
874 Words
Poppy POV We are currently walking with Zoene but I'm on edge, I'm trying to stay in their conversations and laugh when they all laugh but inside I'm so scared, I feel like I've let myself and the others down, we haven't been in this magical world a whole day yet and I've already almost died. DIED.... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. When we entered the clearing and seeing the mermaids, I was amazed. She really was beautiful, but as her eyes met mine.. at first, I could feel a pull to go sit with her, but because Alora was holding my hand, I didn't move, I felt like I wanted to but didn't. Then as Nixie was staring into my eyes, it was like my mind was getting further from the surface and all I wanted to do was go to her, my body had a mind of its own, pulling me forward but as much as I wanted to stay with my family, I could feel an invisible force shutting me out and moving my body at its will. As soon as my eyes could see Nixie change into a soulless creature I was trying so hard to fight the force holding me there, forcing me to my death but it was all in vain, my screams echoed around my head but wouldn't escape my mouth. Her mouth was so close to me, her razor-sharp teeth were just inches from taking my life, and I was useless, scared, and unable to fight back. I'm obviously the weakest link in our group, and I hated that fact. A fact I'm determined to change. I never want to feel this afraid ever again. When I got to spend sometime with my wolf Kimbo in my dream, she seemed so strong and beautiful, I feel anything but those things now and I hope she still wants to be my wolf after all this. I felt so much love from her, but now all I feel is a let down, she deserves so much more than me. When we were talking, she said she couldn't wait to be joined with me, and I really can't wait to finally be with her. She told me I've faced so much in my years in the human world and I'll face many more as we get to grips with this world, maybe what happened with the mermaid was what she was talking about... is it possible for her to know what was going to happen with the horrible mermaid. she said I can face anything and will conquer what is thrown at me, but I have to be strong. She also explained a little about packs and said that everyone is trained, I vow to myself that when we get to the pack, I will start training if I'm allowed to. I'm not sure what it would be like, but I'll be sure to give it my all so I will never feel that vulnerable again. EVER. We have been walking for a little while, and I've been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice everyone had stopped walking, and I walked straight into Kylie back with a thud. "Ouch" was all that was heard from both of us while I rubbed my forehead. "Sorry Ky, I hadn't noticed that we had stopped" I say quietly "it's ok Pops, we have all had a wild day especially you" Kylie said hugging me as I snuggled into her letting out a tired breath and all I felt like doing was sleeping this horrible day away. "Ok we are here, before we enter there's a few things I need to make clear" Zoene said drawing our attention to her, I look around and we are stood in the middle of the woods but couldn't see past the very thick trees, bushes and shrubbery. It was dark and quiet and I was starting to panic until I felt my hand being held bringing my attention back to Zoene I notice they are all looking at me and Alora was holding my hand with concern in her eyes but I nodded for Zoene to continue with a small smile, hoping it would work and take their attention off me. Zoene gave a small nod and smile back then carried on talking "Ok normally we don't have any other species enter our territory but I know you need help and you are worthy to come to my home, I've seen it" she explains, seen it what does that mean but before any of us ask any questions she puts her small hand up to stop us talking "I'll explain another time but for now we must meet my Queen and explain your situation, it is her decision if you can stay" we all nod but my nerves are so high, what if she wants to harm us, what if this is another trick, what if they also want to eat us, what if she says no!! I'm starting to struggle with my breathing. My chest hurts, and my vision starts blurring.. What if we die, I don't want to die... Then nothing as the darkness takes me.
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