
1504 Words
Kylie POV We have already thanked Zoene and Francis for their help, and our parents have offered them to come visit us anytime before they left for home. A lot has happened since we first set out on our adventure into the forest and I would never have dreamed we would be in the middle of a magical world and definitely never thought we would meet our parents. We have all said our teary goodbyes, and with Liam and Poppy already gone with their parents, I already miss them. It's strange to think we won't be living together anymore. I'm also worried everything is moving way too fast. How do we know that they will be ok, we don't know anyone. Don't get me wrong, I've always dreamed I'd meet my family one day, but I came to the realisation at a young age that that would probably never happen. I'm happy and very grateful that we have, but they are still strangers. Looking at my mum and dad, there's a feeling of belonging and home, and I love that, but I'm worried. What if the pack doesn't like me or my siblings? What if they don't want me. They have a life, and I don't want to upset that. Alora takes my hand and leads me over to the corner. "Hey are you ok Kylie, I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything and I miss Liam and Poppy already" she said worriedly, my sweet girl has always been there for all of us and even though we are almost the same age, it's always been her that has kept us all together and saved us more times than I can count. I'm so scared to leave her right now, I also know this is what she needs and deserves. I take both her hands, look in her eyes, and see worry but also hope. "My sweet Alora, you know that we have always relied on you because you have always looked after us, you stood in front of us a lot of times so we didn't get hit, you tried to make sure we had food in our bellies so we wouldn't be in as much pain from hunger. You kept us safe and together when we had no idea where we were going when we ran, and over all these years, you surrounded us all with unconditional love and happiness... you are the best sister I could have wished for and I'm so grateful that I was able to have you in my life but now it's time to also share you with your new family, you need to be a sister to your brothers and as selfish as I want to be and keep you, I know you deserve to be cared" I say with tears now dropping from both of our eyes. "I would give my life for any of you, I love you all and I have no regrets for anything, I've always loved having you 3 in my life, you know that but what if they are like Sid and Sally, what if the pack won't like or accept me,I'll be alone...I don't know much about this world and I don't know who I can trust apart from you, Liam and Poppy. You say I was there for you 3 but trust me when I say you all gave just as much to me" she said just then movements around us caught our attention and that's when we noticed everyone in the room looking at us. "We would never hurt you or let anyone else," Aloras' mother said, and that's when I remembered about the amplified hearing and looking at Alora she had the same thought. We both grimaced "I..I'm not sure what to say, we didn't mean to upset any of you, and I'm sure Kylie feels the same as I do concerning you all, but... but we have been through so much and only had the 4 of us to rely on" Alora said and I could tell she was worried she had upset them but it needs to be said so they can understand us. "Yes, we have, but we also know that this has to happen, but I wanted Alora to know I'm always here for her, and I always will be," I say as everyone nods with understanding. "Ok we get that now but we only want what is best for you, we would never do anything to upset you" my mum says smiling at us I love how understanding they are and how caring "and we know its a big thing for you all to be seperated, we could tell when Liam and Poppy left with their parents so we will take it slower if you need it" Aloras mum said now also smiling, we both nod our heads not sure what to say. We walked back over to our parents, who stood at the door, ready to leave. "Please be careful, i love you," Alora says, hugging me again as I repeat her loving words back to her and also tell her to phone me regularly. I head out after my parents also say their goodbyes and get in their car. "Can I ask what exactly am I to expect?" I ask nervously. "Of course, we live to the west of here, about an hours drive," my dad said, starting the car. I look out, and Alora is standing on the steps in tears and waving. My heart breaks as all I can do is wave back, blowing her a kiss. After 5 minutes of me calming down as much as I can, my mum turns from her front seat to face me the best as she can. Her eyes are glazed over so I think she is mind linking my dad "honey, do you want me to switch to the back seat" she asks as her eyes clear but I shake my head no "It's hard separating from them but I know we must because I think that is why the moon goddess brought us home but I'm ok and if you switch to sit with me I'll just keep crying and I really want to be prepared the best I can for us getting home" as soon as I said home her eyes lit up, I'm not sure what she thinks about the whole situation but I can tell she is as happy and nervous as I am. She nods her head "ok do you want a run down now, or do you need more time?" she asks as my dad reaches for her hand, smiling. I couldn't hold back my smiles also, I've always dreamed of having this, having them. "I'd like hear it now because I know nothing and by what dad was saying we only have an hour" I say nervous because I'm not sure if it's too soon to call them mum and dad but looking at my dads eyes light up and his smile get bigger I'm taking it as a good thing. "Ok honey, that's fine. Where should I start..." she says thinking before smiling "ok so I'll start with us them move onto our pack" she says smiling again as I nod vigorously excited to learn more of my family causing her to giggle "ok looks like a good idea then, well my name is sarah Rivers, was sarah Walsh until I mated with your dad, this hunk of man here is Peter Rivers" my dad broke out in a chuckling laughter "me and your dad grew up together, when we knew we were mates it was the happiest I've ever been and it stayed that until the day I gave birth to you, that was by far the best day of my entire life, holding you filled my heart to the brim. When everything happened..." her eyes went darker at the thought."It wasn't until years later that we found out we were expecting again. Your brother Garret is 15years old and Billy is 13years old, they are at home with our parents, your grandparents. Ben and Gene are your dads parents, john and maggie are my parents." Wow, I also have grandparents. Sounds daft, but I've never even thought of having any family apart from my parents. I'm now smiling and nodding like a lunatic. "They love you so much..." she adds sadly but soon brightens up again "I'm an only child but you have an aunt on your dads side, aunt Molly, uncle Fred and your cousins Kim and Dan are also the Beta family. Our Gamma family is Kevin, his mate Cally and their pups David and Fiona. The rest of the pack you will get to know, " she finished, and I was even happier, excited, and nervous. "10 more minutes and we will be home," dad said, looking through the mirror at me. 10 minutes, and my life will change completely, hopefully for the better.
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