
1232 Words
Alora POV Looking around at everyone, they all seem to be having a great time, and they are all getting along. I'm beyond happy to finally see Kylie, Poppy, and Liam. I've missed them all so much, and I can tell with Kylie that something has upset her, but as the night has gone on, she seems to be more relaxed. Seeing her laughing and dancing makes me feel so much better. Poppy is also laughing and dancing while Liam is talking to mine and Kylies brothers. They are all similar ages and get along so good it warms my heart to see, I would have been heartbroken if they didn't because it would have been so much harder. I'm sat down while people watching, my girls were dancing, boys were chatting, our dads were getting along like old friends and our mums were chatting, laughing and dancing. Tonight really couldn't get any better, but that's when I heard her. 'Hello sweet' I heard and my heart stopped she was here finally... my wolf... my Veda... 'Veda, is that you?...' I say in my head hoping it worked 'yes Alora it's me, it will be time soon' she said shocking me because I thought mum said I would shift at midnight 'I thought I would meet you at midnight' it sounded more as a question than a statement 'my sweet girl we will be at midnight soon, that is when you will shift' she said as I look at my watch and it's already 11.53pm causing me to panic. I stand up and look for my mu, I see her dancing and don't want to interrupt her while she is having fun. so I decide I'll wait a couple more minutes. I'm sure I'll be fine. 'It's almost time sweet girl' I heard Veda say and I know I can't wait any longer, after a few more minutes of me trying to get through the crowd of dancing people, my body started aching and shaking. My forehead was wet with sweat, my ears were ringing as everything around me had amplified, and a shooting pain shot down my spine, causing me to scream and scrunch my eyes shut. Trying to shut out the pain.. not like it is helping. As I open my eyes, dad has me in his arms and is heading to the woods. "It's ok darling, we are almost there, everything will be ok," he said. I could see mum next to us smiling at me, but as I went to smile, an ear splitting scream escaped my mouth. "Hold on, a few more minutes, we are almost there," Mum said. A few minutes later , dad was lying me on the ground, and he gave my forehead a kiss before standing up and walking off fast. " dad..o...ok," I ask, struggling to get my words out, but I'm worried. "Yes darling he will be fine, he just struggles to see you in pain so he has gone before it gets too bad, the first shift is always painful but gets easier the more we shift" she replied while stroking my hair, all I could do was nod my head ok. I'm now screaming.. feeling my muscles stretch, bones snap, and rearrange. My skin feels like it is on fire but also itching like crazy. It feels like it is peeling off. 'I'm sorry, sweet girl, it won't be this bad again. I promise,' I hear Veda say quietly. "it's almost over, sweetheart," nanna Jane said "yes honey almost there now," nan Hetty also said. I hope they are right. I'm not sure I can take it much longer. 'You can do this, I'm here with you always,' Veda said again, giving me strength. What felt like hours the pain suddenly disappeared. I stayed still with my eyes, still shut, scared that if I moved, the pain would start again. "Wow... darling, your wolf really is beautiful, " mum said, causing me to open my eyes. Everything is so clear, and I can see everything even in the darkness. The detailed bark of the trees, the different shades of greens and browns of the leaves, my beautiful family stood looking at me in awe. I could smell all different scents from the earth beneath me, the cool night sky, the forest animals, and each person stood around me. Mum has the faint smell of oranges, nanna Jane has a faint smell of lavender, and nan Hetty a faint smell of flowers but I could smell something else too, I move my head to look behind me and stood Kylie and Poppy both smiling at me. It makes me feel so much better knowing they were here with me. 'Our family are beautiful,' Veda said, and I couldn't agree more. I get up standing, and it's weird, I'm now looking down at them all, I feel strong and finally complete. "Wow," Poppy said, taking a step closer to me. She had no fear in her at all, and I love it. Whatever she has been doing, it's definitely working. We take a step towards them, and Veda licks her face, causing her to giggle, making Veda yip in happiness. "Ok, it's time," Mum said as we were rubbing our heads against our girls' heads. Veda wanted to show them her love, too. 'Ready for what' I ask Veda not sure what we are doing 'don't worry sweet girl, mum wants to introduce us to our dad and pack' she replied while walking to mum and nans nudging them also showing them love. After a few minutes, we start following behind mum listening to everything around us. It really was amazing. Cheering dragged me out my daze as we made it through the tree line to the waiting pack. I could see Liam cheering next to my brothers. We bound over to them licking Liams face first. "Hi Alora, you're beautiful," he said, making Veda swell with love. We do the same to my brothers before finding dad. He stood with pride and love in his eyes, and it made me feel so happy. I never thought I'd feel this much love, pride, and complete in my life. Never in a million years did I think we would be in this world or that there was even a world like this existed, but I'm beyond happy that it does. "My darling girl.. you are home where you belong. You truly are beautiful, just like your mother, " dad said as mum came and wrapped her hand around his big bicep, smiling up at him then at me. 'What is your name?' I heard mums voice in my head making me jump, 'Veda.. I've waited so long to meet you, mother,' Veda said back, full of emotion. "Please welcome our pup Alora and her newly shifted wolf Veda" and alround us we could hear howls and cheers "it's time for the pack run to welcome our first borns shift" dad said loud and clear as everyone nods and agrees. "Please make yourself comfortable we will be back shortly," Mum said to kylies family and Poppy and Liams family. The majority of the pack have shifted, and then when we were all ready, we set off, dad leading the pack with mum and me beside him also. It was exhilarating. This was home....
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