the fight

1707 Words
Third person POV The whole group was travelling back to the Diamond moon pack in the cars they arrived in except Aiden and Austin. They were in Alpha Vinces' car. They were in the back seat with Alora snuggled between them. They were both Adamant that they were sticking close to their mate. They had been in the car for about 20 minutes, and no one had spoken. Non of them sure of what to say. Alora was as relaxed as she would get with her mind moving 1000mph. Her head was leaning onto Austins shoulder, and Aiden was holding her hand. She was so worried about her mum and what her reaction would be, but she knew she would be there for her. Beta Darian was driving as Alpha Vince was too distracted with his thoughts also, his mate needed him, and he couldn't get home quickly enough. Kylie was travelling in her dads car following behind Alpha Vinces' car. She was talking to her dad, trying to get more information from him, but he didn't know anymore than what he had already said. Her dad had tried to get her to stay at the crystal moon pack with Alpha james to try and keep her safe but she flatly denied, the whole situation involved her and she was not staying behind like a princess waiting to be saved. there was no way she would stay behind. She would follow her family wherever they went and would protect them until her last breath if that was what it cost to keep them safe. As she was looking out the window she could see a man stood off in the distance, long hair with what looked like red eyes "dad why is that man watching us" she asked confused especially when he waved, her dad quickly looked out the window but didn't see anyone. "I don't see anyone angel, where was he?" he asked, still looking, Kylie pointed to where she had seen him, but he wasn't there. "He had long hair and waved. This sounds crazy but I could have sworn he had red eyes," she said, confused, still looking for him. Her dads demeanour changed, and he became more alert. He took out his phone and started talking. "Hey, Vince Kylie has just spotted a vampire. Be on high alert." "Yeah ok I'll ring Chris and Nathan now," "Ok bye," He hung up and started dialling again. "Hey Nath.. yeah, stay alert. Kylie has just seen a vampire.. it might just be a rogue, but I've got a bad feeling. " "Yeah, ok... hopefully not, speak soon bye" He hung up and started dialling again. "Hey Chris.. be on high alert... no, we are ok, but Kylie has just spotted a vampire. " "Yeah, I know, but you're bringing up the rear, so be careful." "Ok, any problems, honk so we know." "Yeah ok bye" He hung up again, but he was on edge. "Is everything ok?" Kylie asked she was also scanning the area, and Janey was also ready. "Probably nothing, but we need to be ready for anything. If anything happens, be ready to fight, ok angel?" her dad said as she nodded. Poppy and Liam were laughing and talking until their dads phone rang. "Be on high alert Kane, a vampire has been spotted. It's probably nothing, but with everything going off, we can't be too sure, " he explained, and beta Kane nodded in agreement but didn't say anything, keeping an eye out. Everyone was now scanning all around, but after 10 minutes or so, there was nothing. All of a sudden, there was a honk from behind and a smash from the front, and then all chaos happened. Rogues coming from all directions snarling, running at the cars biting and scratching, hoping to kill the werewolves inside. Alpha Chris and Alpha Vinces' cars were attacked, and rogues came from all sides. The rogues managed to stop Alpha vinces car, it was knocked into a tree with a loud crack, Alpha Chris was still trying to stay on the road but before long they all came to a stand still, their wheels wrecked by nails and teeth. Everyone exited their cars, ready for a fight. All the Alphas were pissed that the rogues would attack while their pups were there. Pissed that their pups were in danger. Pissed that their pups are in constant danger even from being born. They were all ready to end this now. More rogues came trying to kill the small group, but being pack wolves, they were all well trained and worked as a team, killing the rogues that stood in their path. Alpha Vince was pissed, his daughter was bleeding, and it made his anger go through the roof. He knows she will b healed within minutes, but he shifts and rips apart any rogue near them. Alora was fighting with 2 rogues, kicking their ass, but a few had managed to hurt her a few times as there were so many. She had already killed 3. Aiden and Austin were fighting beside her, taking as many rogues down as possible, but looking around, it seemed more was