Chapter 8

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Genevieve I am so disappointed. I’ve always wanted to drive today but here I am today, on the other side of the race track watching as the cars circle around the track. I wonder if---- “Miss Evie?” I blink my eyes then I turn my head when I heard someone calling my name and my eyes landed on him. “Dexter? What are you doing here?” “Do you mind?” I glance at the vacant space and move to the side. “Of course.” “Luckily, it’s my day off today and I heard they are having a mock race today. How about you ma’am?” I roll my eyes at him. “You’re off duty so it’s Evie. Well, Fast Car Corp. told me to watch and observe then later today, I will race with one of their drivers. It’s just----training—or lesson---I guess.” Yes. I passed the assessment. I thought I was gonna be nervous the entire time but when I sat behind the wheels I feel like all jitters are gone. They made a demonstration of their latest model and I was shaking with excitement and fear as they did the demo. They placed traffic cones on the track as my marker and it was so nerve-wracking that they will stand on each side of the track to assess me while Mr. Washington will seating on the passenger seat to see me up close. The moment I started the engine, I closed my eyes and imagine myself in the streets of London; I mean what could be the difference, right? The assessment didn’t last long because after going around on the track, Mr. Washington asked me to stop because the assessment is over. I was really nervous that it ended way too soon. Maybe they didn’t see any potential in me. I might just end up, shaming them and their name on the event but when Mr. Washington congratulated me, I wasn’t about to hold myself back. I jumped with joy and I shake the hand of each member of the team. The next day, I was driving the enhanced model of their sports car all day, on the track. It was so tiring but fulfilling. “Have you ever raced before, Miss Evie?” I hear Dexter which pulls me out of my thoughts. “Stop with the ‘miss’ and just call me Evie. Yes, I’ve been racing in the streets of London ever since I learned to drive.” I answer him. I blink my eyes when I hear my phone ringing. People start glancing over me and I slightly bow my head and apologize. I look at Dexter apologetically and said, “Excuse me, Dexter.” I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?” “How is the race going for you?” I frowned then I look at my phone to see who the caller is. It’s Mr. Washington. “Mr. Washington---“ “Please call me George, Evie. I’m only four years older than you. So, what can you say about the race?” I glance at the race track and well, there’s nothing to say. “Mr. --- I mean George, there’s not much to tell. I think it’s different when you’re watching on the other side of the track and when you are ON the track.” I hear a soft chuckle from George then he replied, “You have a point. Why don’t you come here and we’ll do a mock race of our own?” “That would be amazing. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” “Are you leaving already, Miss—I mean Evie?” Dexter asks which caught my attention. I forgot he was sitting right there. “Yes, I am. I still need to train more. The racetrack event is tomorrow.” “Well then, good luck Evie.” I smiled at him then I left. After the racetrack event, I scheduled a meeting with a real estate agent. I am planning to buy a small property here in Sydney. I don’t want to stay in that hotel for three months. I don’t think I can ever get fresh if I live there for another week. Thanks to the car Ferdie rented for me, I managed to find my way around the streets in Sydney. I am slowly adapting to their time-zone but I haven’t seen the best of Australia yet. I’m still focused on the main reason why I came here.   ~~~~~ It was eight in the evening when I finally reach the hotel. I feel like I was dragging my body around and it felt really heavy for some reason. I slam my body on my bed and close my eyes. The training workshop was so brutal. Mr. Washington or George, had me driving the whole afternoon. I’ve never driven that long in one day. Well, I guess it is a good thing that I have a track & field background and martial arts as well; a little won’t hurt. I open my eye and I turn my head to the side when I hear my phone ringing. Lifting my phone up, I raise my eyebrows when I saw George’s name on the screen. “Hello?” “Did I disturb you?” yes you did, sir; BIG TIME. I wanted to say that but I bit my lower to stop myself from doing so. “No. I was just preparing for bed.” I answered instead. “It’s still early to go to bed, Evie. Why don’t we have a little drink at the bar? You know, to cool off.” I’ve had enough of bars and drinks. I might end up sleeping in someone else’s bed again. “I think I’m gonna pass. I still have my debut race tomorrow. Thanks for the invitation though, thank you.” I ended the call right away without hearing his reply. He is slowly getting on my nerves and I am not a fool not to notice him making his move on me. “Well, guess what, sir, you’re no gonna get me.” I said as if he was there. I squeeze my eyes shut when my phone starts ringing. He’s just not giving up, isn’t he? Man, get a hint. “No offense George but I really need to get some sleep.” I said the moment I answered the call. “Who’s George?” I blink my eyes when I heard her familiar voice. “Xia? What is it? Is there a problem?” I ask. “No, I just wanted to know how you’re doing and who’s George?”  