catching up

1620 Words
Alora POV I was woken up by mum with a gentle nudge. I felt like I hadn't slept at all. I had a groggy headache, and my eyes were stinging every time I tried to open them. Like I had fine sandpaper behind my eyelids. I looked around the room and it was still in darkness apart from the hallway light peeking through the open door, there wasn't even a slither of light coming through my curtains, seeing my confusion mum explained that whoever was targeting us would probably be waiting for us at first light as that would be the obvious plan and dad didn't want to take the risk. So now we are leaving in 2 hours ahead of the time planned. I'm sitting up in my bed, and all I want to do is curl back under my quilt and go back to sleep, but I know this is important, and we must leave. I can't wait to see my little family again, too, so that is giving me the boost I need. "Please be safe darling, I'm so scared somethings going to happen" mum said hugging me I hug her back trying to reassure her "I will be and we will all be ok" as I was trying to put her at ease but it didn't seemed to help "I know but I haven't had you back long and I couldn't survive losing you again" I could feel her tears on my shoulder and my heart broke for her" I hugged her tighter and rubbed her back gently "I'll be safe I promise, you won't lose me again" I said quietly then let her cry it out, losing a few tears of my own. After a little while there was a knock and Connor popped his head around the door "hey sis, it's time to eat before you leave" he said with a worried look on his face, while mum wiped her face as I did mine, giving him a small smile and nod. "Ok, I'm coming down now," and he left the room. "Get ready, my darling, I'll wait for you downstairs," Mum said, heading for the door. I stretch and yawn, trying to wake up fully, I go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, I wash my face and stretch again. I feel so tired, eager but scared. I hope all goes ok. I throw on my black workout leggings, sports bra and oversize hoodie just incase I had to fight or run 'we will never run and crush anyone that means us or our family harm' Veda growled 'I know Veda I agree, it's just a thought thats all' I explain as I feel her go to the back of my mind. I head downstairs, and Connor is waiting for me. "Hey is everything ok, I thought you would still be in bed" I ask him but he just shakes his head "I wanted to see you all off, please be careful ok" he said twiddling his fingers "I will be ok and you know dad will protect me, you should see how he growls at the warriors checking me out" I said laughing trying to cheer him up and it works as he bursts out laughing "well you do have a point" he laughed and we made our way to the kitchen. We all had a quick bite to eat and made our way out. Getting in dads car, dad driving, Uncle Darian in passenger seat and me in the back. "Any s**t happens you protect Alora, she comes first" dad said to uncle Darian who smiled "of course brother" he said it like he had already repeated it a million times before and that was it, we were going and within the first 10 minutes I was asleep. "Alora, Alora it's time to wake up we are almost there" uncle Darian shook me gently "ok, how far out are we" I ask groggily, rubbing my eyes "about 5minutes" he replied with a chuckle, I stretched trying to get the uncomfortable kink out my neck where I've been to sleep. I'm still not ready to open my eyes just yet until we come to a stop. "We are here honey, are you ok?" dad asked, and all I could do was nod. "Come on then, old man," Uncle Darian said, getting out of the car, causing me to giggle at dads expression. "Good job, he's my brother," dad mumbled, getting out of the car, causing me to laugh. I love how they bounce off one another. I get out to find Alpha James with his mate Luna Gina, who stood on the steps waiting for us. "Welcome," Alpha James smiled, making his way to us, hugging and back slapping dad and Uncle Darian before crushing me into a hug. "Put the poor pup down, James," Luna Gina said, coming up from behind him, giving his arm a small tap while laughing. "We are so happy to hear that you have settled well," she said, giving me a gentle hug. "Thank you, it's nice to finally be home," I reply, smiling. It's still dark out, and I feel bad for getting them out of bed, I'd love to be back in my bed right now. "I'm sorry for the early wake up" I say but she laughs "you are not our first guests to arrive plus I'd rather be up early if it means everyones safe arrival" Luna Gina said smiling "come along my love, we will show them to the meeting room" Alpha James smiled at his mate lovingly. It must be so nice to have someone love you so much that it shines through their eyes. We are just going through the door when I'm engulfed in arms from all directions, I can tell by smelling them its Kylie, Poppy, and Liam. My little family, I love and miss them so much. "I've missed you all so much" I sighed and Liam laughed "you have spoke to us everyday nearly" they all started giggling probably at my face, my face always gives away what I'm thinking I'm still trying to learn how to have a poker face. "Still not the same thing," I say with my bottom lip out causing them all to laugh. "We missed you too," Poppy whispered in my ear, making me smile. She is always the one who tries to make everyone feel better. "Looks like you all had the same idea as us." I heard dad shout out to the room from behind me. "We'll be in there in a sec just waiting for the blockage to move" uncle Darian laughed as I rolled my eyes pulling away from our group hug "we better move so the old man can sit down" I said in a pretend whisper "hey" he replied while the whole room burst into laughter. "Kylie are you sure your ok" I ask full of worry but looking at her she seems in a slightly better mood today "yeah I'm good, Janey explained that they were lost souls and we helped them so I do feel a little better about what I did" she explained and her eyes glazed "what WE did" she said smiling. "Ok, well, I'm so relieved you do, and I want to say I'm impressed and proud of you for protecting yourself and kicking ass," I say, beaming with a smile. "Thanks Alora". We greeted everyone else in the room before taking a seat ready to start the meeting. "We are just waiting for Emerald moon pack to arrive," Alpha James said, and just then, there was a knock on the door. Hopefully, this meeting reveals some information about who is behind all this. The door opens and a woman pushing a food cart comes in with another 3 following her in with their own carts. The room filled with the scents of all the yummy smelling food. My stomach growled like I hadn't eaten in a while even though I had had some fruit and yoghurt before leaving our pack. "There is plenty for everyone, help yourselves," Luna Gina said, standing to go with the women exiting the room. There was so much to choose from, so I have some of everything there. We chatted around the table while we ate, and I also got a chance to catch up with my little family. It really does seem like everyone is happy and settled except for this situation. This has thrown us all off as none of us knows why it's happening. I walk over to the window as I feel an unsettling feeling overtake me. I'm not sure if it's everything happening with the attacks or because something else is going to happen, but Veda feels it too. "Hey sis what's up" Liam asked standing beside me putting his arms around my shoulder, laying my head on his shoulder "I'm not sure to be honest, me and Veda feel a little unsettled I just hope it's nothing bad" I sigh "whatever happens you will be ok, we're here for you ok" Liam whispered and I nodded my head. I love having my little bro with me. He always knows what to say to put me at ease. I've missed this. "Thanks Liam I really do love you, little bro" I say with a smile but not wanting to move just yet so we stay like this for a while until the door clicked open and all that could be heard was growls and the room suddenly felt cold. I think that was more me than anyone else, though, because I knew who growled from the scent... MATE.
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