the meeting room

1376 Words
Third person POV All parents were in shock. They seem to be taking the news well, but they are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that they are reunited with their pups. The pups they have mourned for, for years. They all have the same question... HOW!!!. "Ok, before we get started, I'd like to introduce myself and my mate properly... my name is Alpha James and my mates name is Gina, this is our pack and have been friends with your parents for as long as I can remember.. we had all grown up together. " james introduced himself, looking around at the 4 newcomers who all smiled in return. "Could I ask something" Alora asked "of course" Alpha James said nodding, "well I've always dreamed of knowing my parents, it's silly in the aspect of things but I'd love to know my mums name" Alora said in a rush a little embarrassed, now looking at her mum who was smiling "of course darling you can ask us anything... my name is Yara, you are my first born, and I've loved you since you were safely growing my belly, " she said as Alora wrapped her arms around her, hugging her."Wait... first born" Alora asks "yes you have brothers, Jeremy, connor and callum" Luna Yara explained but looking at Aloras face looking a little unsure, she panicked and quickly carried on "we never replaced you, we always had you in our heart" she said with tears coming from her eyes at thinking she had upset Alora. "Please don't be upset. I was just processing everything, I can't wait to meet them... Liam, we have more brothers, isn't that great? You always wished there were more boys, " Alora said excitedly, laughing and crying at the same time. She stood up and was so excited that she ran to Liam and hugged him. He had always wished to have a brother. As they hugged, both Kylie and Poppy also joined the hug. "So you're happy?" Alpha Vince asked, looking astonished at the young pups. "Of course, how could I not be?" Alora answered, going back to her parents hugging them also. "We want to know the same as Alora" Poppy asked with hopeful eyes "oh my sweet girl, we couldn't have anymore pups" her mum said with tears in her eyes "it's ok mum, you have us" Poppy said as she hugged her mum "I never thought I'd get to hear that" she was now sobbing hugging both her pups "I'm so happy we found you both" Liam said. Kylie looked around, and her eyes landed on her parents. "Do I also have siblings?" "Yes, my darling 2 brothers Garret and Billy," all 4 of them were beyond happy. "I have a few questions," Luna Yara said quietly "ok go ahead," Alpha James said, nodding to carry on. "I'm not sure what to ask first," she said, taking a few minutes to order her thoughts. "Where have you been all these years, I felt our bond sever" she asked with tears in her eyes at going through old memories "maybe if I tell you everything from the beginning it might be easier to understand" Alora says looking around the table for confirmation. When everyone nodded, she started... "Ok, well, we all were abandoned at the same place where it wasn't the best, but we had each other. We fled there after an incident about 4 years ago. We found ourselves a shack in the woods, and we all found jobs so we could eat. We settled in the cute little village just outside the forest. It's always pulled us to the forest, but we waited until Liam and Poppy were older, so they too could enjoy it. We decided to finally venture out into the forest a few days ago.We set up camp and was visited in our dreams by the moon goddess who explained who she was and that we were werewolves and we were taken from our families, that you all thought we were dead especially when we were taken beyond the barrier. We were to get to the crystal moon pack. The first day... after hours of walking, we came across mermaids," she explained, looking at Poppy, who had tears in her eyes. "We didn't know about mermaids, and so they almost had gotten Poppy, and that's when Zoene helped save her," smiling at Zoene as Poppys dad growled fuming that his daughter was in danger. "Zoene took us to her territory where Queen Gloriosia realised who we were and gave us shelter and food. Then today we travelled here when a rogue attacked, and Liam and Francis saved Kylie, and Zoene helped heal her wound. That brings us to here... now, " Alora finished, but she knew more questions were coming. "Thank you both for saving our daughter," Alpha Peter said, looking between Francis and Liam "and also Thankyou for helping to heal her, Princess Zoene." She smiled and nodded her head to him as did Francis "she is my sister I'd give my life for any of them" Liam said and everyones heads snapped to him in shock, except Alora, Kylie and Poppy. "That wasn't what I was expecting to hear, but I'm glad," Alpha Peter said. "Darling... what did you mean by 'not the best' and what 'incident' made you leave? " Luna Yara asked with concern and worry. "It's in the past now. It doesn't matter," Alora said, looking anywhere but at her mum, not wanting to say it out loud. "It does matter, please," Luna Yara said, holding Aloras' hand on top of the table. "We were beaten and starved at the place we were abandoned. We were slaves cooking cleaning, looking after other kids, the... the incident..." Liam said but couldn't get the words out about the incident he shook his head and put his head in his hands. Kylie looked at all 3 of them, seeing them struggling to find the words she took a deep breath. "The people who were supposed to have cared for us were Sid and Sally. They were drunk most of the time, but then when we were 14 years old... Sid was drunk and tried to... to do stuff, horrid stuff to Alora, so we left," Kylie said with all 4 of them now with tears streaming. The room was in chaos, the women were sobbing, and the men were fuming growling and clenching their eyes and fists, trying to stop their wolves coming out. "I'll kill that slimy bastard," Alpha Vince growled at the thought of what his daughter had endured. "Please stop... I'm ok. I'm safe here, and it's the safest I've ever felt, dad, " Alora said, putting her hand on her dads arm, causing him to snap his head at her, with his eyes wide open. Alora retracted her hand, thinking she had done something wrong and put her head down. "Did you just call me dad?" he asked quietly, now smiling with his anger gone. This time, Aloras' head snapped up at her smiling dad. "Yes of course, you are my dad and I'd always dreamed of having parents if it's too soon tho" She rushed out in panic "no honey I can't tell you how much it means to me, to hear you say it... I never thought I would," he said, pulling Alora into a hug. Everyones anger disappeared. Taking in the touching moment with joy. "We have always dreamed of meeting you but we need to sort out the contact or living arrangements" Liam said drawing their attention to him "what do you mean son" Alpha Nathan asked confused "well we know that you all hate each other but I refuse to not see my sisters again, if that's what you are all thinking I won't leave them and go with you" he said as all 4 nodded "yes me too, we are a family" Poppy said causing their parents to smile "my sweet pups, we would never ask that of you" their mother said "we were at war with them because we thought they had killed you but that obviously isn't the case" their dad also said smiling.
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