the pull

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Poppy POV I'm so happy to find out that Liam is my brother. We had what felt like a sibling bond, and if I'm honest, I've not got any memories without Liam in them. He's a year younger than me, but that is a guess from what Sally used to say when she was drunk, telling us all how we arrived at their door, how nobody wanted us and that's why we were dumped like rubbish because that's what we are. How they hated taking us in but knew that to keep the money they had to keep us which in a way worked out better for them as we would have to cook and clean for them and then we had to care for the children that started coming and living there from days to months at a time but never more than 4 children at a time. We both had blonde hair and looked so alike except our eye colour, mine is blue and Liams is green. I was small for my age, but totally opposite Liam was tall for his. He always took on the role of protector for me and the girls. When we left, we never looked back, and it really was the best thing we ever did. Liam was always on guard. He was always watching over his shoulder and was ready for anything. He was still the same even when we settled in our shack. We all loved him and would protect him if we needed to, but he wouldn't hear of it saying he was our protector and would be until his dying breath. We as a 4 have always relied on each other for support and strength but when Lori came back to the basement in hysterical sobs we knew something horrible had happened, at the time me and Liam didn't know what had actually happened but we snuggled close all night trying to help her the only way we knew how. We found out a year ago why Lori was so upset, and why we left and it took all 3 of us to hold Liam down until his anger went, he wanted to go back and kill Sid for what he had done but what could we have done we are just children.. when he was calm enough, we made him promise not to return, but he instead promised he wouldn't return there until he was older, and that's the best we could get from him. I felt angry too, but I've never seen him that pissed ever, and I don't know where he got his strength from. But knowing now we are werewolves, maybe that's the reason I'm not sure how it all works, but it has to be the reason, right... We have currently been walking for hours since getting our names and I think we have pushed ourselves harder to find our missing pieces, I've had dreams over the years of a couple crying, shouting and looking, I've always thought or hoped to be my parents but they have never been clear, always blurred, I always thought it was because that's what I've wanted and wished for more in life than anything. The last dream I had of them were really clear and they were wonderful, I just hope that is how they really are. I don't think I could take it if they were like Sid and Sally. I hoped with all my heart that they still wanted me, wanted US. Liam POV Wow, my name is Liam Webster, and Poppy is my true sister, not that I don't see Lori and Kylie as my sister because I do. As far back as I can remember, I've always had a pull to all 3 of them, to protect them and always be with them. I know I'm 13 years old, but I'm taller than most and almost as tall as Lori and Kylie, no matter how tall or short I'll protect them all to the best of my abilities. Since finding out about being werewolves, I'm on an even higher alert, watching and listening all around us, making plans in my head of how to safely get to where we are needed. I've always seemed to know if danger was near, mostly when we lived in that shitty hellhole. I think being on constant alert at the danger around us has made me read situations better, I was always angry while living there but the girls constantly kept me calm, never wanting me to get into trouble. When I found out last year what had happened to Lori even at my young age, I felt a rage I've never felt before and if it wasn't for the girls I would have ran back there and killed both of those scumbags. I still want to, but my girls need me more. We are all walking towards something that is pulling us. It sounds mad, but it's like something is connected to us and is pulling us faster. I feel the need to be quicker in my bones. Something bad is going to happen if we don't get to the pack. Something big that will affect us all...
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