The search

1180 Words
Alora POV We are all moving as fast as we can, determined to get to our destination to finally find answers. Answers we never thought we would find. We had been walking for about 4 hours, and I can finally see a shimmer, a shimmer that seems to be flickering, but I'm not sure if that is the gateway. "Does everyone see that over there?" I ask as nobody has said anything yet.. "where" Kylie asks looking around but her eyes seem to pass straight past it, that's strange why can't they see the shimmer "there's a shimmer over there, in-between the trees" but they all look at each other confused probably thinking I've finally cracked up so I roll my eyes at them and walk towards the opening of the trees and as I get closer it is like looking at a mist, a rainbow shimmering mist, it's absolutely amazing but looking back at where they are they still don't seem to see it. "Right here, it's like a shimmer of colours. It looks amazing," I say while staring at it. "Well I can't see anything but I suppose it doesn't mean it's not there" Liam says sceptical of our situation, looking around us for any tell-tale signs for danger "yeah but it's probably magic, whatever it is" Poppy said also looking around and hoping to see something "yeah it probably is Poppy, Selene did say that the supernatural world was hidden from humans" Kylie said also looking closer to where I was staring. "If it was tho, why can't we see it?" Liam asked, still on edge. "I'm not sure," I replied, confused as much as they were. But I definitely could see it "well... officially, Alora is the oldest of us all and the one that is getting her wolf soon, maybe it's that, " Kylie said, still looking at the opening. As I reached my hand towards it, Liam was like lightening and stood in front of me "wait what if it's a trap... the moon goddess told me to keep my witts about me and don't always trust everything" he said looking worried and I understand why he feels this way because all of this magical and supernatural stuff is still so new to us and if I'm being honest none of us have actually questioned it, we have always wanted to belong somewhere in the world but little did we know we belong to another world entirely. Maybe Liam is right to be cautious and not rush in. "Ok, we will be careful Liam, what do you suggest?" I ask, and we are all standing looking at him expectantly. He takes a few minutes pacing in front of us thinking "ok so we need to be sure that whatever Lori can see is safe and is actually the gateway ... we need to send something through but only halfway before pulling it back to make sure it isn't damaged, " he explained, and it makes perfect sense. "Ok bro we can do that" Poppy said wrapping her arms around him and he beams in pride with his new nickname "we would be lost without you" she whispers and he smiles hugging her back "that's why I'm here, to keep you all in check and do all the manly stuff for you girls" he laughed as she slapped his chest huffing at him at the thought she can't do stuff for herself. "Ok so what shall we send" Kylie asked looking around and then her eyes light up and smiles before taking off her backpack taking the rope out and tying them together "we could throw in my bag, then pull it back out with the rope" "that's a great Idea" Liam says taking her bag ready to throw but then stops "throw it already" I say not having the patience to wait "before we do... I've been coming up with a plan while we've travelled" we all look at Liam with impatience, just wanting to get a move on and go but he's being serious "don't give me that look, I know I'm the youngest but it is my mission to keep us all safe" he explained and my heart broke a little knowing this child felt like he held such a responsibility on his shoulders, alone. I walk to him and wrap my arms around him with tears streaming down my face, I knew he grew up way to fast because we didn't have a choice and we had no chance at being kids at all but from a very early age he was always trying to help us. "My sweet boy, it's not your job to protect us, I also vowed to protect you.. we all look after each other, and I'd never want you to be burdened with all of our safety.. ok, " I cried for him. I have been so wrapped up in my own head that I hadn't noticed how much he had taken on, especially since we started this crazy journey. He hugged me back, telling me everything was and is going to be ok. Before I know it, we are having another group hug. "Ok come on lets hear the plan" Kylie said as we broke apart "ok when I got to spend time with Koda in my dream, he told me a few things to keep us safe, he said we would have known these things if we were brought up with our families and packs" we were all now listening to Liam as he told us what Koda said "ok when we enter Ammethralla we won't be more that a day, maybe 2 days travel from 'the crystal moon pack. On our journey we may encounter some different supernaturals but we need to stay on track and keep going, we might encounter 'rogues' they are crazy werewolves that have been exiled from their packs for crimes, some have lost mates and gone crazy, Koda only gave me quick rundown on them but insisted that we steer clear from these wolves at all costs. We need to try and travel as far as possible without stopping because camping will be very dangerous. If we sleep, we must do it high off the ground." we are all stood there with our mouths wide open "wow this is starting to scare me. Will we be ok?" Poppy said quietly while shaking, but Liam reassured her we would be fine and we needed to focus on finding our families. "If it's the gateway I will enter first, ill make sure it's safe for you all ok" he said but the look he gave we knew there was no arguing with him so we all nodded ok "ok that was easier than I thought it would be" he chuckled as he picked up the bag again getting ready to throw it "we stay together, we NEVER split up and we keep our eyes open at all times" he said and threw the bag and it dissappeared before our eyes.
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