
872 Words
Alora POV I'm up today before everyone else, I feel a little on edge like something is going to happen, I don't know maybe I'm just being a little worried because we are going to a new place. No one in town ever goes into the forest they all say its got creepy vibes, but it looks so beautiful. It sounds crazy I know, but it's like it's calling us, like we belong there, stupid. I know, but the forest was the main reason we stopped in this town. It's taken us 4 years to finally enter the forest because we wanted Poppy and Liam to be a little older so they could enjoy the experience to the fullest also and if I'm honest it's always brought me comfort being close to the forest but it's only recently that I've felt a pull to go there. I've been awake for about an hour and double-checked everything ready to go when Liam sat up sleepily from his slumber "hey sleepy head, you sleep ok?" I ask smiling at him sat there with his hair stuck up in all directions "yeah like a log once I got to sleep but it took me a while" he explained as I frowned with concern, he would normally be snoring as soon as his head hits his pillow "why, is there something wrong?" I asked as I made my way to him feeling his head to see if he is sick "yeah I just had a feeling something was going to happen, maybe just over tired but I'm not sure,.. I do feel ok though, " he says, shaking my hand off, not liking me, fussing over him. He thinks he's too old for that now. "Ok, but we can take an extra day or two if you need it," I offer, but he shakes his head no while getting up. "Ok, I'll go wake the girls while you get ready," I say, heading to the bedroom "yeah sure, is there anything that needs doing before we leave?" he asks. I shake my head no "no I've double checked everything you just need to get ready" I explained as I enter the bedroom and seeing them both snuggled up sound asleep bringing a smile to my face as I sit next to them and flex my fingers and count down.. Three... two.... one.... Screams and laughter are all that could be heard as I woke them up by tickling them. I loved waking them up this way. We could never laugh growing up, and to be honest, we never had a reason to laugh, so now we try to get happiness and laughter every day. Don't get me wrong, we all have times when we need alone time, but we do love each other even when we get annoyed by one another. I stop and run from the room so they can't tickle me back. After some time, we headed out all packed up, and we couldn't hold our excitement. This is going to be an awesome journey. I just know it, I can feel it. 4 hours later, and we are getting hungry and tired, but we have covered quite a bit of ground, so we have decided to sit and have dinner. I pull out the spread I got from the cafe, and all 3 pairs of eyes lit up, causing me to smile. Happy at their reaction, I laid it all out. Ham salad sandwiches Beef salad sandwiches Chicken sandwiches Sausage rolls Chicken soup Crisps Chocolate cake Chocolate and Cream éclairs We had a spread fit for a king and we loved every bit of it, the bits we didn't eat we saved for later, after we rested for a while we decided to move on and find even ground for us to set up the tent. After walking another 3 hours or so, we found the perfect place to set up the tent. The tent is a big when inside the lightweight tent there are 3x built in PVC windows that allow natural light into the living area, as well as a breathable inner tent, which acts as a barrier from mosquitoes and other insects, along with 3x mesh inner doors, to provide breathability and limit condensation, we pump up the 4 mattresses with the small foot pump and sort out our sleeping bags with a couple of extra blankets just in case it's cold through the night. Poppy and Liam are sharing a room, and I'll be sharing with Kylie. Once we are all set up, we sit outside the tent around our little camp fire, wrapped up in our blankets talking, laughing, relaxing, and taking in the beautiful view. Surrounded by tall and lush trees as we are higher ground, it looks amazing being able to see everything around us. We have a bite to eat and a drink but as it gets later we call it a night and go to bed. "Night love you all, see you in the morning" I say loud enough for them all to hear getting "nights" and "love you too" back in return I fall into a sleep dreaming about mythical creatures and fairytales.
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