
835 Words
Poppy POV Meeting my family has been the best thing that has happened to me since arriving in this world, and I'm so happy they seem nice. Looking at my mum is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen she holds herself with power and grace and how she handled dad made me smile, I look so much like her but not at the same time. I hope with time I'd be more like her. I was so scared when our dads almost started fighting. The growls and shouting just sent me into my own head, and the feeling of being dragged to my death again. All I could feel was being wrapped into someone's arms, sobbing. I'm not sure how to deal with everything and I know it's silly to be so jumpy because I've never been that way but since the whole shitty mermaid episode I just can't seem to get out of my own head. That's when I knew that my mum would be there for us and protect us from anyone, even her mate. She hasn't let us go since then, especially me, I think she can tell I'm struggling with everything, and Liam is stronger. I don't take any offence because it's right, and I'm so glad to have my mum now, when I need her most. As we said our goodbyes to our girls, our sisters, all I kept on thinking was how I didn't want to go and wanted to stay together. Liam was the same but he pulled me into a hug as we stood to leave and whispered "we need to go home, our parents have no-one but us and have suffered all these years without having anymore babies. They deserve a chance, and so do we, " and with that, I agreed. I don't know how they have coped or what they have been through all these years thinking their children were murdered but I'm hoping that we have brought them some happiness. Dad explained that we live an hour and a half drive to the north of the crystal moon pack. We will be travelling by car and normally dad would have his beta with him but it was expected to be an Alpha meeting only, with the severity of the situation but we will meet the packs Beta family, kane and Ashley with their son Nicholas and daughter Rose. The Gamma family are Carlos, Wendy, and son Carlos Jr. Im also surprised to find out that we have grandparents, but our grandparents are all on a holiday somewhere but are due back in a week or so. I'm not sure if they will be back sooner if our parents tell them the news of our return, but I'm excited to meet them. We have gone from a family of 4 to a family that is too big to count. We are currently sat in the car, me and Liam are in the back seat looking out the windows watching all the greens whizz by my window, from what I can see it truly is a beautiful place and I can't wait to finally see where we belong, our home. Dad is driving, and his car is really nice and comfy. The whole way so far, he has been holding mums hand, both smiling. They really are nice people I can tell by just being around them. "How are you both feeling" came our mums sweet voice pulling me out of my thoughts "I'm ok I think" I say quietly still looking out the window, fearing that if I look at her I'll burst into tears again, I'm so sick of crying and feeling weak. That stupid mermaid has messed with my head. "I'm good too, I'm wondering what is going to happen when we arrive" Liam asks and it's a pretty good question, maybe we will meet the whole pack when we get there "when we arrive you will meet the beta and Gamma families, we haven't notified anyone yet so we won't get bombarded by our pack with well wishes." Dad explained but was still smiling, looking like he had won the lottery, and I sat nodding. Hopefully, not meeting the whole pack straight away will be easier to adjust to. I've been wondering about how big the pack is, and if the room I'd be staying in would be close to Liam, I'd feel safer. With any luck, the Beta and Gamma families will be nice, and we will get along because I don't want to get there and disrupt anyones life. We will have major adjustments to get used to being a werewolf,what it's like to be a part of the pack, living in a pack, getting to know our family, and the list goes on. I suppose our family and pack have a lot of adjustments too with us returning. Before I know it, I'm falling asleep, too much to process and wrap my mind round.. darkness takes me.
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