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Alora POV Being here for kylie has meant so much to me. We have always been there for each other, and I wouldn't want it to be any different with us. She is my sister, maybe not through blood but through our bond, friendship, and love, and it will always be the same. She has always been my constant, and even though we are living in different packs, it makes no difference at all, we will continue to be there for each other, including Liam and Poppy, also. I love the fact that I've found my birth family after all these years, and they are all great, but Kylie, Poppy, and Liam will always be my family above everything. It hurt my heart so much to see her go through so much pain and knowing there was nothing I could do to make her feel better at all and could only wish it would pass quickly for her. When she finished her shift, there laid Janey, and wow, she is so beautiful with her dark brown fur covered in lighter flecks of brown all over her. She was taking in everything around her and looked so relaxed. She stood and greeted me with a lick to my face and a nudge before greeting her mum the same way. It still amazes me how big we all are in our wolf form. After she had a howl at the moon, we decided to go for a run. We are met at the tree line by her dad and other pack members, waiting for us. She ran beside her parents to start the run off before falling a little behind to run with Veda. The run was amazing and allowed Janey to get to know our wolves. It was so nice to finally have Kylie with me properly. The only downside was that we couldn't mind link as I wasn't technically related or part of her pack. To be a part of her night was so special, and I'm beyond happy her parents gave me an opportunity to join them. Veda and Janey sprint through a clearing, nipping, chasing, and howling having a great time together. They get along just as me and Kylie do 'we are sisters' Veda said which surprised me 'sisters' I ask confused 'of course, we share yours and Kylies bond we are one with you so that means we also feel your bonds' Veda explains further, ok that makes sense I probably should have known that. We call it a night in the early hours, but if I'm honest, Veda feels like she can keep going all night. It's still new to me and I forget that now I'm one with Veda my body can withstand a lot lot more. Heading inside, we crash into bed, letting the day melt away into darkness. *** *** Kylie POV I wake with a smile on my face. Last night was amazing, painful, but amazing, and I finally felt complete. I totally understand what Alora was trying to explain about the feelings of having my wolf. No words can describe how I feel. 'Morning Ky' I hear Janey sleepily 'morning, my beautiful wolf,' I say, turning over to find Alora still a sleep. I decide to let her sleep and sneak out of bed quietly so as not to wake her, going for a shower. I was exhausted when we finally called it a night, I didn't shower and crawled straight into bed. The hot water feels amazing on my aching muscles, I'm not sure if I am actually achy or it's just in my head because I feel more alive and rejuvenated than I ever have. When I'm done I leave the bathroom to find Alora sat up in bed rubbing her eyes "morning sleepy head" I say laughing at her bed head and the only response I get is her sticking out her tongue. It means so much to me that Alora is here. She has always stood beside me no matter what, and I would never have survived without her. I make my way back out of the closet and start getting dressed while Alora showers. I decided on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I feel loads better and just waiting for Alora to finish up getting ready, wearing black leggings and tank top. She also packs her bag ready for later today she is leaving to go back home and I already miss her, I hate living away from her, and yes I know I can ring anytime but it's not the same. I'm hoping I get to spend the day with her first before she has to leave, but that depends on what time her dad gets here. When we are both ready as we make our way downstairs for breakfast. Talking about everything. Mates are also brought up, and I get butterflies. What if I meet my mate today or what if I never meet him. My thoughts are going 1000mph. We walked into the dining room where the people in there started cheering, causing me to blush, and Alora laughed at my expense. She knows I'm not keen on being the centre of attention. I smile and give a small wave, hoping everyone will begin to eat again, which they do, and it's a relief. Again, Aloras eyes are pinned on Garret, and I can feel her anger building watching him be the only one not showing any interest but sitting there eating. I didn't tell her about what had been going off because she would just worry. I pull her away from his table and go sit at another. All the way through our breakfast, she kept looking at Garret. He seemed oblivious to her. "Just ignore him. He's an insecure i***t," Billy said to Alora. He must have noticed her looking, too. She nodded her head and started a conversation with Billy, and we were having a nice time, talking and laughing. We had just finished our food and were walking out the door when Garret had a sly comment aimed at me. I hadn't noticed him behind us until he spoke. s**t this is not good.. "Aww look now THE princess has her wolf she thinks she is better, but she isn't, she is always