emergency meeting

1121 Words
Alora POV I've been having a great time with Jeremy. We have been training together working on our hand to hand combat. Jeremy used to kick my ass without breaking a sweat, but now he has got competition, and we both push each other to our limits. We've been called to dads office, there has been an emergency meeting called and I know it must be something serious with my dads tone. I walk in with Jeremy to be greeted with a roomful. Dad, Mum, Uncle Darian, dads beta, his mate Kimmy, Gamma George, and his mate Jem, all my grandparents and Callum and Connor. The smile disappeared from my face, looking at how serious dad was. "I've called this meeting because there has been an attack at Opal moon pack" I gasp and panic fills me "is everyone ok" I ask fear gripping me "they are all fine, Kylie was att-" "WAIT WHAT... KYLIE" I start panicking, wanting to leave and go there. "Wait, Alora.. let me finish, " dad said as I was heading for the door, making me stop. "Kylie was attacked but she kicked their asses and wasn't injured at all" dad finished and I'm already filled with relief "I thought all packs were on lock down" Gamma George says confused "we are all on lock down, the attack happened on their pack territory but was handled. The meeting has been brought forward to tomorrow, we will all be meeting at Alpha James pack" ok what does it have to do with the meeting, something else must have happened "what has changed to bring the meeting forward" Uncle Darian asked voicing my concerns also "the rogues were organised and waiting to attack Kylie it seems to be well planned out, Alpha Peter thinks it was orchestrated by the person responsible for taking our pups to start with" dad said fuming at the thought "ok so what is the plan" Jeremy asked "you will help your mother and George take care of the pack, I will be going to the meeting with Darian, Alora and also a handful of warriors" dad said and everyone started talking "wait why are we taking warriors if the attack was on pack land, we need to leave the warriors for the protection of the pack" I say, I know me, dad and uncle Darian can take care of ourselves "they might be waiting for an opportunity to attack so the warriors are for your protection honey" mum said looking concerned 'I will end anyone that means us harm' Veda said pissed at the threat "I mean no disrespect to our warriors but I'm trained by the best in this pack and can put most warriors on their asses, Veda is an amazing warrior and said she will kill anything that tries to hurt us" after a few more minutes of trying to get around dad to let the warriors stay behind and dad finally realised that I wasn't giving in he reluctantly agreed. "We will look after the pack also, don't worry son it will be a joint effort" my grandad said and everone started talking again, going over what needs to be done while we are gone and strategies for our warriors and tightening the security of the pack, I can't seem to focus on any of it as all I want is to leave and ring Kylie. "I'm going to ring kylie and go to bed for the morning unless you need me for anything else" I say looking around everyone "no honey that's fine we are almost done here anyway" mum said as I turn straight for the door. As soon as the door opened and I was outside, my arm was pulled back gently. Jeremy stood looking worried with his hand on my arm. "I know you have to go, but please be careful, don't jump in thinking you can win.. just fight if you don't have a choice, " he said, full of worry. "Yeah of course, don't worry too much about us, you need your full focus on protecting our pack" Was all I could say, his worried face made me not want to leave at all "I will, you kick ass if you need to" he said with a small smile. I nod and hug him. I've grown so close to them all. We parted ways, and I ran to my room for my phone, I burst through the door and grabbed it. 16 missed calls and too many texts to count from all 3 of them. I decided it would be faster and easier to ring all 3 in a group call. After a couple of rings, Liam answers, "Where have you been?" Liam says in a panic. "I've just left our emergency meeting, how is everyone" I'm so worried and that's when Kylie and Poppy also join our video chat "omg Kylie are you ok, we have just had a meeting and was told you were attacked" I say in a panicked rush, her tears started coming and it's times like these that I wish we were not apart. "Oh Ky we are here" Poppy said with tears in her eyes as mine were blurring with tears too "I will hurt anyone that has hurt you Ky, they will pay" Liam said fuming " I'm upset because I..I.. I had to kill them, " she cried. I know she will be more upset with hurting someone than the danger she was in, she is such a caring girl and that's one of the reasons I love her so much but I'm happy she stood up for herself. I'm so proud of her. "I know you are upset at hurting them, but you had no choice, and I'm proud of you and Janey for holding your own," Liam said with pride. "I agree sweet, it was either you or them and I would be destroyed if anything happened to you, we all would be" I say wishing to be there to comfort her, she needs me and I'm here feeling useless. After sometime for Kylie to calm down "me, my dad and uncle Darian will be leaving first light, the meeting has been put to tomorrow" I explain "we will also be leaving first thing in the morning" Liam said and Kylie also agreed, it's shitty that someone might be targeting us and we have no Idea why. We stay on chat for ages, trying to cheer Kylie up before we call it a night. I pack my bag and lay my clothes out for the morning before jumping in the shower, and I climb into bed, hoping to get some sleep for tomorrow.
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