
2290 Words
Kylie POV It's been 2 weeks since I left my family that I grew up with and joined my family I was taken from. I've settled with them, and I feel loved and more complete, but I'm also feeling so low with Garret, and I don't know why. It's not like I grew up with him or anything. Maybe it's because I grew up not being wanted, and I never wanted to feel this way again. I've been hoping he will get to know me but everytime I enter a room he's in, he leaves and when we are eating he won't even acknowledge me, scoffs down his food and leaves. So far, I've tried to smile at him, but he gives me a disappointing look, which makes me feel like crap. I think Billy is trying to over compensate for Garret because every time he sees me upset after being around Garret, he tries to cheer me up, and he does. He really is funny. I guess I'll have to give him time, but if he would just tell me the problem, I could help. I've been talking daily to Alora, Poppy, and Liam, and they have been great, I've told Liam about Garret and how I'm feeling, and he truly is a great brother. I haven't told the girls because they will just worry. I'm currently sitting on my bed, drawing a picture of my wolf from my dreams. She is beautiful and I can't wait to be joined as one with her. Knock knock... The door opens, and mum is stood there smiling and looking excited. "I have a surprise for you, honey," she said, clapping her hands together. Ok, this has got my curiosity peaked. "Hi mum, what is it?" I ask, smiling at her. Her excitement is contagious. "Well we are going to a party" she said and I'm torn because I'm not really in the party mood and don't want to spoil the mood for the others but I feel like I want to try because I've never been to a party before. My turmoil must show on my face because mum hugs me and sits next to me on the bed. "Honey I know you've been through a lot and now with Garret" this shocks me because I thought I'd hidden it well "has he said something" I asked with hope but she shook her head no sadly "no honey he hasn't said anything about why he's being this way but I have the best news for you that will definitely make you happy" she said but I doubt there's anything she says that will make me happy "well the party we have been invited to is a surprise party for Alora" she said now smiling at me as my heart lifts, this will be the best I've missed her so much that I cry, I cry with happiness that I'm going to see her but mum worries and wraps me in her arms while stroking my hair. "Aww mum I'm so happy I'm going to see Alora, I've missed her so much" I cry more but mum smiles at me "looks like you're going to even happier because Poppy and Liam are also going to be there" and thats it my tears won't stop and I throw my arms around her laughing and crying at the same time. "That is great. When do we go, what do I pack, do I wear a dress or not?" I say, running to my walk-in closet, rummaging through the new clothes mum bought for me. "Take a breath honey, we don't leave until tomorrow," Mum said, laughing. I turn around and I can't help but smile trying to take a deep breath trying to calm myself down "we will be staying there tomorrow night so you will get to spend sometime with them don't forget it's a surprise so no telling Alora" mum said as I nodded and then she left my room "food will be ready in an hour" I heard her shout from outside my room. I threw myself onto my bed, happiness filling me with the thought of spending some time with my family. I calm down for 10 minutes and decide to pack my bag ready for tomorrow. I make my way down to the dining room, and nothing can ruin my happy mood. As I enter, I smile at everyone as I pass them. Garret is sitting next to Mum, so I sit opposite them next to Billy. I would normally have my head down as not wanting to upset Garret more, but not anymore. I smile, and then dad enters the room with Uncle Fred. I stand and run to hug him "dad did you hear, we are going to see Alora, Poppy and Liam tomorrow" I say smiling as he hugged me back "we are princess, I'm going to be in a meeting with the other Alphas while you have sometime with them before we come home" dad said kissing the top of my head before we sit back down. "I want to come too," Billy said, a little disappointed. "we are all going... you, me, Kylie, mum, and Garret, " dad said, causing Billy to smile also. "I will stay here and help with the pack" Garret said, not happy about the plans at all "you will not, not only do you have to go because I said so but it will be a great learning curve at the meeting for becoming an Alpha" dad said with a stern voice "ok" Garret said in a small voice. "You will love Liam, Billy.. he's funny and caring just like you, he always wanted brothers and now he has" I said and Billy nodded at me "he is not our brother and he never will be" Garret shouted making me jump but my anger spikes "he is a damn better brother than you... you have made me cry every day for 2 weeks, and I have no idea why.. you ignore me and give me the cold shoulder whenever we are in the same room, so stay here and don't come because I don't give a s**t anymore. LIAM is my brother, he's protected me more than you can imagine and I will not let you or anyone diminish what he means to me" I shout back before anyone else can say anything "I'll go to my room and get ready to go see MY family, I'll see you all in the morning and I'm sorry if I've upset any of you" I say trying to hold my head up without showing how hurt I am and I hold it at bay until I'm out the room before I let my tears fall. I fell to sleep crying AGAIN. I woke with a raging head ache to mum knocking on the door "honey we will be leaving soon, are you ok we didn't