
1043 Words
Alora POV We all stood in the office waiting, and I'm shaking, I'm not sure what scared me more... being rejected or them thinking I'm lying, th be honest I wouldn't blame them because it's a big thing to go from having their child murdered all those years ago to now have someone claim to be that child. I hope they might recognise me from just looking at me, but that's unlikely. I think I'd feel better knowing what my parents look like. Maybe I look like them. I still don't know what my mum is called, and I wished I had asked, but each time we have explained who we are, those people have been overwhelmed. Alpha James has popped his head in looking around us, Zoene nodded and moved to the corner of the room with Francis. This is it... moment of truth. After Alpha James walked in, holding hands with a woman, they went off to the side with her sobbing. Who is that does she belong to my family and that's when I heard my name being whispered causing my eyes to go back to the door and there stood a very tall man, with muscles and short dark brown hair and blue eyes like mine. Kylie held my hand from her chair, giving it a comforting squeeze. That's when a woman was now peering around him, her eyes filled with tears, her black hair was in a loose braid over her shoulder. She is beautiful and when she said my name tears escaped my eyes and she flew around the man pulling me into a mothers hug, one that I've been craving for, for so long and I sobbed along with her wrapping my arms around her. That's when I felt strong arms around both of us. I'm finally home. It sounds strange, but it feels so familiar being in their arms, their scent, it was just home. I could hear some noise around us, but I wasn't ready to let go. I wanted to stay here, safe forever. After sometime someone cleared their throat causing my parents to stand back but still looking at me they also kept their hands on me probably afraid I'd dissappear just like I was afraid I'd wake up any minute. "How is this possible?" my mum asked while stroking my face. My dad had his hand on my shoulder while rubbing mums back with his other. I looked around the room, and all the others were like me, stood with their parents surrounding them. "I... We thought we were abandoned, that none of us were wanted," I said with fresh tears, now leaving my eyes. Gasps were heard around the room. "No honey, we did want you. You were taken..." Mum said, now sobbing with me, and so were the other mums as they all reassured we were wanted. After a few minutes, I looked around at my family they looked so happy. I take a few steps it takes to get to Kylie, who is now standing with the help of her dad. She looks so much like her parents, as do Liam and Poppy. I go and wrap my arms around her she looks better since the Dr had cleaned her up and gave her some kind of medicine. We stand and hug when we feel Liam and Poppy also hugging us. We are all crying. "we made it, we're home," Liam said, and we all started laughing. "Don't go near my children." I heard a growl, and as we all turn round as our dads were nose to nose growling. What is happening. "Don't you go near my daughter, you caused all this," Kylies dad growled in pure anger. I don't understand... we are home. Why are they still arguing. They get closer if that's even possible, and Liam is now standing in front of us to protect us. "No, this was all caused because of your greed for more land," my dad now said. This makes no sense but looking next to me Poppy was shaking like a leaf and it pissed me off, how could they do that, she has already been through a lot and they are already scaring her. "STOP!!! WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING... YOUR SCARING POPPY" I shout as loud as possible while Kylie has her arms around a now crying Poppy, Liam is fuming at the fact that his sister is that scared and I'm now stood infront of him as he is stroking Poppys hair telling her everything is going to be ok. "How could you, we have been back a matter of minutes, and you're all fighting already. We need to leave this room," I said, looking back at my little family, who is already agreeing with me heading for the door. "Wait, no, please don't. If you leave, I'm coming with you," Liam and Poppys mum said, giving their dad a look that means business. "Yeah me too" my mum said moving towards me "me too" Kylies mum also said "you all should be ashamed, we have our pups back and all you want to do is fight and argue" my mum said taking my hand but as we get to the door "please my love, I apologise" Liam and Poppys dad said stopping us in our tracks "me too" my dad said "me too" Kylies dad also said. "Ok if we could move to the meeting room so we can have more room to sit and discuss things" Alpha James said while the woman he is with was now hugging all the mums in the room and they were all crying. There was another couple in the room that I hadn't noticed at all. They came to the mums also giving their love and congratulations. We all moved to a big room across the hall from the office. It was all cream walls and pictures of forests were hung on them. All that was in here was a massive table surrounded by at least 30 chairs. We were all now sitting at the top end of the table, each of us sat between our parents. There's a lot to talk about, and I have so many questions.
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