
2043 Words
Third person POV It has been 8months since Alora and Kylie got their wolves. They have been back and forth between packs to spend time with each other. Diamond moon pack, Jade moon pack, and Opal moon pack have all strengthened in their bonds through their pups. All 3 packs are used to them travelling between packs now and are treated as if they were part of their own packs. The only pack that was to open their gates to them is the Emerald moon pack, their Alpha, Alpha Chris and his Luna Caria, regularly travel between the packs for meetings and updates but their sons are yet to meet everyone else. They stay behind to help run the pack as they are due to take over the Diamond moon pack in the next month. Alpha Chris has been working closely with the other Alphas to get to the bottom of who is involved with the kidnappings and so has put handing the pack over to his sons off. The meeting set for later that day is because there has been more information received and it seems reliable. They seem to be inching closer to finding out who, even if it has been at a snails pace. This meeting will be where the soon to be Alpha twins meet the rest of the packs. In the last 8 months, everyone has been training harder for any upcoming battle. The whole packs have been training and also working on their emergency protocol for their elderly, omegas, and children. Alora and Kylie have both improved so much with training and are now great warriors and are now training with their dads. Being strong Alpha females they hold their own even against their dads, they still don't beat them but are almost there. Liam and Poppy have become great fighters. Poppy loves it, feeling in control of her own destiny, and Liam is loving the role of Alpha, helping with pack business. He is a natural born protector and leader. You would never have thought that none of the four were brought up in their packs. They are all loving their life as it is. All of them are finally happy, with the exception of Kylie. She is happy, but she still isn't talking to Garret, and she knows everything will be perfect and as it should be when they have sorted out their differences. She finds it hard, though, as she wants to get to know him, but she is determined to hold her ground until he apologises first. *** Unknown POV **** "GET IN HERE NOW." How could I have been so stupid of course he was going to find out? He's pissed and I'm going to have to explain how I couldn't kill HER ***flasback*** I was on her pack land watching from a far her flowing hair and gorgeous body. Walking through a clearing, loving the space and being surrounded by wild flowers. She looked at peace. She truly was beautiful. I couldn't kill her no matter what my father orders. How could I destroy someone so otherworldly, graceful and pure. The 2 rogues that were with me on my mission were on the ground, hiding in the tall grass and wildflowers. I knew I had to stop them, but before I knew what had happened, they stood tall and was growling at her. She wasn't frightened like I thought she would be. She instead smiled at them, tried to calm them, and apologised for she would have to kill them if they carried on with this attack. I think that was the only time hurt flashed through her eyes because she would have to hurt them, and that thought alone was hurting her. I've never seen such a beauty with a big heart before. I've only ever seen c*****e and death with my father. Our kind wishes to be free of him, but he is one of the oldest of us and is strong. I know I'm also strong, but he has my sisters, and I wish no harm to them. He uses our bond against us and threatens my sisters to get me to do what he wants. They didn't heed her words and lunged. She jumped and landed at the side of one of the rogues, punching him in his side, making him go flying into a tree. Yelping as he connected with it. The other wolf took the opportunity and went for her neck. She dodged and punched his snout. "You can stop this now and go, I don't want to kill you but I will" she shouted but they ignored her, lunging againat the same time, she jumped and landed on 1 wolfs back snapping his neck and jumping off before he hit the floor. I see a single tear on her cheek. The other wolf goes for her neck again, but she ducks and grabs his neck before snapping it. "I'm sorry, but I pray you find peace with the moon goddess," she cried, stroking his head. A twig snapped under my foot as I was leaning forward to get a better look at her, causing her head to snap in my direction and as soon as I could see her chocolate coloured eyes it clicked.. my whole being, my whole universe was her!! she was my mate, my true mate. "KYLIE, ARE YOU OK" I heard Alpha Peter shout running to her as she cried "I warned them dad, I didn't want to hurt them but they didn't listen" she sobbed as her dad checked her for injuries. My mate was a werewolf, and it makes sense, I suppose, as I'm a hybrid of vampire and wolf. **end of flashback*** "I'm here, father," I said, trying to keep my disgust at bay. He knows that I can't stand him but he will give punishments for any disrespect, the only way he can get to me is through my sisters and I won't allow them to suffer because of me. I hate that I have his blood in my