
1298 Words
Kylie POV I'd spent the best part of the night wrapped in my thoughts and talking to Alora. I'm hoping this won't be the last night we get to do this because I know it will be a massive change when we meet our families. For one, they don't live in the same territory, and secondly, they have 18 years of hate, anger, and bloodshed to deal with. I climbed back in my own bed after Alora fell to sleep, and it felt like heaven being laid in a proper bed. I could get used to that. Hopefully, finding my home I'll have a bed as good as this one. We have passed the fairy territory border, Francis and Zoene have both changed into their fairy form, and we have been walking for a few hours. Keeping low and as quiet as can be so not to cause attention to ourselves. We have snuck around a few rogues, but Zoene masked our scent, so it was a lot easier. She has different potions for things in her bag, but when she spritz some over me, I was expecting it to smell foul, but it smelt of beautiful wild flowers. We are not far from our destination now, and the closer we get, the more my nerves build. What if they don't believe us.. maybe we are too late to build a life here. When we promised last night that we would stick together, I meant every word, but I'm hoping we won't have to make a life on our own as I pray for my family. I want to be with them and get to know them but that also doesn't mean that I don't want to see Alora, Poppy and Liam because they will always be a massive part of my life. Now I'm probably greedy, but I want them all to be in my life and don't want to choose. "WATCH OUT!!" I heard Liam shouted as he knocked me to the side. What the hell. I hit the floor with a thud banging my face, elbow and hip hard with a groan but before I could register what was happening I got thrown to the right with a searing pain to my upper arm and shoulder, screaming out in pain as I once again land on the hard ground, landing with another thud on my stomach banging my injured shoulder on the ground also. What is happening but as I look up there is a big, big wolf coming at me with hungry red eyes but as I was expecting more pain, it didn't come and as I looked back up the wolves head was chopped off and landed near me before turning back to a man... my breakfast was now spewed all over the ground next to me, not sure if from the pain or the sight in front of me. "Oh my god, Kylie, are you ok?" I could hear Alora ask, but all I could do was scream in pain and distress. Zoene and Alora pushed me over onto my back, away from the sick. She was stroking my hair to try and calm me, but the pain was too bad. As I looked down, I was covered in blood, and so was the floor. There was a massive tear in my shoulder and upper arm,the wolves teeth had no problem slicing straight through my hoodie and flesh. "It's ok, Zoene is going to take care of it ok, just breath" Alora said again as I look up at the white face of Liam and a sobbing Poppy, even with tears streaming down my face I tried to give them both a small smile. "Kylie, this will hurt for a little while, but when I'm done, you will feel better.. ok, " I heard Zoene quietly say, but all I could do was nod my head yes. The tears never stopped streaming down my face. I know if I open my mouth now, it will just be screams, but I'm trying to be strong, so I don't scare Poppy and Liam more than they already are. I feel my hoodie being ripped and someone touching my skin, but I hold the scream in, scrunching my eyes closed, hoping it will be over soon, but it wasn't. I felt like someones fingers or something press in my wound and I couldn't hold my screams in anymore someone clamped their hand over my mouth to muffle me, and that's when the hot searing pain started, not sure how long it lasted but it felt like days or hours but then it stopped and I was left a sobbing mess. The searing pain had gone, but the pain left behind was bad. As I opened my eyes, Alora was on my right and Poppy on my left, and both was pinning me down onto the ground, and Zoene was up near my head with a sad look on her face. She was now trying to sit me up along with my girls, but it still hurt as I winced. "What happened?" I rasped as my throat hurt from the screaming and sobbing. Poppy had grabbed a bottle of water out the bag for me to sip, which felt great, soothing my throat. "That was a rogue wolf," Zoene said as I nearly choked on my water. "we didn't see him in time, Liam managed to save you just as the wolf jumped for you but it was quick and bit onto your upper arm and shoulder but not to worry Francis got to it before it could get to you" Zoene explained as she covered my wound with a bandage and then put a sling on me tucking my arm into it. "You're very lucky. The throat is where they aim, Liam really did save you," Zoene said again quietly, lost in her thought. "I've used some of our magic potion to help you heal but because your a werewolf it works differently to us, it was only strong enough to heal the inner most damage, the outer damage will take time" I nod my head but jump as I heard a rustle near the trees causing me to jump then wince in pain "it's ok Ky... it's just Liam and Francis they were doing a check around us while we were helping you, " Poppy said, smiling at me. I feel like s**t now because if I wasn't lost in my head, I would have seen that wolf and dodged it. "Hey Ky, how are you feeling?. How's the shoulder? " "I'm ok, it hurts but I suppose that's my karma for not paying attention properly, so I'm sorry I was lost in thought I didn't even hear that wolf and why was it so big" I ask feeling silly. As they helped me to my feet I went a little light headed "francis would you mind please" Zoene asked and in one movement I was lifted gently into his arms with my good shoulder pressed against his chest "thankyou Francis" I say quietly. "The wolf we just faced was a small sized wolf. Werewolves are anything from that size to 2 sizes bigger than that one." Francis explained. "thankyou everyone for helping me," I said, looking off into the distance. "We have about another hour walking, and we will be at the border of the crystal moon pack," Francis said, making me nervous and joyful at the same time. I hope my parents are there or even my dad if it's a meeting.. I'm not sure what happens at the meetings or who attends, but I hope all goes well. I notice we all pick up our speed wishing to get there sooner.
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