with a broken out window and creaky door, 2 rooms. 1 living room and another room we use as a bedroom that we all share. We laughed and enjoyed the life we now had. It doesn't have electricity or running water but we love it all the same. We use torches at night and have bottled water for drinking. After we had been there about 3 days we were all hungry, the food we took from the orphanage had run out and we were almost out of water, we all decided to go look around hoping we would get lucky and find something to eat. As we found the quaint little town after 15 minutes of walking, we stood out from everyone else as we were filthy and skinny unkempt kids, but we got mostly pitying looks, but we kept going. It was following the delicious smell of food we came to the cafe. The Greens Cafe. We all stood outside looking in with hungry eyes and rumbling bellies "hey you ok" I heard a girl who was exiting the cafe looking at us with concern, she was beautiful with red wavy hair that was in pigtails and kind green eyes maybe about 10 years old but when non of us spoke, Poppy and Liam stood behind me and Kylie afraid, the girl had tears in her eyes just looking at the state of us but she took a deep breath and spoke again "it's ok my family owns this cafe" she smiled but I feel Poppy grab onto my hand, she has always been the most nervous out our little group. "My name is Emily.. do you want to come in... I can get you all a drink" she asks again and I look at Kylie to see what she thinks, we have never had anyone to be nice to us so I wasn't sure what to think but I could tell she was thinking the same as me "my mum won't mind, honestly" she said opening the door for us. I took the lead and nodded as I followed her in with Poppy clinging to me. The cafe was simple but cute, its cream walls and wooden table and chairs scattered around the room with lacey tablecloths and on the walls were black and white pictures of the town. Emily sat us at the table at the back of the cafe, probably so we couldn't run away, and went off to speak to a woman who had been watching us the whole time. She had the same red hair, tied up, and the same kind green eyes as Emily. They both made their way over to us, Emily sitting in the chair next to us and the woman kneeling down to look at us all "hello my name is heidi, I'm Emily Mum.. are you all ok? " she asked, but we were nervous that we were in trouble, so I stood ready to leave "please it's ok, you're safe here... please sit and I'll bring you all some food and drinks" and with that I sat and she walked away. A few minutes later, she reappeared with a tray of drinks on 1 for all of us, including Emily, who started sipping hers straight away. I was weary, but my thirst and hunger got the better of me, and I couldn't hold back anymore and started chugging it. Wow my mouth feels like it has finally tasted the most amazing thing there could ever be and looking at the others they were the same and Emily said it was milkshake but we hadn't heard of it before and definitely never had it before. As we were starting to relax a little, Heidi came back with a tray in her hands but this time a tall man with brown hair and beard and blue eyes came with her also holding a bigger tray. I was beyond scared and I could see we were all the same but he smile and popped a plate of hot, delicious food infront of me, Poppy,and Emily and then the man walked away while Heidi put plates down for Kylie and Liam "that was my dad George" Emily said popping a chip in her mouth. Within a few minutes we were all eating and wow it's the best food I've ever had. Normally, we would cook pasta and sauce or toast at the orphanage because it was cheap. This was a burger and chips. It was so nice, I've never heard of this or ever had it, not sure how I ever went without this food. I finished it while rubbing my belly, feeling full for the first time ever. That's how I met Heidi and George they gave me a chance when I asked for a job, even though I was a small, dirty looking girl, just rags on bones, they gave me a job. We explained a little about our situation, and when I went the next day to help clean the tables, the others came with me. Emily took us all upstairs to their flat, let us shower, and gave us all the clothes that her parents had gotten for us. We were so grateful. They had also asked Sue at the sweetshop a few doors down if Kylie could do some work for her. That was the day everything was finally looking up for us. At the end of our first day, Heidi bagged some food and also gave us blankets and extra clothes. We have got to know the people of the town but none of them know where we live but care for us all the same. We don't live far from the town centre, it's a lovely little town, not over crowded with quaint houses and beautiful cottages with the small market snug in the middle, the whole place and it's people are welcoming. We all loved our little jobs, and Poppy and Liam helped a fish monger at the market. They also helped out the veg stall, too. They are both hard workers and fast, so they are always asked to help on the market, earning a few quid off each stall. We all brought home what we could, and life was finally good. We were a family with a home and friends.
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