kylies bday

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Kylie POV I've had a great time with Alora. Yesterday, we got caught up on what has been happening with us both. I will need to talk to her about Garret soon because I can tell she has picked up on me hiding something from her, I hate doing it but I don't want her to worry about me, she has been worrying about us for as long as I can remember and I think she deserves to be like all the other carefree teenagers, even for a while. I've still not spoken to Garret, and he keeps avoiding me, which I couldn't care less about until he's apologised. Whatever dad said to him must have worked. After we had food, we had a film marathon most of the night, eating junk. Billy joined us for a couple of films before heading for bed, so that was nice. They both seemed to get along and had a laugh. We headed to bed about 2am, and I fell to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I wake up with Alora bouncing on the bed singing happy birthday. noo, I groan and turn over, wanting some more sleep. "noooo chance, birthday girl," Alora laughed as I felt her weight on me as she started tickling me. Not being able to stand it anymore, I squealed and jumped from the bed. "Ok. Ok, I'm up, " I said, keeping a close eye on Alora in case she tried tickling me again. The sleep was now gone. She grabs a present wrapped in colourful paper, from her bag. My excitement is through the roof. we have always tried to get each other presents but I wasn't expecting one. "Happy birthday, beautiful," she says, handing me the big colourful box "Thankyou I'm sure it's great because it's off you," I say, giving her a hug. I rip open the paper, and there are 3 individually wrapped presents. I pick up the smallest of the presents first, "that is from Liam and Poppy," she said, making my eyes water. I opened it, and there inside was a beautiful rope bracelet with a gold head of a wolf dangling from it. Wow. "I love it" I say with tears streaming putting it on my wrist "Liam asked me to tell you that it is magically cast so if you have to shift it won't break" I'm speechless and just keep staring at it "ok mine are next, come on, come on" she says impatiently making me smile and pick up the next present. I opened it, and it was a photo in a frame of all 4 of us, taken on the night of Aloras party. "Oh my, I love it," crying again at how thoughtful my little family is. "I'm so happy you like it," she said, smiling at me. How could I not like it? It has my favourite people on it. I put it on my bedside table. We hug, and it feels like home. It always feels like home no matter where we are. I really have missed her so much. "Ok, last one," she said, pulling away "ok" I laugh, grabbing the last one. It's bigger than the others and softer. I rip it open and burst out laughing. A full-on belly laugh. This is amazing. It's a colourful, fluffy unicorn jumper. "Thank you, it's amazing." she knows how much I love anything mythical and magical, even before we knew what we were. Except mermaids, they are not what I always imagined they would be. "I knew you would love it," she said, laughing at my reaction "ok I'm going to get dressed," I said in a rush, going into my walk-in closet. I grab clean underwear, black ripped jeans, and tank top. I shove everything on as quickly as possible so I could put my new jumper on. It was super soft, and the best thing on it was that the unicorn horn was stuck out. I walk from my closet with a strut showing off my new jumper while Alora laughed. She also got dressed, and we headed for breakfast. I can't wait for Janey to be here. Today. Today, we become one. **** Bing bing *** group text** Liam: Happy 18th birthday, oldie? Poppy: Happy birthday Ky, hope u have a fab day?? Kylie: haha Thankyou both for my present. I love it and less of the oldie ? Alora: Yeah, I'm the same age cheeky? Liam: ok, I take it back, but only because it's your birthday x Alora: (sent a picture of Kylie in her new jumper) Poppy: I LOVE IT ? Liam: Yeah, you're defo not old wearing that? Kylie: Leave my new jumper alone ?? Poppy: What are your plans 4 today x Alora: we are going for breaky now x Kylie: Yeah, I'm hungry. My tummy is growling ? Alora: it's rate loud!! Liam: ok, we have to go. Mum is shouting us, love u x Poppy: I'll text again later. I hope u have a great day, love u xx Alora: Love u xx Kylie: Thank you. I'll speak to u both later. Love u xx ***end of group text*** "I miss them so much, but I'm so happy to see how happy and settled they are," I say as me and Alora lock arms while we go down the stairs. "Same here, especially how far Poppy has come along," she replied. "I'm so proud of them both, of all of