
661 Words
Liam POV My plan was for me to go first, I knew that there was a big chance I wouldn't make it, but I'd rather it be me than any of the girls. I was entering into an unknown world, a magical and supernatural world at that.. I would never let the girls know that I'm worried about going because they had already tried talking me out of it and had come to a compromise of me being tied to a rope. I knew if I was to encounter danger, a rope wouldn't make any difference, but it seemed to have mollified them, so I agreed. There's a few things that could go wrong but I keep them to myself but I know there could be any kind of supernatural being behind this gateway that could mean me harm, I could dissappear and get lost in a world I have no clue about or I could instantly get killed by just going through this magical wall, my body is a different matter from the bag so maybe I will react differently to the bag. What if it's not the gateway at all.. I would never send any of the girls into unknown danger, they are my family, my everything and I used to hate not being able to protect them and that is why I vowed to myself I'd never let them be hurt by anyone ever again and I meant it. "Please be careful" Poppy cried as I went closer, I hated seeing her upset and would do anything to cheer her up and stop her tears, I needed to go in, check and then come back out as quickly as possible. As I did get closer my heart was beating so fast I thought it would shoot out of my chest but then as I took a deep breath trying to calm myself I had an amazing feeling of calmness and safety that I knew I would be ok and stepped through. I was expecting some kind of magic or zap, but all I felt was a slight tickle to my bare skin as I walked through. Wow, it looked amazing. It looked like the forest I was just in, but this forest was thicker, all different shades of greens, and felt good. Like home. I checked all around me searching for any type of danger, but there was nothing visible apart from the amazing forest and also a few bushes of different coloured flowers. I've never seen any like those before. I felt like I could finally breathe after years of living afraid and then constantly being on high alert. I always wished we had a loving family growing up but now hearing the truth about our families, our lineage, I knew then this was what we were waiting for, what we were being pulled to the little town for and it was because our home was here, our families are here but I'm also upset that we could have been with them 4 years ago but I suppose late is beter than never. The whole place felt, looked, and smelt amazing. I turn and walk back through the gateway, smiling. "Wow, it's amazing." I smiled, looking at their relieved faces "it's feels like home," I whisper, looking back at the gateway. "Ok so it's safe" Poppy asks worriedly, I nod yes "yeah it is sis, and when you go through you will see how amazing it truly is" I say untying the rope, she smiles and we all grab our things and get ready to enter our new lives. We all go through, and the look of pure delight on the girls' faces is great. "You were right, Liam, it really is beautiful," Kylie said with tears filling her eyes, and as I looked around them all, they were all the same. I can tell they all feel the same as I felt. Finally, we are free...
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