
1477 Words
Alora POV Almost 2 whole weeks have passed, and I've got to say I've loved it. I've got to spend time with all my family. I've been shopping with mum, nanna Jane and nan Hetty. My wardrobe was busting out, but even though I said it was all too much, they disagreed and said I deserved it. My brothers have also been great, and I know Poppy, Liam, and Kylie would love them. I'm looking forward to them all meeting, and I'm excited to meet Kylies brothers also, if they are as awesome as their sister, I'm sure we will all get along. I've worried a lot about if they are all ok, but when we have spoken on the phone, they have all been excited about everyone they have met, so that's good. Kylie seems to be off it, and I can tell she seems a little off it. I'm sure she will tell me when she is ready but I know she won't want to worry me. I've told her I'm here whenever she needs me and that I will come and kick all their asses if they are not treating her how she deserves. At least it made her giggle, and it was nice to hear. I'm just getting out of bed, it's a big day for me as it's my 18th birthday, I've got a long day ahead of me, I'm going to train with my brothers for a few hours. They have been training me since the second day of me being here, and I love it. It makes me feel alive and makes me feel in control, something I've never felt. We have always been told what to do, when to do it, what we can eat, when we can eat, or if we can eat , beaten daily. I've never been in control of my life, and I'm determined to change that. My brothers are great, always pushing me and helping me it's been amazing. Then mum has booked us in for some relaxation time at the pack spa, before we have a birthday meal then at 12am I'll go in to the woods with my mum and both nans where I will have my first shift and meet my wolf. We held a meeting after my first week here and was offered to take on the Alpha role as that was how it should have been, with me being the oldest, but I declined. Jeremy has been training since a young age of what is expected of an Alpha, his whole life has been leading to him being Alpha and even though he is younger he is mature for his age, he's caring and is a great leader, he reminds me so much of Liam. Instead of taking on a role I have no idea about, I'd like to become a great warrior or even help out at our pack clinic and creche. We are still trying to figure out who the vampire was and what he wanted. I have been having dreams at night of his face and creepy smile, usual waking up in a sweat. I'm now dressed in my workout leggings and sports bra but I slip a tank top over the top, remembering how my dad reacted the first time I showed up at the training grounds wearing shorts and a sports bra, he growled when he could see the males attention on me, it was nice but also embarrassing to have a proper dad. Walking to the dining room, greeting everyone I see on my way. "Morning," I say, looking around the dining tables. As they all replied with "morning" and "happy birthday" with smiles, this really was great. "Hurry up, slow coach, we leave in 10 minutes," Callum said while wolfing down bacon, eggs, and sausage. I tuck into my cereal, and I'm done in no time, raring to start my training. "Who's slow now? Loser has to do 5 laps of the training field," I said, chugging down my orange juice as Callum had his last sausage to eat. I snatched it up off his plate and chucked it in my mouth before running. "Hey, you littl-" I heard him shout before Mum cut him off "Callum" she said with a serious tone, and then he started the chase, making me laugh. I won him there, and his face was hilarious when he realised he had his laps to run. "Get your jog on loser." I laughed, making him smile. "I'll let it go today because it's your birthday, but next time you will be in trouble if you touch my food again," he said, sulking away to start his run. He makes me laugh so much. I'm really starting to get the hang of it, I can't wait to be able to train in wolf form, too. I spend my time training. I sprint back inside and up to my bedroom. My room was so big it had white walls except the wall where my bed was, which was a deep purple. My double bed is like sleeping on a cloud and has dark purple bedding with white and different shades of purple cushions scattered on it as well as my birthday blanket I got from my friends from the little village. My curtains matched the bedding, and the rug was the same colours. I had my own bathroom, and that was awesome. Making my way to my shower, I love having hot, clean water anytime I want it. I undress and get under the hot shower, loving the hot water easing my tired muscles. I wash my hair with the berry shampoo and conditioner and washed the sweat away from my body before rinsing the conditioner away. Climbing out, I dry myself down with a towel before wrapping it around me and putting my wet, long black hair up into a towel. I made my way to the wardrobe, grabbing out my clean underwear and light blue flowy summer dress that came to my mid thigh, a denim jacket and white converse. I dry my hair, putting it up in a loose french plait, and add a little lip gloss to my lips, and I'm ready to leave. I reach the dining room, but it's just family. They all cheered "happy birthday" as I walked in, making me blush. "Thank you all so much. This has been a great birthday," I say, smiling but with a sadness in my heart from not having Kylie, Liam, and Poppy here with me to celebrate. I take a seat after I've hugged everyone and I'm sat in between my parents "happy 18th birthday sweetheart" mum said softly as she smiled and dad squeezed my hand a little and then slid a box to me. "A present for me, but you didn't have to" I say with tears in my eyes "oh darling we know that but we want to" dad said giving me a side hug and I'm so grateful. I open it and it's my own phone. The tears start "a phone for me, of my own" I'm so happy it's the best gift because now I can text and call my sisters and brother anytime I want "honey is it ok" mum asks concern in her voice "it's more than ok, I appreciate it so much.. thank you so much, " I say, giving them both hugs. "Happy birthday sis" Jeremy said sliding over a small box across the table "it's from me, Callum and Connor" he said and I'm blown away when I open it "it's a leather bracelet with beads and I love it "thank you all so much I love it" I say as I turn to dad so he can clip in on my wrist. I give them all a hug, feeling blessed and even more when I had the presents from everyone making my heart swell with love. "Ok my sweet darling, we all have a last surprise for you" mum said taking my hand and bringing me to stand infront of the closed dining room door "ready" dad asked as he came to stand beside me also. I nodded my head, not sure what else I could get. The doors opened, and im in floods of tears in came Liam, Kylie, and Poppy. We were all hugging and crying, I've missed them so much. After our reunion, I got to meet their families, and they were all lovely. We headed to the garden, and there was another surprise. The whole pack seemed to be here around a massive bonfire, and to the side was barbecues and tables of food. We spent most of the night talking, eating, and dancing. "Hello sweet," I heard, and my heart stopped she was here finally... my wolf... my Veda...
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