The Alphas

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The four Alphas have agreed to stay in their rooms until the meeting. They are all pacing in their rooms with their Lunas, trying to keep them calm, well, as calm as possible. They are all angry at the other, but they also know that they can't keep going to battle with one another. **** Alpha Vince POV I'm currently sitting in our room with my beautiful mate, Yara. I loved her as soon as I met her when we were both younger. She was a part of my pack. My father was Alpha, a very kind and caring Alpha, and he passed the Alpha title onto me when I turned 18 years old. I hope my Yara was my mate from me being 10 years old and was elated when she turned out to be mine. She is such a kind, caring person, a true mate, and Luna. When we had our firstborn, we felt like the most luckiest weres to live. The moon goddess blessed with the most beautiful of babies to be born. She had the blackest of hair and bluest of eyes. Always a calm and happy baby and holding her for the first time filled my heart to the brim. We had given her a bath and fed her before putting her in her crib, just our normal routine. I had no idea that would be the last time I'd see my beautiful daughter. When we came to check on her, she was gone.. gone... my heart stopped. When our sweet Alora was taken, I had hopes of finding her the night she was taken. I wouldn't have stopped looking for her. I was just leaving our territory to head to The Jade moon pack, following the note but I felt the connection break bringing me to my knees screaming in anguish and hearing my beautiful mates scream and cries come from the pack house, I knew she had also felt our sweet girl die. I ran back to her, not wanting her to be alone. My heart broke feeling my baby die, but when I had to console my mate, my heart shattered more than I felt possible. That was 18 years ago... it took years for us to come to terms with knowing we would never see our sweet girl ever again. By that point we were at war with The Jade moon pack how could they kill our girl but then accuse us of ever doing that same thing was beyond us, we would never hurt any child even that of our enemy. We have had 3 pups since then, and we have come to realise that the war is damaging our living children, and so it needs to end. We agreed to this meeting, but it's so hard for me to keep my anger and also my wolf Zeek at bay. We want nothing more to kill the bastards that killed our pup and almost destroyed us. "Please calm down, love. we need to do this for Jeremy, connor, and callum. We will always keep our sweet baby girl tucked in our hearts," the sweet voice of my mate pulls me in from my anger. "I know Yara but it's so hard to keep level headed especially being in the same place as those bastards" I say 'those fuckers will die' Zeek says but I have to shut him in the back of my mind because his anger is feeding mine. Knock.. knock... I opened the door, and the omega stood there cowers away from me before Yara put her hand on my arm, calming me down. I know when I'm this angry, my Alpha aura seeps from me. "Excuse me.. Alpha.. Vince... Alpha James has requested.. you both to his office," the omega gulped. Looking at my watch, "It's not time for the meeting yet," I say while the omega bows lower because my tone "he.. he asked me to collect you and to tell you that it's important, " she says quietly, causing me to frown. "Fine lead the way," I say gruffly, slipping Yara hand in mine, leading her out of the room following the omega. **** Alpha peter POV That bastard pretended to be my friend all to blame me for their daughters death, which broke me, to think he would think I'm capable of such a henious act... killing a baby even when we have our own, I'd never make someone go through the heartbreak that we have been through for the last 18 years almost. For that bastard to then kill our baby girl out of revenge... my angel.. I hate the thought that I'm in the same place as them, the ones responsible for destroying us almost. They took our hearts and trampled on them. The pain was indescribable, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially them. If it wasn't for my beautiful mate, Sarah sat on my knee now. I'd be hunting them down. We haven't been the same since our sweet Kylie had died a piece of our hearts have been missing since, a gaping hole left in its place. We have decided to end the war with them for our pups. In a few years, Garret will be taking over the Alpha position, and I don't want him to have to deal with this. Having our boys had peiced us back together and that is why we need to do this. "Honey... do you think we will be ok? " Sarah asked worriedly. "Of course.. I'll always keep you safe, forever," I say as I know why she is worried. Both other packs think we had killed their pups. I'd die before I let any of them near my precious mate. Knock... knock... Looking at the clock, it's too early for the meeting. "I'll get it, love," Sarah said, heading to the door. She opened the door, and there stood a male, causing me to growl. I know he's an omega, and he means no threat, but Kuni, my wolf, hates any male near our mate. Well, we both don't. 'Shh, love your scaring him,' Sarah said in our link. "Is everything ok?" she asks him, but he is afraid to speak to her because I growled, so I give him a small nod "yes Luna Sarah. Alpha James has asked me to bring you both to his office" he says quietly not looking at her "what is this about, it's not time for the meeting yet" I say "I understand sir but Alpha James said it was very important and couldn't wait" he said so I nod walking to the door. We head out, and I'm very curious what this is about. **** Alpha Nathan POV I hate the thought of being in the same building as those. They caused us so much hurt, and I hate them for it.. If it was up to me, they would be dead as soon as I see them. I'll never forgive them for taking our babies from us. Our pups were sleeping soundly, and those bastards killed them. My mate Diana hasn't been fully happy ever since the day our pups had been murdered. I'd spent years being good friends with them and I was shocked to think any of them would believe the other would do anything as monstrous but then my pups were killed the same way and the evidence pointed to them. How could they inflict that kind of pain on us. I had total faith that none of them had done any of them acts, but the evidence doesn't lie. The only reason we are here is because Diana had begged me. We struggled to have our pups, and since they have been gone, we haven't had luck on our side to be blessed with any pups. Our Liam and Poppy were are only blessings. We have no heirs to take on our pack, and we need peace because we are not getting any younger. I need to put my packs safety first. As much as I need their blood, I need to save my pack. Diana is a great Luna and has put our pack first above her revenge. She is always cooking for our pack and caring for the pups. She misses our babies so much. She is such a strong she-wolf and amazes me every day. It had taken her a while to get to that point. She was in a dark place for a long time. I'm only agreeing to peace for her, not them, never them... Knock... knock... Diana answered the door, and there stood an omega. Diana smiled at her, putting her at ease straight away. "Hi sweet, is there a problem!! We are not scheduled for another hour for the meeting, " Diana asked. "Hi Luna Diana, Alpha James has requested your presence at his office. Please follow me," she said quietly, and Diana smiled back at me, holding out her hand for mine "the sooner we deal with this, the sooner we can return home, " she said to me, smiling. We headed out to get this out the way, I'm just hoping to keep my anger at bay.... **** Alpha Chris POV I'll be glad to get this out the way, and if I'm honest, I'll be beyond happy to have peace amongst our packs. I don't think it will ever be how it used to be, but not having war raging is good for all involved. I'm really nervous that I've brought my mate Caria with me because the other Alphas have, and if I'm telling the truth, Caria wouldn't let me leave her behind. She has missed Diana, Sarah, and Yara. They were so close, just as us four Alphas were. Knock... knock... The knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts as Caria came out of the bathroom heading for the door. "Excuse me Luna, Alpha James has requested for you to meet at his office" the omega said politely "whats this about" I asked joining them at the door "I have not been told Alpha, just that something important has come up and you are needed" he said looking at the floor. "Ok, let's go," I said, holding out my hand for my Caria as we headed out.
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