veins. My mum, Elizabeth, was a beautiful woman, a werewolf taken as a slave because she was a rogue. A born rogue but her parents, my grandparents sold her off to my father when she was 15 years old. He was determined to have her. I also have 2 sisters. Layla and Lilley are twins they are 7years old, their mother a witch also bought as a slave. They look so much like her, with their blonde hair, and are beautiful, inside and out. The only difference is that instead of their mothers' ocean blue eyes, theirs are pink with light blue flecks. I think because our father is a born vampire, his eyes are blood red, but they are hybrids it's changed the colour. red to pink. I'm 20 years old,I'm 6'5" with dark brown hair, and my eyes are green like my mothers with a red tint. I hope to one day be with my mate, but I know that probably wouldn't happen because I'm a vampire/werewolf. My father has tried countless times to 'breed' with other species, as he puts it, but nothing has worked. He tried for years to get mum pregnant again after me, but it never happened. He killed her when I was 12 years old. Destroying the only good I had in my life. I hate him with a passion. He killed her because he no longer needed her. Cara, Lilley, and Laylas mum became pregnant. She was also a slave brought from her parents, who are greedy, dark witches who just wanted money, especially when their daughter turned out to be a white witch. She was with us for a few years before she got pregnant. Mum was so loving towards her that she became family to us. We were always there for each other, mum always learned me right from wrong and hoped I would get out this hell for a life. Cara was as devastated as I was when mum was killed and feared for her childs life when she found out she was expecting a child. Dad was so happy that he stopped hitting her and using her sexually for fear of the baby dying. When the twins were born, I knew we had to leave this place. But when they were 3years old, Cara refused to move into my fathers chambers as she didn't want to leave her children alone, and she definitely didn't want them closer to him. She loved them so much that she would protect them with her life, and that is what she did. That day 2 of my dads goons came by and tried to take the girls from her, but she fought them with her magic, killing 1 and almost killing dads right hand sleeze ball, Anton. Dad burst through the door, and while she was distracted with Anton, he was behind her in a blink and ripped her heart out through her back. The girls cried for her every day for months. I refused anyone near them, but dad took that as an opportunity to use them against me. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" he shouted, but he didn't scare me. "They got killed on their land, what else is there to say?" I replied, looking him in the eye. "How did it happen, and you better not lie, BOY," he said, trying to challenge me to lie so he could hand out a punishment, but that isn't going to happen. "They were fighting when I got there she had killed 1 rogue and just about to kill the other when the pack warriors showed up so the mission was lost, due to the rogues that you insisted I take with me" I said feeling angry at the thought of them near my mate but dad would have taken it as if I was pissed that the mission was blown. "We could be one step closer to getting all the land for ourselves, next time don't fail me," he said, to which I nodded my head yes. "Get the f**k out you useless piece of s**t" he said fuming at my failure. I was more than happy to leave and go spend time with my 2 favourite people in this world. I walk into their basic room where I found them drawing. They loved to draw especially angels. "Freddy, Freddy your home" Lilley squeeled and ran to me jumping in my arms. "I've missed you both so much" I said back but Layla was in a trance like state, not moving anything but her hand holding her pencil. "I kneel beside her and try and get her attention, this has been happening for the last week on and off. I'm not sure why but the first time s**t me up, I panicked but when she came to she giggled and said she was ok. This is the first time she has drawn while in the trance though. I look at the paper and on it was my beautiful mate. "Hey Freddy your home" Layla says wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling my attention to her "hi, so why don't you both tell me about your day" I ask trying not to look at the paper. "It's ok, it's for you" she says handing the paper to me. "Why have you drawn this Layla" I ask confused she has never seen Kylie before it's strange how life like she was able to draw her "mum told me to tell you that, she" Layla said pointing to her picture "her and her friends are the key, they will help" then she gave me a hug again but what the hell does that mean. Help with what and what did she mean by her mum passed on a message. We spent the rest of the day reading their favourite books and drawing. We stay together, we don't go out and about at all, I don't want them to be anywhere near dad at all. I can feel a pull to go search for Kylie again but I know I can't because if dad knows we are mates we will both die.
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