coming. Their whole group was now surrounded all now closer together, watching each others backs. Alora was worried about Liam and Poppy as they don't have their wolves yet but they are fighting as a team, using silver tipped daggers and seem to be holding their own with dead rogues around their feet. Alora was impressed with how well they fought. It shows how hard they had been training, and she couldn't be prouder. A loud screeching "STOP" stopped everyone in their tracks, all the rogues stopped immediately and stepped back, still snarling at the group but not attacking. A woman with bright red eyes stood tall and proud, cocky that she had total control over the wolves. She had dark brown hair scraped back into a high ponytail, pale skin. She loved herself, and it was clear to everyone. She looked at the group with pure disgust. Like they are lower than scum which pissed off the Alphas. "You will not be alive after this fight but I just wanted you all to know before I watch you all die that we are going to destroy your packs, your families, everyone you have ever loved will be dead and burned" she taunted, laughing at everyones reaction. Poppy threw one of her silver daggers lodging it in the womans head. Taking everyone, including the rogues, by surprise as the womans body hits the floor with a thud. Using this distraction to their advantage, the group attacked the rogues, slicing through them like a hot knife cutting butter. Before the rogues could organise themselves again, most of them were dead. Laying in their human form surrounded in blood. Only 1 rogue remained, and he ran off with its tail tucked. Everyone in the small group has injuries, but they are not fatal and are healing quickly, perks of being a werewolf. Alpha Chris walks over to his sons to check on them as they are fussing over a bleeding Alora as she is trying to get to the others to check on them. "Is everyone ok, is anyone seriously injured" Beta Kane shouted and everyone checked in that they were all ok "ok well if everyone is able to walk we need to make our way before more come" Alpha Vince shouted while checking his daughter for injuries. "First of all we need to end that b***h" Beta Darian said looking at the vampire with so much hatred "I thought she was dead" Poppy voice with confusion "no sweetheart only removing their heart or setting them on fire works, preferably removing their heart then set on fire but either works" Alpha Nathan explained as Beta Lou stood over her, bent down and used his claws to rip her heart out viciously for the threat against his family. Walking away from her, he squished it completely and threw it into the forest. "I must say Poppy, that was a very unexpected throw, I'm impressed," Alpha Peter said as everyone agreed. "I don't get how she wasn't dead but she looked it" she replied "well the dagger would have rendered her unconscious and within time she would have woken up, removing the knife" Beta Kane said "yeah, it was a great shot especially to her head, that is the only damage that will knock them out. And it was a great distraction, " Beta Lou said impressed. Alora has pulled them all into a hug, checking each of them for injuries. She was so angry to see them cut, bruised, and bleeding, especially Liam and Poppy, because they could not heal like the rest. "Ok we need to move, we will have to shift and run in our wolf forms" Alpha Chris said looking at the damaged cars "Poppy will travel on your dads wolf and I'll carry Liam" Alora said feeling bad that they got hurt and she hadn't protected them enough. "No, the young Alpha will be travelling on Sam, my wolf," Beta Fred said, giving Alora a small nod in respect. "Ok, everyone shift," Alpha Vince said, but both twins growled as Alora started to strip. Being naked was natural for werewolves even though if it wasn't an emergency, it would be done away from prying eyes. "We don't have time for this now," Alora growled out, wanting to get home and get Liam and Poppy to the pack Dr. "But we don't want others to see our mate," Austin said, not wanting to give in because no one would see his mate in the nude. "Fine, but you know I'll be naked that side right?," Alora growled and shifted, shredding her clothes. Both twins were delighted to finally see Veda. Wanting to spend some time with her but pissed because they can't. They shifted, and their wolves were in heaven and started rubbing up against her. Everyone was ready, and they were off, running as fast as they could towards The Diamond Moon pack. Almost to the border, they heard the most loudest screeching heartbreaking scream.

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