meetings and mates

1515 Words
Alora POV All I could smell was hot chocolate and also lemon, like a freshly baked lemon cake. 'MATE.. MATE' Veda shouted, but I was frozen, not sure I could move to even turn around. Growls, loud growls were all I could hear, and then it all went silent when I turned around. Stood there were the most sexy and handsome men I've ever seen, but which is my mate. They are being held back by my dad and Alpha Chris. "MATE," they both said as one. What the hell... I'm stood in shock. 'How's this possible Veda' I ask worried for the answer 'sometimes with twins they have the same mate' she said lovingly staring at them but what the hell, how am I supposed to pick one of them when they both look like.. that 'don't be daft we get both' Veda was checking them out licking her lips and my eyes are wide open. Both. "Mates," I said quietly, not sure what I'm supposed to do. Every fibre of my being is telling me to go to them. It's like all I can see and smell are them. My feet are moving all on their own towards where they are. At this point, dad and Alpha Chris have let them go. They look exactly alike except the 1 on the left has darker blue eyes and slightly longer hair. I'm 5.6', and when I reach them, I have to look up at them. They must be at least 6.8'. Wow, they really are yummy. They have muscles but not too big, light brown hair, tan skin, and I could get lost in their eyes. Before I could speak I'm being hugged by both. Each of their heads are tucked into my neck, inhaling my scent. I reach up and put an arm around each of their necks. All of what I've been told and learned about mates is not anything compared to what I feel. My hearts racing, my skin feels tingles and sparks all over my body, especially where my skin comes into contact with theirs, I feel my juices flow and my breath hitch as they both growl lowly. I want them so bad but how is that possible as I don't even know them, I don't know their names or anything about them but my body has a mind of its own, wanting to get closer to them, if that's even possible. A cough behind us gets my attention back to the room. Giggles meet my ears. I looked up when they lifted their heads from my neck, looking into my eyes, giving me smiles and kissing both my cheeks before straightening up but still keeping their hands on me. I can feel the heat rise in my face when I notice everyones shocked faces except Kylie and Poppy, who are giggling. I should have known they would act like this. Dads face was priceless. He looked mad but knew he couldn't say anything. Everyone knows how sacred the mate bond is as we are paired by the moon goddess herself. I look back at my mates and I'm getting lost in them again until dad clears his throat really loud causing me to blink and smile "hi I'm Alora" I smiled blown away at how safe I feel with them already "hey gorgeous my name is Aiden" he had a mixture of light blue and dark blue eyes staring at me like I was the only one in the room. I swallow hard, feeling my mouth go dry. "Hi mate, I'm Austin," I hear, and my eyes snap to his dark blue eyes. Oh my, my smile won't leave, and my cheeks are starting to hurt. "Ok, come on," dad said, snapping my attention away from them. "Austin, Aiden this is my family, this is my dad Alpha Vince, uncle Darian, my sisters Kylie and Poppy and my brother Liam and these are their dads, Alpha Peter and Alpha Nathan" I say beaming around the room at everyone as I point to each of them. My little family was the first in line shaking hands. My girls are giddy, and Liam looks happy but also worried. "Please keep her safe and happy," he says like a typical brother would. "We will," Aiden smiled before turning around, coming face to face with my dad. "It's nice to meet you, sir," Austin said, but dad was silent, looking between them and me with worry. "I've only just got Alora back, and it hurts to let go again, but I know how the mate bond is, BUT that being said... you hurt her in anyway I'll hunt you down and destroy you" he said now looking in their eyes to push the point across of how serious he is "of course" Aiden answered "vince looks like the moon goddess has paired our pups" Alpha Chris said smiling but dad still hadn't moved so I slipped inbetween my mates, hugging my dad. "Are you ok, dad?" I ask, but he just sighs, hugging me back. "I suppose I have no choice but to be ok," he replied with a little sadness. He let me go, and I was pulled back gently into my mates sides, squished in between them, but if I'm honest, it feels right. There's no embarrassment or uncomfortable feelings at all, which is what I thought would happen. "Ok, now everyone has met. Shall we start the meeting?" Alpha James said loudly and clearly to be heard over the talking. We sit around the table. "Ok, first things first, we need to hear from Kylie. What happened exactly?" Alpha Chris asked and all heads moved to look at Kylie. She was fidgeting a little. "I went for my usual walk which I do everyday to clear my mind or to just relax but they stood from the tall grass, I tried to reason with them but they attacked me and I killed them" Kylie explained but kept her head held high, just as she should do, I know how upset she was when she had to kill them but now Janey has made her feel better. "Ok, I understand that you were attacked but it doesn't make sense as to why the meeting was brought forward" Beta of the Emerald moon pack asked "well Beta Lou my daughter was attacked on our pack land and they managed to get in unseen because they crossed over the border when my warriors were changing shifts" Alpha Peter explained like it was obvious but I still didn't get it. "So that must mean they had to have been watching the pack routine," dad said. "And also watching Kylie, she must have been the target," Aiden answered after my dad. What the hell, who would do such a thing and why, I close my eyes tight and try not to think about it but all my thoughts were if Kylie died, my tears slide down my cheeks, I can also feel mine and Vedas anger building up and my breathing is turning to growls. I'm beyond pissed that someone tried to kill my sweet sister 'I'll have their head for this' Veda growled and I could feel the tips of Vedas claws start to stretch out the ends of my fingers. Itching to rip into anyone that threatens my family, our family. "Mate you need to take a deep breath, your starting to shift" I heard Aiden through my haze and then I feel the sparks on my hand, then on both hands "I'm fine Veda, I promise" I heard Kylie and I feel myself relax and the anger fade, it hasn't gone but it it's not as intense. Opening my eyes, my vision clears, and both mates are holding my hands, drawing circles with their thumbs. "How are you feeling, honey?" dad asked, but the focus should be on Kylie, not me. "I'm fine, I'm sorry I'm still getting used to the more intense emotions" I explain looking at dad before turning my attention to Kylie "me and Veda would never let anyone hurt you Kylie" she smiled at us "I know you would protect me just as I would you" with that I nod yes. "Why would they target Kylie tho?" Liam asks the question we are all thinking. Well, I know that is 1 answer I want to know. "Well I don't think it is just Kylie they will be targeting" Alpha Peter said looking at everyone around the table "so who else would they target and why Kylie" I ask not seeing anything that Kylie could have done to piss anyone off because she has the biggest heart and helps everyone that she can. "I think that whoever was behind kidnapping you all, is still trying to cause a war so I think all 4 of you will be targeted" Alpha Peter replies taking my breath away, Kylie, Poppy and Liam are in danger. An unknown danger without a face without an identity. How will we ever find them.
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