see you at breakfast" and as I look at my clock it's already 12:39pm wow I must have been tired "honey are you ok, can I come in" she asked "of course, sorry I overlaid" I said as she made her way towards the bed. "I came last night, but you were asleep. How are you?" she asks sheepishly, but I know it wasn't her fault that Garret is acting the way he is. "I'm fine, I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted that way" I say feeling guilty "don't apologise, you did nothing wrong, your dad has had words with Garret and he is upset because the Alpha position is rightfully yours as you are our first born" she explains but I don't want that, I hadn't even thought about that at all "that doesn't excuse his behaviour at all, I've never even thought about that I've always just wanted to get close to you all and that's it" I explain feeling even angrier because he has made me feel shitty for 2 weeks because he thought I threatened his Alpha position what a dickhead. "Your right it doesn't and dad has told him straight about how he has upset you but I want you to know we all love you ok" she said tucking some of my hair behind my ear "I know mum thankyou and I love you all also" I said and we hugged. "Ok, it's time for food, I'll wait downstairs for you," she smiled and walked out. I got up and decided on a shower to see if it makes me feel better, as I walked past my mirror I notice my bed head look, my eyes are puffy from crying and my hair is all over the place, I quickly shower and dress in my black jeans and white t-shirt before heading downstairs. It works a little bit. I feel better except for the head ache that is still there, but I'm sure it will go once I have breakfast. We eat in silence and I'm happy with that. It's always yummy food at every meal, and there is always so much of it. Apparently, werewolves eat so much more food than any other species. After we had finished eating me and Mum went to my room, Mum said it would be easier to get ready for the party before we left. I just apply a little lip gloss and change into my green summer dress and cardigan. "How does this look? Should I try on my other dress?" I ask mum while looking at my black flowy dress laid on the bed. "Honey, you look beautiful. You should leave this one on," she said, smiling, but I'm nervous. "Are you sure... I've never been to a party before, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to wear, " I say, biting my lower lip. But she just shakes her head smiling at me "my sweet Kylie, you could wear a sack and still look beautiful plus I don't think Alora would care if you went in a sack or dress as long as you are there" I agree, Alora really wouldn't be bothered just as long as I'm there "thank you mum" I say giving her a hug "for everything" "come on lets go" she says squeezing me a little bit before letting go. I've got my bag packed already, so I just need to pop my toothbrush in the top, and we are heading out the door. We meet my dad and brothers at the front door and head out to the car with our bags. I'm so excited my stomach has 1000s of butterflies fluttering. Dad has left Uncle Fred in charge of the pack until we come back. Apparently, that was one of the jobs the Beta takes on. I've still got lots to learn about pack life, and I'm determined to learn everything before I get my beautiful wolf. I'm sat in the back of the car with Billy in the middle and Garret on the other side, I've not spoken to him at all, and I won't until he apologises. I might be a pushover most of the time, but when it concerns my family, I can be strong-willed. I know that Garret is my family too but that doesn't give him the right to say horrible things about my extended family, I won't allow anyone to hurt them in anyway even if they are not here to hear it. I sat in the back talking to Billy, telling him about Alora, Poppy, and Liam. About how great they all are. How Alora is strong, loving, and beautiful and how sweet and beautiful Poppy is and how Liam is a protector always looking after all of us. I know they would love my family as if they were their own. We talk and laugh the whole way there, and I'm having a great time. Before we know it, we are pulling up to Alora's pack. we are taken in and to a room where we will wait to surprise Alora. As I walk in, I see Liam dressed in dark jeans and a shirt talking to his dad and Poppy, wearing a baby pink dress, sitting next to her mum talking. They both look up as we enter, and I'm already crying as we run to each other. "I've missed you both so much." I cry as we hug. We are stood hugging, for I don't know how long before there's a small cough behind us. "Guys.. this handsome boy is my brother, Billy" I introduce my brother who hasn't taken his eyes off poppy and looking at her, she is the same with blush spreading on her face, ok that is interesting. Liam soon realises and stands in front of Poppy "hey I'm Liam," he says, trying to get Billy attention on him, and I burst out laughing as Billy is still trying to look around him. We all start chatting, and I also introduce them to Garret, but I can tell that even though Liam is being friendly, he's pissed but he knows that what I told him was between the two of us. After some time of catching up on everything, we were asked to go to the room where Alora is at, and I'm beyond happy. We walk in, and Alora is beyond surprised as we all run into a group hug. Crying, hugging, and laughing. Our night went by in a blur. We were all eating , talking, laughing, and dancing all night. It was the best night I've ever had and the best first party. The night ended as we watched Alora shift into a beautiful black wolf.
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