
1752 Words
Liam POV My sister is sleeping soundly, and this is when I choose to speak to my dad without scaring her. I'm a year younger than her, but I've always tried to be a protector for her, always trying to be the older sibling. I knew from a young age that I was stronger than most. Even the girls were strong, but it gave me confidence to be able to defend us all. "While Poppy is asleep" I say and dad nods for me to keep going "I want to say that if anyone tries to harm her in anyway I will not hold back I will protect her until my last breath. Since meeting you both I'm beyond happy and I feel a bond with you like I've never felt before so I know in myself without a doubt I can trust you but that being said I'll always put poppy above all of my happiness to give her hers" I say and both parents look happier than before if that's even possible. "We would never want it any other way, and I'm so proud of you, son," dad said, and it brought tears to my eyes, I never thought I'd hear those words ever. "We understand fully son, we know we must go slower with your sister because of what she has been through, what you have all been through so if you ever think we are moving to fast let us know... ok, " Mum said as I nodded my head. After a little time, darkness takes me to a dreamless sleep. I woke when the car came to a stop and doors shut. As I sit up straighter and my eyes focus properly, our parents are no longer in the car, I see my dad talking to a man of similar age with dark brown hair and big muscles, he peered round my dad looking at the car and it wasn't until Poppys door opened my attention was taken from them to Poppy. Mum was now stroking Poppys face. "Poppy honey... it's time to wake up we're home, " she said softly. I'm amazed she was never able to have more babies because she really is a natural. Poppy stirred awake before rubbing her eyes. "we are here, Pops, you ready?" I asked, reaching over and giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. She nodded yes and climbed out as I also climbed out. Dad was now alone and walked over to us. Mum was holding Poppys hand, and dad put his hand on my shoulder. It's weird how it feels, I never thought this would feel like anything. Where we lived, if I would see fathers put their hands on their sons shoulders, I never thought it would mean anything, but it does. It means the world to me. We are guided towards a grand house or should I say mansion, it's impressive, cream stone wash walls with clean big windows all around it and looks to be 4 stories high. The people we pass are looking a little confused but are all happy to see our parents. They kept bowing and smiling. We enter the house through a massive double door and wow the entryway is massive with a grand staircase to the right hand side and a small seating area with a giant clear and sparkling chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. My mouth must be an inch off the floor. I've never seen anything this impressive ever. Even the crystal moon pack was so nice, but this, this is amazing, and we haven't even got past the entryway. "We are meeting them in my office," dad said as we walked. We took a few twists and turns, and then we stood in front of what I'm assuming was the office. We enter and everyone in the room stands, the room is also big with white walls and behind the huge wooden desk is a whole wall that is a glass window facing the woods. "Alpha, Luna" they all say bowing their necks, "please take a seat there is a few things that we need to fill you in on" dad said taking a seat behind his desk while we all find seats to sit on, I stick with Poppy and mum. I noticed the looks we were getting, but I ignored it and concentrated on what my dad had to say "I can see you all staring and wondering why we resemble each other so much. I'm so happy to tell you as my best friends that we have found our pups" there were a lot of talking all at once "what do you mean Nathan, I'm not following you said we had special guests to prepare for" the man from outside said, his voice above the rest "it's a lot to process, we know as we are still trying to process everything ourselves" mum said not looking at anyone but us, smiling while still holding Poppys hand. "The moon goddess herself has brought our pups back to us, the bond being severed was them being taken out the barrier and left in the human world" as my dad said that the whole room erupted "who would do such a thing" a woman on the sofa asked shocked with tears in her eyes looking at us "I mean no disrespect Nathan but how can you be sure" the other man asked but with his head and eyes lowered and with that question my dad growled until he could see Poppy shaking slightly "I would know my pups anywhere and trust me when I say these are MINE" mum said calmly until her last word and the whole room went silent. In a flash dad was knelt next to mum holding her hand trying to calm her down "my love, no-one is taking them they are yours, they are our pups" he said softly and with that she was back to herself again. "These are our pups I feel the bond now we have been reunited, our pups were taken but not murdered like we thought, they were given to unworthy humans but they are home now and are still processing what and who they are" dad said now looking around the room everyones heads are down at the power in his voice. "Was there any compromise at the meeting Alpha, what if the other packs attack especially with the news of your pups return" the man from outside said as my head snapped up "they will not as their pups have also returned" "we can't trust them, their pups or not they cannot be trusted" the second man said and I was fuming, I stood up "don't you dare talk about them like that" I said, I was so mad that I was shaking but the man growled lowly at me but it just pissed me off more but before I could move my dad was around me and had the other man pinned with his neck "you dare growl at my boy, your next Alpha" dad was fuming. This was not going to plan "please A..Alpha," the man choked out, going red in the face. Mum stood and went to calm my dad down, and he dropped the man to the floor. The woman went straight to him, trying to make sure he was ok. Poppy was now standing behind me, hopefully feeling safe back there as I felt her grab my top. After a few minutes of catching his breath, the man spoke, "I apologise, Alpha, Luna.. I would never intentionally disrespect you or your pups" he said showing his neck "we know that Carlos, we understand tensions are high and it's a lot of information to take in but we have a lot of work to do in getting our pups up to speed on werewolves but I'll be clear when I say, treat them with respect as anymore disrespect headed their way will not be tolerated" my mum said "yes we need to get them both upto speed with our way of life and also becoming Alpha" dad said which rocked me to my core .... I hope she isn't referring to me because I don't know the first thing about that "hang on I have no clue what you are talking about, I've known about being a werewolf for a few days and that's a lot but I didn't come here to be an Alpha, I came here to be with my family" I say now with Poppys hands around my arm, she can always tell when I start panicking "son we have 5 years before we hand over the Alpha title and you both have to be ready by then... you need to get up to speed on your training" dad said now looking me in the eyes and his hand on my shoulder "training" I said with confusion "yes training as in fighting, an Alpha born is always stronger, they need training as soon as possible but with the circumstances we need to start asap" he says "wait... I.. I want to train to" Poppys voice comes from behind me as she moves to my side and I can't help but look shocked at her, she has never been one for fighting or even arguing she is a soft soul who cares for everyone. "I don't think that's a good idea" dad said but she looked at our mum with pleading eyes "please mum, I need to do this after that dreadful mermaid" and that's when it clicked she wants to be able to defend herself. "My love, she will be training, I'll train her myself to ensure her safety," Mum said, and to say I'm impressed would be an understatement. Dad wasn't hesitant at all as he nodded in agreement. "You will have the best warrior, I know," he said with a wink at mum. Wow, so mums a bad ass then, I suppose if Poppy is going to try, I will too. "ok, training it is then, " I said as poppy hugged me. "Ok well introductions first this is our best friends and also our high-ranking wolves, Beta kane and Ashley, their son Nicholas and daughter Rose. Gamma Carlos, Wendy and their son Carlos jr" he said pointing to each of them in turn, "this is our daughter Poppy and our son Liam, finally home where they belong" my dad said with pride.
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