The lake

1548 Words
Third person POV After they all pass through the gateway, feeling the light tickles against their skin, all of them look around in amazement. Liam scouts around with his eyes, still making sure there's no danger. This time, though, he also gets a better look at his surroundings. All 3 girls are looking around with wide eyes too, this world is very much like the human world but it's more colourful. The flowers that cover the bushes are of all different colours but also look like they are pulsing slightly. They truly are magical. The trees are taller and fuller with shades of greens and browns. All around them looks healthier. It truly looks magical but also feels it. "You were right, Liam, it really is beautiful," Kylie said with tears filling her eyes. They all felt the same.. the feelings of contentment and belonging, and this was just a minute space of this world. "Ok.. we need to try and find the crystal moon pack and soon" Liam said getting straight to the point even though he wanted to also take in the beauty that surrounds them he knew they were sitting ducks out in the open and they were in a new unknown world. "Ok we need a plan" Kylie said as they all got ready to move on with the journey "yeah, we can't go around hoping for the best" Alora said as she looked around her. "Ok, so my compass isn't working great, but it says that way is north," Kylie says, pointing her thumb to her left while looking at a small cracked compass in her right hand. As they are stood trying to figure out which way they should go Alora hears that soft voice again 'south' just a breeze of a whisper but she definitely heard it "sounds weird but it's south" Alora said turning in that direction "well we have heard weirder than that the last few days" Poppy says and they all agree and laugh as they walk the path to finally find themselves. They were all nervous at what they would find, would they find happiness at last or just misery. Each one felt a little bit of relief to have a chance at finding their families but also apprehensive. Finding out that they were all stolen away from their loved ones was hard, trying to come to terms with knowing they were never abandoned or dumped like trash. They were wanted. They are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that they are werewolves on top of all that is crazy too. Whoever stole them as babies not only ruined their life, they stole their childhood, their happiness, and their freedom. They also took a part of their families' happiness away, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind them. They were all walking and talking quietly so not to alert anyone they are there, they had been walking for hours in a relatively straight path, trying to find the pack before dark as they had no idea what would be lurking out there. Not stopping for food just walking and drinking their water. They did manage to have a nibble on a few sandwiches that were left. They weren't fresh, but they ate them anyway, eating and walking. Poppy was afraid and walked the whole way, holding one of the others' hands at all times, afraid she would get lost or worse. They have passed so many different animals, flowers, and magic, but they kept together and pushed on. They break through a tree line and enter a clearing, and what they saw made their eyes widen in shock and wonder. A big lake that was so blue yet clear shimmering in the sunlight, it was definitely magical. It took up almost the whole clearing and truly looked beautiful. Beautiful men and women sat on the banks enjoying the company of one another. All heads snapped to them as they got a little closer. All but one young girl slipped into the lake swimming away, but as the 4 got closer, they realised they were actually mermaids. They were beautiful. The young girl looked to be around Poppys age with a sun-kissed tan skin, long flowing blue hair, and piercing pink eyes. She sat there smiling as they approached with her pink and blue tail swishing in the waters edge "hello" she said as her eyes glanced over them all but stopped at Poppy. Poppy looked absolutely beside herself at seeing a real mermaid. She was really excited, and it was only Aloras hand that was holding hers, keeping her grounded. "Hi, you're a mermaid." Poppy rushed out with excitement, causing them all to chuckle as it was obvious she was "yes I am.. my name is Nixie, and my family and I live here. They don't like new people, " she said, smiling."My name is Poppy. These are my family Liam, Kylie, and Alora." Poppy introduced them all, pointing with each name. "It's nice to meet you, would you like to join me" Nixie said tapping the floor next to her, still not taking her eyes from Poppy "I'm sorry we can't, we are going somewhere and need to get there soon" Alora said. She could feel Poppy pulling her hand free, so let go as she was talking. "Not even for a few minutes, I was hoping to make some new friends," Nixie said, still looking at Poppy, which was starting to give Liam a bad feeling something was wrong. Poppy started walking the little distance to sit with Nixie and as she was almost there a small orb of beautiful light flew past Alora and flew in front of Poppy trying to stop her but Poppy just kept walking like she couldn't see anything at all except Nixie the beautiful young mermaid wanting to be near her. "Stop Poppy, we have to go," Liam said as he walked to her and grabbed her hand just as another force grabbed her other hand. A tug of war started. It happened so fast that Liam almost lost his hold on his sister. In the few seconds of him grabbing his sister, he looked back at Alora and Kylie screaming running to where he was, he looked at what was pulling Poppy and it was Nixie, she was no longer the colourful smiling mermaid with blue hair or pink eyes, she had no colour on her at all... her hair, eyes and tail were black, as black as night, and her sun-kissed skin was now pale white and instead of a beautiful smile she had a mouth full of razor sharp teeth screaming at Poppy, trying to pull her into the water. Poppy felt no fear or worry about the mermaid that now looked scary or the fact she was being pulled to her death. She felt at ease, like she needed to go to Nixie. Alora and Kylie are now also pulling on Liam and Poppy, trying to save Poppy from the horrible creature that is trying to drag her to her death. Nixie was so strong that even though they were pulling with all their might, she was still getting Poppy closer to the water. Then out of nowhere there was more little lights flying around them helping pulling and pushing against the force of the mermaid until eventually her hold slipped and Poppy was released causing them all to topple over backwards, hitting the ground with a thud. It was at this point that Poppy seemed to wake up from her daze and started freaking out. Scrambling as far away as she can get from the water, a crying and shaking mess. Poppy, she was devastated about what just happened, how had she not felt the danger or any kind of fear. She was now stood and wrapped in Liam arms as he soothed her hair, telling her she was fine. They all looked back at the water, and there they were.. all the mermaids looking and hissing at them all, not happy they had lost a meal. They were all now pale, hair and eyes black hissing and screaming with Nixie at the front, screeching the loudest sending pains in all their ears. They were all now bent over with the pain trying to cover their ears to stop the screeching. It was so loud and painful. "This way," shouted the ball of light and flew off into the forest. The little group didn't know if to follow the light, what if it also couldn't be trusted but the alternative would be to stay here and suffer. Liam, Poppy, Alora, and Kylie all ran off after the lights, trying to escape the horrid creatures noise, they wanted to get as far away from the mermaids as possible. They eventually stop at where the light is resting on a branch. It was weird that a light could talk, but after the fiasco with the mermaids, nothing would be surprising. "Hello my name is Zoene" said the light but could tell the new comers are weary so she dimmed her light and there stood a fairy, with short pink hair and green eyes, she wore a light blue dress and had bare feet.
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