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Third person POV Alpha James has stepped outside the office to wait for the Alpha couples. He's in shock and also full of nerves at how to tell them, how can he say that the pups they have all mourned for years is actually alive and is stood on the other side of the door. In the office, the pack Dr is helping Kylie. They are all nervous at what the reunion will be like, will they all be accepted. Behind the door stood Alpha James stood with his hand running through his hair, trying to get his thoughts in order. When he was interrupted by shouting and a scuffle. He opened up the office door. "Don't come out no matter what happens. Wait for me to come back," he said as they all nodded, and then he left again. He ran down the corridor towards the noise. There they were, the 4 Alphas all arguing while their Lunas were standing, trying to calm them down. "THAT IS ENOUGH, THIS IS MY PACK AND I WON'T HAVE MY HOME TREATED THIS WAY," Alpha James shouted his voice booming over them all. They all shut up looking at James as they have never seen this side to him before as his mate Gina has joined him, holding his hand. "Now that you are all quiet I have something to say and I'd appreciate no interruptions" he said looking at them all and with all of them feeling guilty at treating a friends hospitality so poorly, they nodded for him to carry on. "Ok, I have guests in my office, and even though we hadn't expected them... at all, they are here, they are oh my goddess.. they are amazing," he said, choked up with tears in his eyes, causing his friends concern. Taking a few deep breaths, he carried on explaining, "The moon goddess herself has led them here, led them home." "What do you mean love, who is it?" his mate Gina asked, confused."Well, there's a few things I need to explain before I get to that," he said, looking lovingly at her as she smiled at him. "Ok, they knew nothing of who they were or where they belonged until a few days ago, now they are here it's going to be a massive change for them and will need time to adjust..." "ok, why are you telling us this?" Alpha Chris asked as confused as the rest of them. "Because... I'm not sure what to say or how to say it..." james said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Just say it.." Vince said. "They are your pups" he said but they looked confused "they are at home, I'm not sure what or who you are talking about but our pups are at home" Alpha Peter said pissed at talking about his pups around the bastards that murdered his first born. "They are... I'm talking about Alora, Kylie, Liam, and Poppy. They are in my office. They were stolen and taken to the human world. They are here,.. I know it a lot to take in, but it's true," he says as the Lunas clung to their mates."Why would you say that... they are not.. I felt it, she is gone, " Vince shouted while hugging his sobbing mate." Please, please, please Vince... I need to see for myself, " Yara said quietly, looking up to Vince, and it was a losing battle, so he agreed. "Ok, take us to her," Vince said, sure it wasn't his girl. "I will but there was a problem on the way here, the princess of the fairies has helped them but Kylie was injured by a rogue, my Dr is helping her now" Sarah sobbed more but said she also wanted to see for herself. They all made their way to the office, all thinking it was just impostors, but deep down, hoped it was their pups. Alpha James opened the door and popped his head in asking if they were ready. When they all nodded, he opened the door wide. He stepped through with Gina, who gasped at seeing them but moved to the side so the others could enter. First in was Vince confident that he wasn't meeting his daughter but as soon as he looked at them all, his eyes landed on Alora and he whispered her name and when his mate looked round him she sobbed and said her daughters name in disbelief but flew into the room to grasp onto Alora sobbing and Vinced wrapped them both in his arms sobbing. Peter and Sarah stood shocked but soon when their eyes landed on Kylie sat in the chair wounded, Sarah screamed her daughters name and rushed to hold her, she knelt in front of her looking at her injured arm and shoulder crying "my sweet girl, I thought you were gone" she sobbed as she held kylie carefully in her arms, finally holding her baby in her arms she cried more. Peter moved in next to her, wrapping them both in his arms also sobbing. Last ones to enter looked at the others in shock before their eyes met Liam and Poppy stood still but their mums eyes took them in she flew to them both screaming for them holding them close, with their dad following her all sobbing. In the corner stood Francis and Zoene. She was wiping her weeping eyes. Over the other side of the room stood James holding his sobbing mate. Today was a very good day...
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