Chapter 7

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Genevieve I flutter my eyes open when I hear the sound of the doorbell? No No. No. It’s a knock on the door. Wait, a knock on the door? I gasp. I sit up and look around. It’s almost night time. I blink my eyes and I look on down on my stomach when hear it growling. Again, there was a knock on my door and I stand from my bed to see who it is. I gently open the door to see Mr. Frost smiling at me. “Miss Lewis, we have brought you your meal.” Behind Mr. Frost is a tray of food and I swallow hard at the sight of it. It only made me hungrier. The hotel staffs push the trays into my room and I can’t help but smile. I am famished. Mr. Frost enters the room with me as the staffs place the food on the table. “I learned from Sir Ferdie that you love to try something new Miss Lewis and because this is your first visit in Australia, may I present to you our famous Australian dish, Kangaroo fillets in pepper berry and red wine marinade.”   The staff lifts the lid to reveal the dish and the sight of it is mouth-watering. Is it an actual kangaroo? Well, the name says it all but I’ve never tasted a kangaroo before. “….and we also prepared an El Garcia champagne which you fancy the most.” Mr. Frost added. “If there is anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to call us, Miss Lewis.” I smile at him and nod my head in response. He is surprisingly very attentive to me, I bet Ferdie made sure I get special treatment. Now I know why he said it’s up to me what I do next. He probably did his best to---- “Miss Lewis?” I blink my eyes when I hear Mr. Frost calling me. “I guess, we should let you enjoy your meal.” Mr. Frost and the staff slightly bow their heads and left. I gently close the door and went to the table to eat. I was in the middle of eating my dinner when my phone starts ringing. Frowning, I stand from my chair and took the phone from my bed. I raise my eyebrows when I saw Veronica’s name on the screen. I glance at my wristwatch and it’s ten AM in Genovia. “Yes?” “Well, hello to you too, stranger.” I roll my eyes when I heard Veronica’s sarcastic remark. “…..anyway, I’m gonna make this quick so listen…..” well, haven’t I heard that before. Why are they always in a hurry? They are making me feel bad. It has almost been three days since I last saw them but I already miss my sisters. Veronica continues. “….get your laptop and go online. We are having a video chat; I want to see your progress.” “Progress? What progress---“ I didn’t get to finish because the little brat already ended the call. Shaking my head I took my laptop from my bag and placed it on the table. I got online just like Veronica instructed and waited for her call. As I wait, I continued eating and when I was finally done, I open one bottle of champagne and pour myself a glass; that was when Veronica called. I click on my laptop to answer the call and to my surprise everyone was present; Ferdie, Steff, and Xia. They all got the free time. “Surprise, surprise.” Veronica says with a victorious smile on her face. “Is it just me, or is it really night time over there?” Steff asks moving her head from side to side. “Yes, it’s past seven in the evening here. Apparently it’s a nine-hour difference.” I reply then taking a sip of my champagne. “Where are you staying right now?” This time it was Xia’s turn to ask. “I am staying at this fancy hotel, thanks to you Ferdie.” I didn’t mean to sound sarcastic at the end but it really doesn’t feel like vacation when the hotel treats me like a princess. “Hey, it takes a lot of effort to book you a hotel ASAP. You should be thanking me.” Ferdie commented. “Wait, hold on.” We all turn our attention when Veronica speaks. “You are in a HOTEL? Alone? What is wrong with you? I thought you’ve improved.” Huh? What is she talking about all of a sudden? “In the airplane, weren’t you seated beside a hunk? Didn’t you talk to him? or is there a handsome bellboy in there----“ I roll my eyes at her. “Why are you turning me into a p********e?” Veronica acted hurt then she replied, “No, I am not. It’s called adventurous.” Shaking my head, the five of us talked for a while but since they still have works to do so we didn’t get to talk long but I’m happy that Veronica called everyone.   ~~~~~ I flutter my eyes open and roll all over my bed when I head my phone ringing. Who is it this time? Can’t they just let me have a peaceful sleep? I reach for my phone and answer the call without looking at the caller. “Hello?” “Good morning. Can I speak to Miss Evie Lewis?” Evie, not Genevieve, huh. What is it this time? “This is Evie speaking.” And can you make it quick I still need to sleep? I want to add but I bit my tongue not to. “Good morning Miss Lewis. I apologize for calling you this early, I am George Washington from the Fast Cars Corporation…..” hearing the words “fast cars” was enough to wake up my whole system. I flutter my eyes open and sit on my bed. “……we sent you an invitation to a race track event?” “Yes, yes, I received it. I just arrived in Australia yesterday.” I feel like my heart is going to explode with so much excitement. “That’s good to hear because there were sudden changes regarding the date of the said race. I called to inform you that the race track event was moved a day earlier so we wanted to meet you later at 10 am? Would you be available?” I am barely breathing right now. Is this really happening? “Of course. I’ll be there.” I want to scream and jump and scream and jump but that would be too embarrassing. “Great. Forgive me for the short notice; you were probably still having a jet lag. The address is written on the letter we sent you and when you arrive, just give the letter to the reception area and they shall take it from there. That would be all. We’ll be expecting you Miss Lewis.” the call has ended but I am still holding my phone on my ear. A wide smile slowly crosses my face and I am literally jumping with joy as I enter the bathroom. I am singing as I take a bath and I continue to hum as I did morning routines. I face my mirror with a smile on my face and I walk out of the bathroom. I reach for my phone to look at the time and it’s still seven A.M. sharp. Breakfast will be here any moment now and as if on cue, there was a knock on my door. I got into my robe and wrap my wet hair with a towel. I gently open the door and let the staff put the food on my table. Surprisingly, Mr. Frost is not here, well, I am not the only guest who needs special treatment just because I am occupying a presidential suite. “Miss Lewis, we’ve prepared Australian style pancakes with whip cream and ANZAC biscuits. We’ve also prepared a cup of hot chocolate, as you requested.” She slightly bows her head at me and I glance at her name tag and said, “Thank you, Ursula.” “…..and Miss Lewis, I would like to inform you that your car was delivered a while ago and it is currently parked in the basement parking lot of the hotel.” Ursula added. “Thank you so much, Ursula. Can you please tell Dexter--- if he is available--- to kindly prepare my car. I need to go somewhere.” “Of course, Miss Lewis. Well then, I shall take my leave and let you have a sumptuous breakfast.” Ursula left the room closing the door behind her. As for me, I should get dressed first before I eat. I open all suitcases and I stare at my clothes. Wait—what should I wear? Should I wear something formal? No. I’m not going to a business meeting. Casual? No. I’m not gonna have a stroll. Oh, gracious, what am I doing? Evie, just think of this as one of your normal days and wear your usual style. Okay, that should do it. I am wearing a white bralette paired with a leather jacket and pants.  I place my jacket and my wallet down and have my breakfast. After a quick breakfast, I hurriedly brush my teeth and put a little powder on and a lip tint. I think that’s it. I take one last glance in the mirror and I can’t help but smile. I glance at my wristwatch and my eyes grew wide when it’s already past eight. I should really get going. I still don’t know if there’s traffic or if the address is far from the hotel. Maybe I should ask Dexter to drive me to my destination, just this once and after that, I’ll drive on my own. I grab my wallet, my phone, and my jacket placing the letter of invitation inside its pocket. I exit the room and when I reach the ground floor, I see Ursula standing by the entrance. I approach her and when she noticed me she bows her head. “Your car is ready, Miss Lewis.” I look outside the hotel to see Dexter waiting for me by the car. “Thank you for everything, Ursula.” “It’s my pleasure to serve you, Ma’am” I walk out of the hotel and walk to my car. I must say, Ferdie chose my type of car. Bently huh? Dexter opens the backseat for me then he enters the driver’s seat. “Where are we headed today, Ma’am?” “Can you take me to this address?” I give him the letter and pointed out the address written on it. I hear Dexter gasp silently and when he turns his head to look at me, his eyes were wide with shock. Dexter starts the engine and we went on our way. The journey started quietly until Dexter