
1899 Words
Liam POV We have been here 3 weeks, and I'm loving it. We have settled in really well, and it feels like home. It's great to finally have loving parents, I'm gutted that we have missed out with them growing up, but I intend to put 110% into being here. Dads been showing me the ropes of being an Alpha. There's a lot to learn, but I'm determined. Poppy was offered the position of becoming the pack Alpha, but she was happy to turn it down, and I'm not surprised at all. She wants to train and become a strong fighter, but she doesn't want to take over the pack. We have spoken to Kylie and she seems to be settling in well too, except for her brother, he hasn't spoken to her yet but I told her to give him time, I hate not being there for her especially when she is crying over the phone. Alora has settled in well too, I was fuming when I heard about the attack, but she made me promise to stay here and look after Poppy. She sounded so upset about everything but assured me that her parents protected her and she met the rest of her family, who had accepted her, so that's good. I'm currently sitting in the office with dad, Beta Kane, Nick and carlos Jr., we call him carl. They have become my best friends over the last 3 weeks, it's like we had grown up together, I finally feel like I can relax more as I was always on edge with the girls, constantly feeling like I needed to protect them and keep them safe. It's great that I've now made friends and I can chill. I've noticed Poppy hasn't made any friends yet. She speaks to Rose in passing, but they are completely different. Rose has her group of friends that she has grown up with. She is loud and outgoing, whereas Poppy is the opposite. She is quiet and prefers to be on her own tucked up somewhere reading. It's not a bad thing, but I was hoping she would make friends and have a good life, not worrying about anything. I've mentioned it to Mum, but she said she had a plan and not to worry. So I'm going to leave it for now and see what happens. Dad drags my attention back to the present, and I hear Nick and carl trying not to laugh at me being caught. Damn it. As I look up, dad has his eyebrow raised, looking at me, and if I could shrink, I would. "That's it for today boys, it's time for your training." we all nod and stand heading for the door. My dad and Beta Kane are staying where they sit. Dad said they have a lot to get through, including calls to the other packs regarding the attack on Alora and her parents and something to do with an old vampire being there too. Hopefully, we will get to the bottom of everything soon. "We will go through more tomorrow. I'll see you later son, your grandparents are due back home today, so we have a meal planned, " he said with a smile, as I nodded and made my way out of the room. I'm excited but nervous about meeting them. Everyone says they are nice, but I'm still cautious. Mum and dad had made the decision not to tell them we had returned as it was the first holiday they had all been on, so they wanted them to enjoy it. "So after training, what do you both want to do?" I ask as I've got a free afternoon and could do with some chill time to get my mind off of meeting my grandparents. I could have asked Poppy to hang out for a bit but she has a day planned with mum "we could watch a film or have a few games on computer whatever really" Carl said so we all agreed to play on the computer for a few hours after training. Training was really hard today. It's hard every day, but today was brutal. My body feels tired and is hurting everywhere. Places I didn't know could hurt, hurt. Don't get me wrong I'm loving the training, learning how to fight and protect others. I've got to say I'm getting a hang of it. I've just finished for the day, and I'm a sweaty mess. all I want to do now is to have a shower and go to bed to sleep off the aches and pains. but I've made plans so I better get my ass into gear, shower, and meet up in the games room. My bedroom is on the Alpha floor next to Poppys, at first it was strange that I had a whole bedroom to myself and it has it's own bathroom, it's all sparkling white and I love having hot water anytime I want. That was one of the first things Poppy got excited about. It had taken her a while to settle into her own room. My bedroom is in shades of blue everywhere. With a big double bed and a walk-in closet, which is now filled with everything I will need. I told Mum it was too much, but she was adamant. I'm just finishing getting dressed when I heard a loud alarm and my stomach dropped wondering what was going on. It must be something serious as I've never heard it before... I chucked on my top and trainers and ran out my room, knocking on Poppys bedroom door, hoping she was back from having time with mum but she wasn't there, I was stood there thinking of what and where