The fairies

1101 Words
Alora POV We had been talking and laughing as we walked, I noticed Poppy wasn't herself but didn't voice it because she had just been through something terrifying, so it's normal to be quiet. We had all come to a stop and as I was looking around Poppy had walked right into Kylie, she looks drained and scared, so I'm hoping that us stopping means we have reached Zoene home where we can rest. Poppy needs it. "Ok, we are here. Before we enter, there's a few things I need to make clear," Zoene said, and I could see Poppy look so scared at being surrounded by the night. As she was panicking I took her hand hoping having some comfort from me would calm her down, after a few minutes she nodded at Zoene who in return gave a small nod and smile back then carried on talking "Ok normally we don't have any other species enter our territory but I know you need help and you are worthy to come to my home, I've seen it" she explains, her small hand goes up to stop us asking questions "I'll explain another time but for now we must meet my Queen and explain your situation, it is her decision if you can stay" we were all nodding ok but I could feel Poppy hand go clammy and as I looked up at her she was struggling to breath and then she passed out, Liam caught her before she could hit the ground, we all started panicking except Zoene, she asked Liam to lay Poppy on the floor and she would check her over, he was hesitant and when I nodded my head for him to follow what Zoene had asked, he laid her down gently. Zoene did some checks and looked happy, so that could only mean one thing. Good news.. "She is perfectly fine. She must have had a panic attack, probably due to what happened earlier... she hadn't processed anything and added on top that she is tired and probably hungry. She has passed out, she needs rest" my heart felt a little better knowing that Poppy would be fine and looking at Liam and Kylie. They also felt the same. "If you could carry her, we can go meet with my Queen and if all goes well you can all go and rest" Zoene said going forward, moving the low hanging branches to reveal a beautifully lit up village. It was full scale and there was people walking around, maybe she lives with another species, well that was what I thought until we were on their land and the leaves went back into place, hiding this village, that was when Zoene began to grow and her wings dissappeared into her back, she was now as tall as poppy. There were carved wooded cottages scattered everywhere, with the biggest being in the middle. It was magnificent. A very large log cottage with carvings of flowers going up from the ground to the roof. Twinkling lights hung from the trees to each cottage, and wild flowers grew from the ground and were everywhere. It was a gorgeous village all made with nature and a lot of love. Just with how it looked, you could tell the fairies were happy. We all walked through the opening, getting concerning looks and quite a few scared looks, but I smiled, hoping it would help with their fear, showing we are not a threat. We made our way behind Zoene, and as she walked by people, they all smiled and greeted her. She was obviously very well loved. How she has helped us when we needed help the most I can see why they love her. We walked through the village and was headed towards the largest of the cottages where a regal looking woman stood alongside a man at the doorway, she was truly beautiful, long pink and silver hair that reached her hips, she had the brightest green eyes I've ever seen. "That is our Queen, she is the greatest Queen that ever lived, she might be a little weary but please bare with me while I explain" Zoene says and my heart picks up in speed "what if she is angry about us being here" I say worriedly looking from Zoene to Liam carrying Poppy, worry filling me. Me and Kylie grab each others hand for comfort. "She is a kind and loving Queen. She will not hurt you, I promise," she explains as we approach them. As we get nearer, Zoene smiles at the woman when their eyes meet. The womans eyes flood with relief as she rushes to Zoene wrapping her arms around her "Do you know how worried I've been, some of our people came back and said they had helped saved weres with you but you didn't come back, I was just setting up a search party with Arthur, to find you" the woman spoke as she was now checking Zoene for any type of injury, only relaxing properly when she finds non, "It's ok, I'm ok, I've been traveling back with my new friends" she said and it was then that it registered with the Queen that Zoene wasn't by herself causing her to frown at us "why are there weres here... you know the rules," the Queen said with a hint of disappointment at Zoene while not taking her eyes off us. "Please, your majesty, it's our fault... please don't be angry at Zoene... we will leave," I say in a rush as I lowered my eyes to the ground, trying to show we mean no harm. Maybe we should bow or something.. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do in front of a queen. I've definitely never met one, especially not a supernatural one at that. "Please, mum, I've SEEN, and we need to help them it is of the utmost importance," Zoene says, and all our heads snap up at her, MUM... the Queen is her mum, she is the princess to the fairies, as my mind rushed with these thoughts Zoene smiles at our shocked faces "please follow me, there are things we need to discuss... but know if you try to hurt anyone here especially my daughter you will pay the ultimate price by my hands" the Queen said with power as her eyes flickered between green and silver letting us know she means every word and I have no doubt she would keep her word. We all nod yes vigorousl, not wanting to ever piss her off.. EVER.
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