Oh, God. Please don’t let this name reach Veronica’s ears. “George? Did I just hear a man’s name? Is that Evie?” oh here we go. My prayers were just answered. “Evie? Who is this George huh?” yep. It’s Veronica on the phone now. Why are these three always together or should I say why is she everywhere? “No one. Now, if there isn’t anything else, can you please give Xia her phone back.” I pleaded and hopefully, Veronica listens. “Lucky you, I still have a date with my horses but you better prepare those juicy details because I’m gonna get it.” sigh. Why is she always like this? Is she going through something again? “Evie? Just ignore Veronica. You know her when she’s like that.” I nodded my head as if Xia could see it. “I know. Just----you and Steff, I want you to be there for her. Whatever it is, just listen to her. She tends to be very nosy all the time but it’s her defense mechanism against the pain.” Veronica has always been like that. She tends to act tough, talkative, and fun but among the four of us, she’s hurting the most. She’s only twenty-three but she’s already been through so much pain; especially on the time when her long-time boyfriend died on the night of his marriage proposal. “Painkillers. I know. Well, I’ll let you rest now, Evie. You sounded very tired. Take care, I love you.” “I love you too, baby sis.” Xia ended the call and I close my eyes once again. I miss my little sisters. I wonder what they’re doing right now, well aside from their usual routines. I know Steff is teaching music to the children, Veronica is usually with the horses, and Xia is studying to become a doctor. It must’ve been weird for them not seeing me around the mansion or the fields that’s why I understand if they keep on calling me. It’s going to be a big day tomorrow and I promise I will make the most of it. Win or lose, I will still treasure the moment for the rest of my life.   ~~~~~ I roll over my bed when I heard my alarm ringing. Why did I set an alarm this early? Oh right. I have a race at nine. Wait, what? A race? Oh my god, the race. I need to get ready. I got up from the bed and showered like I’ve never done before. I asked for an early breakfast and I also informed them that I’ll be leaving tomorrow. After the race later, I want to meet with the realtor so I could have my own condo or an apartment. What could be the difference? When I come out from the shower, I can already smell breakfast and I was right. Breakfast is already on the table when I come out of the bathroom. I took my phone to have a quick glance at the time and luckily it’s still 6:05. I had a quick breakfast and after that, I got changed into a black tube top paired with high-waist denim square pants and boots. I didn’t bother putting powder on my face or a lip gloss because I will be wearing a helmet anyway but I am bringing powder, lip gloss, and sunglasses with me. I got into the elevator and went straight to the basement parking where my car is waiting. According to George Washington, if and only if I win the race then I’ll get to keep the car. It’ not a bad deal but I can’t really guarantee the win. Where’s my car key? I was busy looking for it inside my bag and when I found it I dropped it on the floor because I bumped into someone. “I’m sorry Ma’am.” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I wasn’t looking at my---“ I took the keys from the floor and when I look up I saw Dexter. “What are you doing here?” Dexter turn his head behind him then back to me before he replied, “I just parked the car and I’m about to leave.” “Already? Don’t you have work to do? You just had your day off yesterday.” He is the only employee who got a lot of free time. Dexter shrugged his shoulders. “I asked one of my friends to fill in for me and it so happens that it’s his son’s birthday soon so I told him that’s I’ll fill in for him on that day.” “I’m not gonna miss your race, Evie.” He added making me snort. “I bet you’re not going just to watch me. You will cheer for your favorite drivers, of course.” “Nah, I’ve been supporting them for a long time. This time, I’m gonna give my support to you.” I rolled my eyes at him then I glanced at my wristwatch. Oh, shocks. It’s five minutes before seven. I really need to go. “I’ll just go on ahead, Dexter. I guess I’ll see you