to go next, I wish I could mindlink right now but I've got to wait until I'm 18 years old. That was too long. I sprint down the stairs bumping into Nick "what is it" I ask but it was an older man walking passed us that said "come on everyone needs to get to the safe room, rogues are on pack lands" he said helping a few younger kids to the safe room. ROUGUES...... "Where are they, is everyone safe?" I ask, but the older man shrugged his shoulders and didn't answer, probably because he didn't know the answer. "Nick help get the kids and elderly to the safe room, I need to find my sister" I say as he nods but looks at me confused but I don't have time so I ran out the pack house. I was running to the garden passing pack members as they were going to the safe room. Claire, who runs the creche, is struggling with all the little kids. She has 2 of the smallest kids in her arms, trying to heard the others towards the safe room. I need to help before the danger gets here.. I ran to them. "Claire, is this everyone from the creche?" she nods "yes young Alpha," she said, looking round in panic "ok listen up, kids, we are going on an adventure. Stay together and stay close. We have to be quiet but fast, " I say as they all listen to me with curiosity."So who wants to play? " I ask, and they all agree. I pick the smallest up on my shoulders and 2 more in my arms. Leaving 4 walking, they were a little older, so they held hands "Ok shhhh follow the leader ok" I said and motioned Claire to lead, and I'd bring up the rear. She quickly walks, and we all keep up together until we reach the safe room door. "Well done, my little sneakers, we did it. You were great at that game," I said as they all entered the room giggling. "Thank you so much, young Alpha," Claire said, smiling before going into the room. "That's everyone safe, did you find Poppy" Nick said and I shake my head no "no I'm going back out now" I replied "ok I'll come with you" he said "yeah me too" Carl said walking with May to the safe room. May is an older woman, probably 1 of the oldest pack members we have. "Thank you, young one," she said to Carl as she also walked into the safe room. "Is everyone counted for before we seal the door?" I ask into the room, and when everyone agrees, I'm about to shut the door. "Wait.. boys, you should also be in there, " Beta female Ashley said as she walked towards us with Gamma female Wendy. "I'm going to help wherever I can" I said but I could tell they were not happy but agreed "you 2 in there, we will be standing guard out here" they told their sons "mum I'm Liams next Beta I cannot leave him now what if he needs me" Nick said and his mum reluctantly agreed Carl also gave his mum the same look to his mum "ok be careful" she said and we ran out of there heading for the woods. Just as we were about to reach the tree line, Poppy was walking back with dad, mum, and warriors. Some dragging a passed out man. "Are you hurt?.. are you ok? " I ask worried, but she nodded yes and smiled "Liam I'm fine.. mum kicked ass you should have seen her, both mum and Rose kept me safe, " she said, full of love looking at mum. Wow, when did my sister become stronger mentally it's great to see her confidence grow. I pull her into my arms to make her feel better but also for myself to feel better. "What happened dad, was anyone hurt" I ask Hoping there was no fatalities, "Rogues attacked your mum and sister but your mother is not a she-wolf to be messed with" he said laughing looking at the rogue that was being dragged towards the pack dungeons. Wow, she really is a bad ass "oh love, it was also you and the warriors," Mum said smiling. "Alpha, Luna" came from behind me where Nick and carl was baring their necks. Mum looked in thought for a moment "boys you were all supposed to be in the safe room" she said as she hugged me "we were wanting to help" I said as we walked back into the pack house, everyone was starting to leave now the threat had gone. Claire was walking out the front door with the kids who ran to me cheering "we won the game" "and had biscuits" "they yummy" "we play again" they all shouted at once running to me grabbing my legs giggling. I start laughing. "That's great, we can play again soon ok" I say, still laughing. I'm used to kids because of our upbringing. "Alpha, Luna.. Liam will make a great Alpha, he helped me get the pups to safety and did it without worrying the pups at all" Claire said smiling "he takes after his mother" dad said with pride "don't sell yourself short love" mum said kissing his cheek. This really was what a loving family looked like. "Come along pups, it's time for drinks and snacks." Claire said still carrying the youngest two pups. All the kids cheered and started following a laughing Claire. Next hurdle is the grandparents.
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