spoke. “I can’t believe you are racer, Ma’am.” I snorted. “I am barely a racer, Dexter.” “I don’t think that’s true. To be invited by the FCC to give a test drive to their later sports car means that you are not just a good racer but the best.” Dexter argues. I can tell he is a big fan of car racing. “You’re making it too obvious that you’re a big fan of car racing.” I can’t help but comment and it made Dexter chuckle. “I must admit I am, Ma’am and one of my most favorite racers in the whole world is the racer named Stealth RJ.” What? Stealth RJ? I think I heard that before? RJ isn’t that--- “He is currently rank 1st as the fastest racecar driver of the year.” Dexter just answered my curiosity. I wonder if I get to race with him during the event. I really hope so. “There will be a race track event a few days later Ma’am. I don’t know if Prince RJ will be there but even if he is, I will still cheer for your Ma’am.” Shaking my head, I can’t help but smile at Dexter’s chatty side. He was never this talkative when I first met him but now, after knowing where we’re headed he became a total nerd and I’m the girl version of him although I refuse to let anyone see it. The journey to the Fast Car Corp. didn’t take long because Dexter’s been using shortcuts and detours so I arrive at our destination at nine fifty. I am ten minutes early and that’s thanks to Dexter. Dexter opens the door for and when I step out of the car, he asked, “Should I wait for you Ma’am Genevieve?” “Just call me Evie, Dexter, and no. I’ll just call you to pick me up later. The meeting might take long and you still have a job to do.” Dexter bows his head and drives away leaving me standing by the entrance. I let out a long sigh and push the door open. I approach the reception and was greeted by one of the ladies sitting there. “Can I help you Ma’am?” “Mr. George Washington instructed me to give this to you?” I gave them the letter and after scanning it for a few seconds, the lady smiles at me and said, “Mr. Washington and his team have been expecting you, Miss Evie. This way please.” The receptionist guides me into the elevator, taking me to the third floor or should I say, the top floor. Their office is not a tall building as I have expected. It’s only three floors high. The receptionist takes me to the conference room then she says, “Please wait for a few moments as I call Mr. Washington. Excuse me.” I walk closer to the glass window to see cars under maintenance. It must’ve cost millions just to buy one of their cars. “You must be Miss Evie Lewis.” I turn my body around when I hear a voice from behind me. “Welcome to Fast Cars Corp. I am George Washington. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Lewis.” Mr. Washington offers his hand for me to shake and I gladly accepted them. “Please, take a seat.” “I heard you were quite skilled in driving sports cars Miss Lewis that is why we have invited to do a test drive to our latest model.” Mr. Washington started as we got settled in our seats. “I can’t say I’m skilled but it is up to you to determine whether I am fit to represent your company during the race or not.” I answered truthfully although I am hoping and praying that I’ll get qualified and have the chance to compete. “That is the main reason why we wanted to meet you, days before the race. If you please follow me, Miss Lewis, I shall take you to the track to see if you can drive our cars.” Mr. Washington guides me to the track and I feel really nervous because what if I mess up? Breathe in and out. You got this Evie. Just calm down. When we reach the track, my eyes automatically landed on the car standing by right there. It was so hard to act like it was no big deal because it was. Mr. Washington and I approach the group of people standing beside the car. “Miss Lewis, I’d like you to meet the race track team that will help you and assist you during the race that is IF you pass the assessment. They are Miranda, Karl, Mike, James, and Dave. Everyone, this is Miss Evie Lewis.” I reach for each of their hand and they all had a smile on their faces as they did. But it kinda looks like they’re having doubts about me; especially the males. “Together with the rest of the team, we will evaluate your performance and decide if you got what it takes to be our representative. Are you ready, Miss Lewis?” Mr. Washington gives me that challenging look but I can’t back down now. This is the reason why I came here in the first place. “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” 
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