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Third person POV "The only visitor that was new in our pack was a young she-wolf, she was a teenager so I couldn't imagine it be her plus she was still there after, surely she would have fled. When Alora was taken, I investigated hoping to find a clue, and we had no other visitors and definitely no clues, " Beta Darian said This got everyone thinking. "Who is she can we speak to her" Alpha Peter asked but Beta Darian shook his head no "she was a born rogue that asked for refuge, her name is Siri, she said her family was dead and had nowhere else to go, she came about 3months before the disappearance of Alora. She left around 2 months after, " Alpha Vince explained, but he didn't think she was connected she was young and afraid. Always jumpy and weary. "Why did she leave? what did she look like?" Alpha Peter asked again he had a hunch she was involved as he had a similar thing happen before Kylie went missing. "She said she had found her mate and was moving on but she was kind, always helping everyone and even worked in the creche" Alpha Vince said looking confused "I think she had short brown hair and was a little thing hardly had any weight on her when she asked for refuge, Yara liked her and she is a great judge of character" he explained further. "I think we are dealing with the same person because we had the same situation, a young scared girl was seeking refuge, we granted her but that was right before Kylies disappearance but she stayed in our pack for almost 6 months after when she left. I think she said she had found her mate, " Alpha Peter explained, now going pale at the thought that he had let her into his pack. "We had also a couple of visitors at the time a mated couple who joined our pack and a girl traveling and was seeking temporary refuge over the winter, we welcomed her in but she was in her early 20s, she was kind to everyone and also helped in our creche" Alpha Nathan explain. All 3 Alphas are now pissed that they let the one responsible for all those years of torture at losing their pups, in to their packs willingly. They now realised that they were played but were more determined to find her. "Was there anything at all you can remember she might have said certain things that would be true and we can work from there?" Alpha James asked, looking at the other Alphas. "I only remember her because she was so scared of everyone and she had a scar from her right eye down to her shoulder, I don't remember much else" Alpha Nathan said the other 2 frowned at that "the girl that came to ours didn't have a scar but she was frightened" Alpha Peter said and they both looked at Alpha Vince for his input. "I remembered her because she was obviously mistreated. She was thin and bruised, very frightened and always sad. She would only smile when helping someone but Yara helped her more than anyone else, it was my mate who spent the most time with her, had a bond with her" Alpha Vince said sadley, he was now feeling sick, his poor mate how can he tell her they think siri was involved. "Aww, dad, how can we tell her?" Alora was gutted as she knows her mum is going to be heartbroken her mum is a loving person that sees the best in everyone and helps anyone that needs it, the bonds she forms with others she holds close to her heart. "I don't know, sweetheart," he answered with a sigh "Ok, so we might have found the link between the kidnappings, a young she-wolf. When we find her, we will finally find the werewolf that has caused all this... are we all on the same page, and has anyone got anything to add? " Alpha Chris stated, looking around the room where everyone shakes their head no. His eyes stayed on Alpha Vince who looked worried and shook to his core "she is strong Vince, she will be upset obviously but she will bounce back" he said and Alpha Vince gave him a nod "I know but she helped siri so much, she was just a scared and abused child, how can I tell her that it was that child that took ours" he said sadly but he knew they needed to speak to her to see if siri let anything slip about where she from "we need to speak to Yara, Vince. Chris is right she is strong" Alpha James said looking at Vince "I need to see her in person I can't tell her any other way, she needs to hear it from me and I need to be there for her" Vince said standing and pacing already wanting to leave. "So it sounds like we have found out who is the middle man or should I say she-wolf, now we just need to find her," Alpha Chris said, looking around the room. "When do we leave for your pack, Vince?" Alpha Nathan asked, looking to his friend. Even though it had been years since they last spoke, he could tell how worried Alpha Vince is. " you come when your ready but I need to go now, Yara is going to be devastated" "I'm coming too dad" Alora said standing and as she did so did her mates "not without us" followed by Kylie, Poppy and Liam "so are we" Poppy said with determination "looks like we are all coming then" Alpha Nathan said standing with his pups. There is no way he would let them go without him. Everyone agrees to leave and go to the Diamond moon pack as soon as they have rang their mates to let them know they are going to be longer than planned. They were all hoping that they could finally find a lead to get to the bottom of it all. They were all ready to go there were Alpha Vince and Beta Darian Alora, Austin, and Aiden Alpha Chris and Beta Lou Alpha Peter and Beta Fred Kylie, Poppy, and Liam Alpha Nathan and Beta Kane All stood in the doorway, ready to leave. "Are you sure you don't need me to come with you all?" Alpha James asked, but they all said he should stay. Alpha James is a soon to be grandad due any day. His son William is 19years old, his mate Helen is due their pup any day and they are also preparing for his Alpha ceremony. "Thankyou James but you are needed here more, I hope we are done by the time of the ceremony, but if not, please pass on our congrats to william," Alpha Peter said. "Ok, if their is anything I can help with, let me know, and I wish you all luck," Alpha James said as they left. On their way to Yara, hopefully on their way towards answers.
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