
1668 Words
Alora POV We are currently sitting in what looks like a relaxed office. There is a large rustic looking wooden desk and chair across the room from that is where we are seated on a big comfy flowery sofa that are set around another beautiful rustic coffee table. We are all seated on one sofa, Kylie at one end, me in the middle and Liam on my other side with Poppy curled up on him because he refused to let them take her to a more comfortable place. Zoene was seated in the armchair across the table from us, and her mum, the Queen, was in the other armchair next to her. None of us have spoken yet, and it's just silence. The Queens eyes had gone a deeper shade of green briefly when we first sat down. We were interrupted by a knock on the closed door. "Come in," the Queen said, and a small woman walked in, pushing a trolley that had sandwiches and cakes and drinks on. My stomach rumbled just as Liam and Kylies did at the sight and smell of the goodies. "Before we start, I thought it'd be best if you filled up," the Queen said as the woman was now passing us plates made up of different foods, we all said our Thankyous to her. I noticed there was no meat on the plates, but I didn't care. I just wanted food, and any food would do, and looking at Kylie and Liam, they were the same. "Please lay the girl on the sofa so you can eat young man," the Queen says, pointing to a smaller sofa to the other side of the room. Liam was struggling with Poppy being on him and he wouldnt complain but he nodded his head and stood with Poppy walking to the other sofa, he laid her down and as he walked back to us, the same woman who brought food walked to Poppy laying a blanket over her. "Thankyou ruth" the Queen said as the woman was walking towards the door. She nodded at the Queen and left. "Thank you so much, your majesty," I say before tucking in. Wow, the food was amazing. The sandwiches filled with salad, and the cakes were to die for, full of jams and cream. On the side of the plate were flowers. They must be decoration. They were lovely shades of pinks, blues, and yellows, but it looked like they shimmered. They looked so nice. Fairies must truly love nature. Just seeing where they live and how colourful but rustic everything is it's absolutely amazing, but to have these gorgeous flowers on a plate for decoration is another level. "I'm sure you can tell, but we do not eat meat. We love all nature and creatures. We live off our land and have always lived this way. The flowers that are on your plates are Ibiannia, they are grown only on our land granted to us by our goddess Alissa, she granted us these magical plants to keep us strong and nourished" the Queen explained "so we eat these" Kylie asked picking a flower up off her plate and twiddling it between her thumb and finger. Zoene burst into laughter at our faces "yes of course we eat them," she giggled "ok" I said, unsure but picking one up and popping it into my mouth. It exploded in my mouth, turned into liquid as my tongue touched it, and it tasted like the juiciest berries I've ever had. But apart from the taste, I also felt fuller, healthier, and had a lot more energy.. it was weird but a very good weird. We all had 2 each, and it was an amazing feeling to finally feel full and healthy. "We would normally have the Ibiannia flowers once a week, but I could tell you all needed them. They make you all round healthier, hair, skin, body, and mind, " the Queen explained, and to be honest, I could feel all the goodness invade me. I keep stealing glances at Poppy, worried that she hasn't woken up yet. "She will be fine and from what Zoene has explained to me what has happened it's normal that her body needs rest" the Queen says but I'm confused because I've not heard Zoene say anything yet. "I mindlinked my mum while you were eating," "mindlinked?" I ask, confused, but they both look at me even more confused than what I feel. "Ok now you have all eaten" the Queen started saying but all our eyes were on poppy "when the girl wakes she will have the same food as you all, I think it's best if we leave her to rest and wake up naturally" she said drawing our attention back to her. She oozes power. But we all nod ok and wait for her to start again. "Ok.. as I was saying, now you have eaten. I think it's best for introductions and explanations, " the Queen says, looking at us all. "Well, you all know who I am, but this beauty here is my mum, Queen Gloriosia," Zoene said as her mum blushed a little. "It's a pleasure to meet you your majesty, my name is Alora and these are my family Kylie, Liam and Poppy" I introduce us to the fairy Queen "there isn't much of a resemblance between you except for Liam and Poppy" Queen Gloriosia said quietly causing me to smile, "we are not blood related except for Poppy and Liam, we grew up together so we see each other as family as we have never known ours" I explain but her frown deepens "where did you grow up together, maybe we can help you find your way back" the Queen now says but I feel lightheaded at her words, shaking my head vigorously no "no, no we can't go back, we are so close to finding our families" I say as I grab Kylie and Liams hands. As we are all thinking the same. "No need to panic, my mum were offering to help you get home safe, when you explain everything mum will understand and we will get you to where you need to be" Zoene says in a gentle voice clearing my mind a little. "Ok it makes sense, sorry your majesty, we meant no disrespect" Liam said apologising for my little outburst, looking at me with a small smile nodding his head a little for me to explain our situation, looking to my left Kylie is also nodding and smiling. I take a deep breath trying to get my thoughts in order "please don't think I'm disrespecting you at all Queen Gloriosia but we didn't know we belonged to a magical world until a few days ago and the moon goddess appeared to us in our dreams and has led us the way but she also said we couldn't blindly trust anyone as this world is dangerous to us as we don't know much" as I looked up to the Queen she looked absolutely shocked and totally confused "we are trustworthy as fairies cannot lie and we are also non violent unless absolutely necessary" Zoene explained making my eyes go wide, ok that's good to know maybe we could trust them fully, my gut isn't telling me any different but it didn't really give off any vibe with the mermaids either, Liam gently squeezes my hand giving me a nod. He did feel off vibes around the mermaid. That was why he went for Poppy hand so he could probably tell the fairies mean us no harm. "Ok, I'll start from the beginning.... we were raised in the human world, raised is probably the wrong word, but that is for another time... We had been wanting to visit the forest for a couple of years but something held us back but recently we decided to finally go.. when we set up camp that first night we were each visited by the moon goddess who told us it was time to return home, she explained what we were and that we were stolen from our families and packs when we were babies" I was interrupted by gasps "wait... hang on... you were stolen." Zoene looked horrified at the notion. "Stolen.. kidnapped... taken...however you want to say it but yeah we all were, Alora being the first, then Kylie than lastly me and my sis but we didn't know we were definitely related until moon goddess told us, we have always treated and protected each other like family tho" Liam explained. Kylie sat there nodding her head in agreement but kept silent. Zoene had tears in her eyes, as did her mum. "We fled and made a home near the forest about 3 years ago, where we stayed until a few days ago. We are searching for our families , and the moon goddess told us we would find answers at the crystal moon pack but needed to get there as soon as possible" I explain rendering Queen Gloriosia and Zoene speechless. A few minutes passed, letting everything sink in until Queen Gloriosia jumped from her chair, looking a little pale and shocked, making me jump. "OH MY... OH MY, " she shouted, not sure what to do with herself until Zoene stood and grabbed her hand to calm her down. "What is it mum, I could see that we have to help and where to go but nothing else, what did I miss" Zoene says with a frown "wait what do you mean SEEN" Kylie asks before I could get there "well I'm a royal Fairy... royals get extra powers or magic. I got the gift of seeing, past... present... and sometimes futures, when we met, I could see where you needed to be, but when you were just explaining about your upbringing, I could see that too, " Zoene explained while her mum calmed down That explains the tears then.
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