there?” Dexter nodded his head and I walk past him then I got into my car. I started the engine and went straight to the racetrack where the race is going to happen. I’ve been told by George that the race will probably end at three hours tops. I still have a scheduled meeting at three pm this afternoon with Abigail Chen. Mr. Frost introduced her to me the other day he said she can help me find a good place to stay; a place where I can spend my three months stay in Sydney. It wasn’t a long drive to the race venue. I parked my car at the parking lot and went to the driver’s entrance where I see Miranda waiting for me. When her eyes landed on me, relief crosses her face. Relief? Why? What’s wrong? I’m not late. Am I? “Thank god you’re finally here Evie.” She said the moment I got near her. “Why? Is there something wrong? We still have more than an hour before the race starts.” The look on her face is making me nervous. Moments later, my eyes catch a glimpse of Mike running towards us. “Mike, what’s going on?” I asked him when he finally reached us. “There are a few reporters who wanted to ask you a few questions as the representative of our company. They’re with George, right now.” For a moment I felt my body froze; not because I’m afraid but because I can’t let myself be seen on tabloids, magazines, or TV. I should’ve expected this. I am the representative of Fast Cars Corporation, one of the famous car developers in the world. “Do I really have to? I don’t really like being in the spotlight. Please, Mike.” My eyes are pleading as I look at Mike. I can see him hesitating but then he sighed and said, “Alright. I’ll just make an excuse for you once; just this once.” Mike is pointing his finger up and I smiled at him. “Thank you so much, Mike. I owe you.” Make is shaking his head then he messed my hair as he replied, “No biggie. Just do well on your race.” Miranda and I were left standing by the entrance. When I turn to Miranda, she looks at me and snakes her arm around my arm. “Let’s get you dressed up.” “What? Do I really have to wear an FCC uniform?” I asked her. I was told that I should wear a uniform that would represent our team but just looking at the uniform felt so uncomfortable. “Yes, you have to. You can just wear it over your clothes and remove them after.” Miranda said then she pulls me into the locker rooms. I did what Miranda told me. I am wearing the uniform over my clothes but I had the upper half open and hanging because I don’t want to be sweating inside it. Miranda and the rest of the team are getting the car ready and as I wait, I am casually scanning my phone to see the messages from my sisters and from my parents. But wait, why do I feel that someone is watching me from afar? Looking up, my eyes landed on the audience area. I can see a hand waving at me and it took me a few moments to recognize who it was. It’s Dexter. “It seems like your boyfriend came to watch you today.” I almost jumped in surprise when I heard a voice beside me. “He’s not my boyfriend, George; if that’s what you’re thinking.” Is it just my imagination or he sounded like a jealous boyfriend? Ew. “That’s good to hear. I guess I’m free to take you out on a victory date later.” It’s a good thing I’m wearing my sunglasses so he couldn’t see me rolling my eyes at him. He is getting too over himself. Let’s just ignore him. When this is all over, I’ll never see him again. I will never see him again. “George?” I hear a man calling him and I thank god for that because it took George’s attention away from me. “Jackson. I haven’t seen you in a long time. I was disappointed that you refused to be our representative but it’s okay, I have already made a replacement for you.” Jackson? I think I’ve heard that name before. Hold on, why am I listening to their conversation? I should head back to the locker room.  “Evie.” I turn my head when I heard Miranda calling me. She’s waving her hand, asking me to come. “We want to show you something.” Miranda said then she leads the way. “What do you think?” I am smiling like an i***t as I look at the car. They’ve customized it according to my preference. The car was used to be orange colored but now it’s white and violet combination. Also, the windows and the windshields used to be tinted but they cleared it. Why did they go through so much trouble? “Why did you customize it? Did you guys stayed up all night for this?” “Evie, you are the driver. Of course, we should make things more comfortable for you.” Miranda explained and it made me extremely happy and overwhelmed that I can’t help but hug her. “Thank you.” I whispered then I turn to look at the guys who also have a wide smile on their faces. “Thank you, everyone.” “Are you ready for your racetrack debut, Evie?” I turn my head to look at Miranda and she had a smile on her face as she looks at me. “You know I am.”
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