The Crystal moon pack

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Alora POV I swear this world is so dangerous, first Poppy and now Kylie. For now, she has fallen to sleep in Francis arms. He seems comfortable carrying her, and she needs the rest. loosing blood and the pain, it really has taken it out of her. Seeing that massive angry wolf lunge at us scared the life out me but seeing its sharp teeth sunk into Kylies flesh, ripping the shoulder and upper arm open as it shook her and flung her away only to go for Kylie again until Francis sword sliced through its neck. I have no idea where the sword came from, but I'm glad he had it. I shivered at the thought. Why would it attack us? we did nothing wrong. "Thank you, Francis... you saved us back there" I said but he just shook his head "if it wasn't for Liam she would have already been dead" Francis explained looking at Liam "both of you saved us" I said smiling at them both "why did it attack us tho, I don't understand" I asked still confused looking at Francis for answers but it was Zoene that explained "that wolf was a rogue, most rogues are wild beings just like that one, but not all rogues are.. some are calculated and evil but not wild" but now I have more questions "ok so that was a rogue but how can you tell" I ask "well that was a wild one because of the red eyes... when a wolf goes rogue, they don't look different but smell different like a burning smell. The wild rogues are normally the ones that lose their mate and have nothing else to live for. They go insane letting the animalistic side take over until they disappear.. never changing back and loosing all humanity, they get blood thirsty but it's too late for them as they never come back from that" as she is explaining the difference, her eyes go a shade darker green. She must be mind linking at the minute, and it's confirmed when I look at Francis and his eyes are a lot darker also. He also gave a subtle nod before his eyes returned to their normal shade. "We are close it's time to wake Kylie," Zoene said, looking at us all with a little bit of worry in her eyes, Francis wakes Kylie gently so as not to cause her pain. She winced as she shifted and still looked pale. "It's time to wake Kylie. We are here," Liam said as she nodded that she was awake. Wolves started appearing from around the trees. All forming a line. "We wish to speak to the Alpha," Zoene says loud and clear with her head held high. Francis stood Kylie next to Poppy, and Liam stood in front of them slightly, and Francis stood next to Zoene. He takes protecting his future Queen very seriously. "There is not a chance today.. Alphas orders, " a man said, walking out with some shorts on and nothing else. He was tall with brown short hair greying a little on the sides. "We have urgent business, and I would like a meeting now without delay," Zoene said again with confidence, but the man didn't like it, but looking at Zoene's face, she didn't give a s**t. "You will not demand anything of my Alpha," he spat, enraged at the cheek of the girl in front of him. "I'm Zoene princess of the Fairies.. daughter of Queen Gloriosia and I have an urgent matter to discuss with your Alpha and also the other Alphas in attendance here today" She says but they don't budge and instead of showing the princess respect the wolves shook their heads and the man snickered and looked at her in complete disbelief "we would know if you were because we would smell it, don't take us for fools" the man explained as if we were completely crazy. She rummaged in her bag. "Got it," she shouted as she pulled out a spray bottle, similar to the scent hiding potion, except that one was clear and this one was yellow. She spritz us all with it, and within seconds, his nose twitched a little. "How can I know you are not using magic to trick us... Fairy?" he said, unsure. "I can assure you I am not, and I would watch your disrespect towards me," she said with her eyes now glowing, which caused him to falter. "I apologise, your highness," he said, now looking sheepish as his eyes glassed over. "There is no need to apologies, we all had our scents hidden for our journey" she said with a look of understanding why he doubted us but still pissed he disrespected her and accused her of lying. "The Alpha has asked me to accompany you all to his office," he now said and started walking away. We followed and wow... walking past the trees, we enter a small village, houses are scattered about, and a huge house that looked to be 6 stories high and surrounded by beautiful gardens, the little houses matched the huge house. All around us, people and wolves walked around going about their day. It all looked lovely. This wasn't what I was expecting when I thought of packs... We entered the big house, me and Poppy were helping Kylie as Liam walked in front of us with Francis and Zoene. My nerves are through the roof. The sooner we get this out way the better, looking at Kylie I can see she is trying to look strong but the pain in her eyes gives her away plus she is very pale, she needs help and rest. We get to a big oak heavy door, the man knocks, and a gruff voice shouts "enter" as he opens the door to enter. We are ushered into the room that is an office with bookshelves heaving with books and files. A big desk is set near a window over looking the woods, and a big man is sat behind the desk looking through some papers. "Alpha James, these are the guests that were at the border," the man says, bowing his head slightly. "Hello Alpha, my name is Princess Zoene, I'm the daughter of Queen Gloriosia," Zoene says, clear as the Alpha lifts his head to look at us. "How can I help you, princess Zoene, we don't normally get fairy guests at our pack," he asks, not sparing the rest of us a glance. "I've come here helping my new found friends return to where they belong" she says but as he looks at us he frowns "I'm sorry but they do not belong to my pack" he said confused but Zoene smiles as we all stand quiet not sure what to say as we have never met an Alpha before. "I already know that, if you wouldn't mind asking your man to step out so I can explain further" she smiles at him but he is getting frustrated "well then what is the meaning of this then" he says sharply. The man who had brought us here is now bowed more shaking slightly, but I'm not sure why. The Alpha doesn't look happy at all. "I have brought my friends here but not for you, Alpha, for the visiting Alphas, but I can not explain with your man in the room," Zoene says, still smiling. The Alpha slams his hands down on the desk and stands as his temper gets the better of him. Liam stands in front of us, and Francis is standing ready for any kind of attack. But when we don't move, he sits back down and sends the man out. "I will excuse your outburst Alpha" Zoene says putting her hand on Francis arm to tell him to stand down "I understand this isn't like you but I know it must be hard for you Alpha having the visiting Alphas in your pack especially while they are at war" Zoene says full of understanding. When Alpha doesn't respond the next thing Zoene says makes the Alphas head snap upto her "what I have got to say will bring peace to them all" now all his attention is on her, she really knows how to use her royalness when she needs to. "I'm listening" Alpha James said full of curiosity "the reason this war started was because their children, what would you say if I told you they were stolen and are now trying to get home" she finished looking at the four of us smiling, I smile back and look at the Alpha who was sat there frowning "I don't understand... they were taken and murdered" he said quietly so I stepped forward "hello Alpha, we were all dropped on the steps of an orphanage of sorts in the human world, we found our way back here with the help of the moon goddess... we didn't know about werewolves, fairies, or any other supernatural beings until a few days ago.. we didn't even have a surname until the moon goddess visited us and told us who we are and where we belonged" I explained while he looked at all four of us finally, his eyes lingering on Kylie "please take a seat miss... I'll call our pack doctor" we helped her sit in a chair opposite the Alpha as I knelt beside her, worried. "Can I ask your names" he asked looking at us, I nodded yes "of course my name is Alora Albrun and this beauty here is Kylie Rivers" I say rubbing my hand on Kylies good arm. Liam straightens himself as Poppy walks back to him "my name is Liam and this is my sister Poppy our surname is Webster" the Alphas eyes were bulging now but after the shock settles in recognition also sets in "now I'm looking at you all it does make sense. We must call your parents" he said now excited "you won't remember me but I held you when you were all babies, I'm good friends with your parents, I can't wait to tell them" he said laughing causing us all to smile. His eyes glaze over for a few minutes. "I've sent some of my pack to collect them from their rooms" he said standing and coming around his desk towards us before kneeling infront of Kylie with concern "don't worry child the doctor is also on his way" he said putting his hand on her forehead with a frown "what happened" he asks with concern "a rogue, Francis slayed it and I healed her the best I could" Zoene explained and is also frowning. Knock... knock...
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