
1572 Words
Alora POV It has been amazing getting to know Veda. She is loving, full of confidence, she knows what she wants and goes for it and mostly she is a horny wolf 'hey I'm not a horny wolf' Veda said making me laugh 'you so are, if you see some strapping wolf walk by your tongue practically hangs out while drooling' I say laughing as she rolls her eyes 'well what should I do' She says suggestively causing me to roll my eyes this time. It's been 2 weeks since we shifted, and we are currently on our way to see Kylie. She is turning 18 tomorrow, and we are going to stay with her for a few days. Dad is dropping me off but only after a lot of talking him around to the idea of me going to another pack and staying there without him, of course he wasn't happy about the idea at all. My emotions are all over the place, I'm full of excitement and nerves. I'm excited to spend time with Kylie, just the two of us. We have talked nonstop about me staying in Kylies room like we always had done. The only thing is, is that Poppy and Liam can't make it as they have their parents anniversary party to go to, they wanted to come to Kylies but Kylie talked them into staying and enjoying their time with their parents, their parents have missed out on their whole upbringing so they said they would go. I could tell they were torn between celebrating Kylies birthday and their parents' anniversary, and I totally understand, I would definitely be feeling the same. I'm hoping to also get to the bottom of why Kylie has not been herself lately. Something is definitely off with her even though she tries to hide it and I'm determined to find out what it is 'WE are going to find out' Veda said with as much determination as I feel. Im also really nervous about going into a new pack.'we will be fine. I'm here and will protect you,' Veda said, causing me to smile. "Everything ok Honey" dad asked pulling me from my thoughts "yeah dad just thinking about Kylie" I answer giving him a small smile "ok anything I can help with" he asks still looking at the road "well... I'm really happy and excited about spending time with her but I'm also worried because I haven't been to another pack before" my dad frowns at that "you have been to another pack, the Crystal moon pack" he said like it was obvious "well I know that dad but it isn't the same, we didn't stay long before we left and we didn't meet the pack" I say smiling as dad realises what I mean "ahh ok makes sense... well, you will be fine, and if you are worried or upset, I will come back and pick you up ok" he said, already making me feel better. Just a few short weeks, and I feel like I've never been away from my family, I couldn't have wished for a better family. "Thanks dad, what if I do the wrong thing" I ask nervously "don't worry too much, you have learned so much in a few weeks that you would normally be brought up knowing so they will understand ok, you will be fine and if anyone is stipid enough to upset you then they will answer to me" he said with growl "ok, thanks dad" I say making him smile. We are pulling up to a waiting Kylie with her parents with big smiles on their faces, Kylie was jumping up and down, clapping her hands when she could see our car. She does make me laugh. She has always been giddy, but it's so nice to see her like this. She hugs her mum before she is bouncing again. We pull up, and I exit the car, I'm already in a fierce hug. I've missed her so much. "I'm so happy you are here my sweet girl, I've missed you so much, what have you been upto, have you met your mate yet, how's Veda, ho-" she rambled on before being cut off by a cough behind us "sorry mum, I got carried away" Kylie laughed hugging her mum again. Dad and Alpha Peter are talking about going to the office before dad leaves while dad grabs my bag from the boot. "Alpha Peter, Luna Sarah, thankyou for having me" I say baring my neck as a sign of respect just how mum showed me but Luna Sarah pulls me into her also giving me a fierce hug. "Now shush, you're my Kylies sister, so that makes you family. It's Peter and Sarah to you.. ok, " she said, making me feel more relaxed at being here. "Thankyou" I say quietly "honey I'm going for a quick meeting with Peter" dad said heading towards the door 'just shout if you need me' he said through our link causing me to giggle and shake my head at him. "Come on," Kylie says, dragging me by my hand towards the house. "we are going to my room, mum," Kylie shouted behind us as we picked up our speed. The pack house is beautiful, but I don't get much chance to look around as we whizz past everything in a blur and heading upstairs. We crash through the door, slamming it behind us. Wow, her room is beautiful, she has her drawings everywhere, that's another thing we have in common. We have both loved drawing since I can remember, we didn't get much chance to draw growing up, but we would sketch on anything we could. Sketches and paintings everywhere, sceneries and portraits. Wolves, flowers, the moon and so much more, some in pencil,some in paints.One drawing in particular caught my eye, it was a beautiful black wolf howling at the moon, it looked so much like Veda " wow" was all I could say, me and Veda was both speechless "Veda is a beautiful wolf isn't she" Kylie whispers from beside me also looking at the beautiful picture. 'Wow is that how she really sees us, tell her thankyou' Veda says full of gratitude "She is and Veda wants me to thank you" I say "I love drawing her" she answers with a smile. We moved over to the bed where we throw ourselves down on it "ok what's it like to shift, I'm a little scared" Kylie asks, I can see worry in her eyes as I take a deep breath, how can I put her at ease but tell her the pain is immense, I think worriedly. She is giving me a few minutes to get my thoughts in order "ok well... the thing is, is that..." "Spit it out already, Alora, " she said, giggling impatiently."ok, so.. it hurts a lot" I say and her face drops "wait let me finish, it hurts so much but after it's over and you are one with your wolf it's amazing" I say taking her hand "it hurts a lot" she repeats looking at our hands 'tell her it's worth it and she can do it, she has got this' Veda said "Kylie look at me... look at me" I say waiting for her eyes to raise up and when they do I carry on "it does hurt but after it is amazing, when you meet your wolf, you feel complete, a sense of love that can't be described and you will always have her, no matter what she will be there to love and protect you always and after the first time shifting it doesn't hurt, ok" I explain and I see the change in her eyes. The hope. "Veda also said that you can do it, you have got this and she is looking forward to meeting your wolf" I say smiling and her mood lifts at that and she tells me all about her life here as I tell her about mine. I can tell she is holding something back, but she changes the subject quickly to Mates... "So you haven't found your mate yet" she asks as I shake my head no "ok that makes sense from what I'm told about mates, what are your feelings on mates" she asks "well I'm not sure to be honest.. it's a weird concept of instantly falling for someone just seeing them at a glance. What if I don't like him? What if he's a d**k?. Werewolves are brought up knowing about mates and how sacred they are but we haven't so I'm not sure if that will make any difference but I will say that I don't want anything less than the best and I won't put up with anyones s**t even my mates" I try to explain while Kylie nods her head in agreement, I've had enough of putting up with how people want to treat me but I'm trying to be stronger now and put me ahead "I agree... I hope that I do find my mate and he will be everything I've ever wished for, but I don't think I can overlook things just because we are destined. I do like the idea of mates, though, " she explained, and I know that with everything that we have been through, we are strong independent women.
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