us, actually." I look at Alora smiling. It's strange to see how much we have all adapted to everything, our families, being werewolves, magical beings, and living in a magical world. We have all been training so we can defend ourselves, but I'm hoping we never have to. I know Alora has been training with Veda, and she said it's the best. Veda is so fierce and is great at fighting in her form. Alora is also getting really good at her training. Well, we all are, but apparently, it's because of our Alpha blood. I walk into the dining room and jump so much when everyone in there shouts, "Happy birthday." I get hugs from all my family, except Garret, but I won't let that upset me, not today. The pack members also wish me a happy birthday with smiles. They are the best all of them. I see Alora giving Garret a suspicious look, but I pull her with me to sit with Billy at his table. I don't want to be sat near Garret, especially today, because I don't want my mood spoiling. Mum and dad look a little disappointed, but I know they understand why, and they smile at me, trying to reassure me. Mum makes her way to us bending down to whisper in my ear "ok my Angel, I expect to see you in an hour in the living room" before kissing my cheek and going back to her seat. I see her give Garret a chastising look before going back to her food. "So gorgeous.. how's it going? " One of the lads, an older looking one, at the table asks Alora, causing her to choke on her orange juice. Billy elbows him in his side in a warning but the lad doesn't look fazed "what..2 beautiful girls sit at our table and I can't try my luck" he said this time wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at us, what a d**k head. An almighty growl shakes the room, and I know instantly who it is. Dad. The whole room went silent "You dare speak about my daughter that way, not only my angel but our guest, Alpha Vinces daughter" dad was fuming and the lad paled getting to his feet and baring his neck to my dad. "I'm sorry A..Alpha" he trembled "you will keep your eyes and filthy comments away from them both, in fact you can show more respect to each and every female you meet, do I make myself clear" dad growled out at the lad nodded yes before dad growled again and he ran out. Dad sat back down, but I could tell he was still mad, only relaxing when Mum put her hand on his arm. Since I've returned, he has been really over protective, I love him for it because it's nice, but I need to stand up for myself sometimes too. Everyone gets back to chatting and eating like nothing happened. "That showed that arrogant d**k. He's always the same. glad dad put him in his place. " Billy laughed, causing the rest of the table to laugh along with him. We finish our breakfast and go off to find mum and dad in the living room. "So are you going to tell me about Garret?" Alora asks me, but I shake my head no "later" I say, and thankfull she lets it drop. "Happy birthday, angel," dad said as we walked through the door, picking me up in a bone crushing hug, spinning me around. Mums next on the hug before turning me around to a pile of presents. I open the first one, and it's a beautiful dream catcher. I've got the perfect place for it in my bedroom. These are beautiful and I've always wanted one. I open the rest, and I have a pile of art supplies and sketch books, some clothing, and chocolate cake. YUMMY. Today is the best. All day, me and Alora chilled out, waiting for the time I get to shift. We've played board games, gone on walks, and helped out at the pack creche and hospital(not that there was much to do). Literally anything to keep time going. It was now 11.49pm, and me, Alora, and mum were sat waiting in a clearing ready for midnight. "Remember what we told you, ok" mum said looking worried but I take her hand in mine "I'm fine honestly" I say but jump when I heard a sweet voice in my head 'hello, Kylie' I heard the familiar voice in my head 'Janey' I say back in my head 'yes finally I'm here' she yipped giddily. 'it's almost time,' she said quietly. Here we go... I feel a dull aching everywhere, but it climbs to an itchy pain, but then I'm in so much pain that I could scream, and before long, that was exactly what I was doing. My whole body felt like it was on fire, breaking, and shattering into tiny pieces for what felt like days until it finally stopped. Opening my eyes, everything was so clear, I could see all the minute details of everything around me. smell everything around me, hear everything around me also and there sat infront of me was my mum and Alora. With tears streaming down their faces. Wow, this is crazy. 'Welcome home, Janey,' I say in my mind.
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