going to be just a fake and imposter" he said quietly but Alora had him pinned up the wall with his throat before he could blink, her eyes kept switching between hers and Veda. "How dare you say that about my sister" she growled but he didn't look fazed at all, he's too cocky for that which pisses Alora off more and her claws start coming out, cutting into his neck as trickles of blood start going down his neck. I know it's because she hasn't had her wolf long, and she has to get used to her emotions and try to keep them in check. "What is happening here?" my dad shouted, Alora kept staring at Garret, and her claws kept inching out. I put my hand on her arm, getting her attention when she finally dropped him. "What do you think you are doing?" dad asked Alora while mum checked over Garret. "standing up for MY sister.. that little s**t has no right to say anything to her, " she says, growling out the last bit looking at my brother. "All 3 of you my office NOW," dad shouted, turning away and walking towards his office, down the hall. My mum, me, Alora and Garret all followed dad into his office, closing the office door behind us. "This stops now" dad said looking at Garret "she has no right, she has returned and is strutting around like she owns the place" Garret said anger rolling off him I can't believe he's acting like this because he feels threatened by me over something I don't even want, "she belongs here just as much as you Garret" mum said shocked "I've trained my whole life to be the best Alpha I can be. SHE is not changing that" Garret said, and he really does need to grow up the little d**k head. "You obviously have a long way to go to be an Alpha with an attitude like that" dad said anger rolling off him in waves, Garrets head span around to dad and looked hurt at dads words but they are true. A great Alpha would never be that way. "Have you even stopped to ask if I even want to be an Alpha, what I want or anything.. no, you haven't. Well, I'll tell you that I was offered the Alpha position, and I turned it down straight away because I don't and never have had the passion to be a leader. I've never wanted anything but to get to know my family. All I've ever wanted was my family, but I think it's clear that where you are concerned, we are not family. I won't be belittled and made to feel uncomfortable by an arrogant, insecure little boy like you, " I say in tears. Alora put an arm around me before mum hugged me. Now Garret looked ashamed, but I have no interest in his feelings at all. He's made it perfectly clear what he thinks. "Angel, it's ok," Mum said, hugging me and rubbing my back. "Take a breath, don't let him see you upset," Alora says. I take a deep breath, trying to pull myself together. She is right I don't want him to see me upset, wiping my face I straighten my shoulders look him in the eyes "from this moment you have no sister, you can go back to the belief that I died as a baby" I then turn to dad who gives me a small smile "I'll always be here, well until he takes over but then I will be leaving to Aloras, I'll always be your daughter no matter what happens" I explain and I'm serious, I've been through enough and I refuse to go through more "please angel, we will figure everything out ok" mum said with tears in her eyes and I hate seeing her upset but I won't accept this because he's supposed to be family "I will not be under the same roof as him when he becomes Alpha. There is also just one request, if I might ask?" I say, looking between my parents,"of course. " Dad said, nodding at me sadly. I know that I have a couple of years to spend with them, and I'll make the most of that time while I'm here. "The issue with who took us and started the wars. I don't want him to be involved. He has no business with it and so has no say in it. We will find the culprit and deal with whatever threat it is before he becomes Alpha, I wouldn't want anything to do with me to mess with his life" I say looking dad in the eyes to show I'm serious and after thinking for a few minutes he nods ok "wait no that isn't fair, I've already been involved in the meetings.. this is my pack, " Garret said, fuming to be cut out, but I don't care he can go on his merry way. "This is MY pack. You will still have the pack duties as usual, just not this issue as you have some growing up todo, " dad said "ok" Garret said. Not happy but not really having an argument because dad is right. "Kylie I'm sorry, we haven't had enough time with you please don't leave" mum begs but I smile "mum we have a couple of years yet by that time you will be grateful for the break" I giggled trying to make light of the heaviness in this office but all she does is nod her head in agreement. "Ok, the front gate has just informed me Alpha Vince has just arrived." Alora smiles, but I feel gutted as I hoped I'd have more time with her "angel we have a meeting planned, so no long faces.. you have some more time with Alora before she leaves. " Dad chuckled, my face hides nothing. I smile and nod ok. "Ok you can all leave now" dad said as we all nodded "I expect there to be no more confrontations between you all" dad said as we were heading for the door, we all just nodded again quietly. Shutting the door behind us, Garret was rubbing the back of his neck, looking worried and ashamed, but I didn't give him a second glance and walked off, pulling Alora along with me.
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