the meeting room pt2

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Alora POV We were all so excited and happy until Liam had said something that hadn't even crossed my mind... Will we still see each other... what would happen now and I know Liam and Poppys dad had said that wouldn't be expected, but it can't be that simple, surely. They have been battling for the last 18years, a war between the packs. Now I'm sat here full of nerves biting my bottom lip and twiddling my fingers but I know that there's no way I would go with my parents if it meant leaving behind Kylie, Poppy and Liam and never seeing them again. "There's a few things that need to be put into place if you are going to see the others," my dad said, but I'm confused... why would there need to be things in place. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him "well I understand that you're close to them, but I'd feel better about you meeting on our territory. So I kno-" "hang on a minute, we don't want our child on your territory, we should be the ones for concern" Kylies dad growled and that's when all hell broke loose, all the 3 men stood growling at each other ready to pounce. Why are they doing this? Have we not already done this once. Do they never learn. Liam had a hold of Poppys' hand as she was now scared again. They scared her again. How much have we all been through, and they are still acting this way, I do understand they are not going to see eye to eye straight away, but Poppy is scared, and they haven't even noticed. I clench my fists, I'm so angry, but before I can say anything, my mum, Kylies mum, Poppy, and Liams mum all stood growling at the men. They were pissed and in full protective momma mode. Their eyes had all changed colour, and the table cracked where they had all stood and slammed their hands on the table. "You will sit down and shut up, our pups are scared" my mum growled out "don't open your mouths again if this is how you will be acting" Kylies mum growled out also but Poppys mum was even more fuming, her teeth were elongating and her growls kept coming everytime she could hear Poppys sobs made her worse, the calm and caring Luna was now a raging mad mother. Their dad tried to get near them, but her growls grew louder. Liam stood and hugged her, Poppy also stood and hugged her only then did she calm down enough to talk "you scare my pup again nothing will save you from my wrath" she was still seething but hugging her pups were calming her down. I'm impressed that the women in the room, they stand for no s**t even with their mates. "I'm sorry, my love, I wasn't thinking," Alpha Nathan said now torn between getting close to his mate but also not wanting to piss her off more. "Be warned... I've just got my babies back and I'll not have them scared or hurt by anyone, they are new to this world and seeing your Alpha Ego's trying to out do each other isn't helping" she said sitting down in-between her kids. All 3 men are now sat with their heads down in shame. All our mums are sat holding our hands, giving their mates their angry looks, still not forgiven then. "I'm pissed that you would assume we would not be seeing each other often or that we would meet where you want, but that isn't happening... we will not be making plans on certain days at certain times, " I say mad as hell. "Well, how do I know you will be safe?" dad says, but I don't look his way. The thought of not seeing them when I want makes me sad. It's going to be weird being apart from them, not seeing them every day, waking up with them. How am I ever going to get used to this. Everything is changing. "She would be safe as we all would be, what we need to discuss here is not where we will get together but should be who stole us and dumped us at that horrible place, we need to get to the bottom of why we were taken, what was the objective apart from starting you all fighting. There has to be more to it because when the fighting died down we were taken" Liam said giving us all something to focus on "your right Liam, who would benefit from us fighting, I'm now thinking that our pups would have also been taken if not for us putting up our walls" Alpha Chris said deep in thought. "Whoever it was had access to all the Packs, or someway of entering and leaving without being noticed," Luna Gina said as everyone looked at her. "You have a point Gina, someone must have had access to all our packs" my mum said "wait what happened on the night I was taken or anything strange happened running upto that night" I ask completely immersed. "Nothing much that I can remember, we were all happy, then that night the only thing that was different was the note," my dad said, which got me thinking. "What did the note actually say?" Alpha Peter said. How can that be possible? Why doesn't he already know. "It said... For years I've sat back and watch as you have what I want, my territory needs to be bigger, my pack is the greatest and needs to grow, I Alpha of The Jade moon pack is above all of you and always have been. Your territory will be mine you always thought you were better but your not, years of pretending to be friends with a pathetic so called Alpha like you has been hard but now I have had enough and I will wait no longer. The Diamond moon pack will fall, starting with you!! That was the note. It has been stuck in my head all these years," my dad said sadness and confusion filling the room. "Wait, you have known me since we were pups, you must know I'd never do such a thing," Alpha Peter said with hurt in his eyes, clear for us all to see. "I was coming to see you and find the person responsible, but when I felt the bond break and my mates screams, all logic left me. I couldn't see past my pain and anger.. I'm truly sorry for that, " my dad said, Alpha Peter just nodded his head but kept silent. "Ok, the next thing we need to discuss is WHO and WHY?" Alpha Nathan said, causing me to panic at my own thoughts. "Deep breaths Alora" I hear Kylie, she knows me so well and I take in a big breath calming me down "is something wrong" mum asks checking me over, I shake my head no "just needed a minute to think" I say giving Kylie a small smile "ok whats on your mind" she asked making me frown and hesitate, they all might think it's daft "whatever it is you can speak freely" dad said now also worried. "Ok it's probably silly but if we don't know who was responsible for taking us, how do we know who to trust and also what if we are in danger coming back" I say and I'm hit with silence, maybe it is daft "good point Alora, we need to keep our pups safe" Poppys mum said holding onto Poppy for dear life. "Anyone that comes to harm any of you, dies," Alpha Chris growled, and everyone agreed.
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