
933 Words
Third person POV They were all in the office taking in everything that has been said except Queen Gloriosia was pacing around while murmuring to herself. Poppy has since woken up with Queen Gloriosia raised voice and is currently eating while Kylie fills her in on what has happened since she passed out. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. After finishing all her food, she looked and felt loads better. She thanked the royals while she sat back down squeezed in between Alora and Liam. After some time, Queen Gloriosia sat herself down and asked if the group knew their names. She had a feeling she knew who they were and where they belonged. Alora gave her their names that the moon goddess gave.. Albrun, Rivers, and webster. She also explained that they didn't know who took them and had no clue who their families were but as she said the names the Queen went pale and had tears fall from her eyes, crystal blue tears. "Oh my, I should have put 2 and 2 together when I met you all, but I thought they were dead... I thought YOU were dead, " she says in shock, which confused the group of four but also gave them hope. "What do you mean, mum, who was dead?" Zoene asks while we all stare, waiting for the answer. "I'll start at the beginning, then it will make sense... for years most species lived in peace except a few minor hiccups here and there, we all kept to our own and never overstepped with another species, we Fairies, Elves, witches and warlocks, Dragons and vampires all have royals, we royals serve our people, protecting and guiding them but werewolves have never had royals they have always been split into packs with Alphas and Lunas as leaders. The land was split and made into multiple territories, but some packs were a lot larger than others... 4 to be exact, and over the years, they help all their kind, similar to royals. They gave help and shelter to those who needed it. The 4 packs were both loved and feared. They would join together to discuss packs and problems, meeting at the crystal moon pack as that was a mutual place, and all 4 larger packs were allies with them. The 4 large packs names are::: The Diamond Moon pack The Emerald Moon pack The Jade Moon pack And The Opal Moon pack They all lived in harmony with one another and were undefeated in any battle they faced, which was until almost 18years ago when the child from the Diamond moon pack was taken and murdered. A note was found where that child was laid sleeping, which was said to be left by the Jade moon pack as they wanted more territory and wanted to break the Diamond packs Alpha and Luna. Not long after, the Jade moon pack was hit in the same way when their child was taken and murdered and was said to be revenge from Diamond moon pack. The battles were a constant thing until a few years later the fighting seemed to stop but soon it would start again when the opal moon packs children was taken and murdered then there were 3 packs at war before the battles could get to the Emerald moon pack they sealed their borders and no one was granted access. The Emerald moon packs Alpha and Luna had twin boys and so put the precautions in place to protect them" all around her were wide eyes "so you think we might be their children" Poppy asks with tears on her cheeks. "Yes I've only met the Alphas and Lunas a few times but when I saw you all I should have realised sadley I didn't but when you said your names I know you are for definite" she explains "ok whats special about our names Alora asks getting straight to the point " well the Alpha of The Emerald moon pack is Alpha Chris lightwood.. the Alpha to the Diamond moon pack Alpha is Alpha Vince Albrun" she looked at Alora "the Alpha of the Jade moon pack is Alpha Peter Rivers" turning herself slightly to look at Kylie " and the Alpha of the Opal moon pack is Alpha Nathan Webster" she looked at both Poppy and Liam. All four were now in tears, holding each other at finally learning their dads names and the packs where they belonged. All of them were overjoyed and could finally see their futures in their grasps. "We need to go there," Kylie said excitedly to finally meet her parents. She wondered if she had any siblings and if she had what they would be like. "It is too late to leave now, I know you're excited, but it's too dangerous at night," Queen Gloriosia said, looking around their little group, hoping they would understand. "Ok.. what do we do next? Are we still headed for the crystal moon pack? I want to go home, " Kylie sobs, looking confused around at everyone. "There is a reason you were sent there, I have seen it," Zoene explains. "All the large packs are meeting at the crystal moon pack tomorrow to try and find even ground. Everyone is hoping to stop the fighting. " Zoene goes on to explain further, causing them all to smile. "So tomorrow we will set off first light, I will be taking you there, but we need our strength for the journey," Zoene says, taking them all to their rooms to rest.
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