Chapter 6

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Genevieve I thought the journey would take forever but finally, we landed in Bangkok Thailand. I still need to wait for two hours for my next flight which I’m very excited about because my next stop will be in Sydney, Australia. But the question is, what should I do while I wait? I turn on my phone and I was flooded with text messages from my sisters, Tom, and Ferdie. I was smiling like an i***t as I read their text. They keep on asking me about the trip or if I was lucky to sit beside a hunk; Veronica and her malicious mind. It’s not like I’m leaving to have fun, well, I am but my definition of fun is different from Veronica’s. I can’t believe two hours passed by in a flash but in between those times, I was able to eat at a Thai restaurant and it was very edible. It made me want to visit Thailand one of these days. I also bought a magazine that features everything about Thailand. I am sitting comfortably on my seat, reading the magazine I bought when the Captain announces that we are about to take off. To say that I was excited is an understatement. My next stop will be none other than Sydney, Australia. I wonder what will happen in my three months stay in that country. “Have fun sissy.” I blink my eyes when Veronica’s voice echoed in my head. She really knows how to influence me but that’s not why I’m doing this. It’s for me; it’s my freedom. But I can’t deny that deep inside of me, I am wondering what if I’ll find love. I just hope not, because three months is short and that love will end before it can even start.   ~~~~~ I gently open my eyes and I was frowning. I didn’t know I fell asleep. What time is it? “Excuse me Ma’am?” I look up and saw the stewardess standing beside me. “We are about to land soon.” What? I gasp and my eyes wide as I look out my window. I think I can see it. I’m almost there; actually, I’m already here. When the plane finally landed and as I step outside, I close my eyes and let the scent of Australia fill my nose. I’ve been to many countries to study plants, flowers, crops, and anything that can be planted but I’ve never been to Australia. What makes it more interesting is I’m here, not to study, but to fulfill one of the many things in my bucket list although I am open to more learning. Maybe I can find cultivated plants I’ve never seen before and maybe take it back to Genovia. I finally got all my luggage after the long wait and I purchase a map that will help me find my way in Australia. When I walked out of the airport, there were people waiting for the arrivals and I continue to walk when my eyes catch a glimpse of something. Turning my head to the side, I see my name written on cardboard held by a man wearing a black suit. What? Should I ignore him? What if he’s a kidnapper? What if he asks my parents for ransom? Call me negative but when you’re away from with no one but yourself, these thoughts are unavoidable. Sigh. I want to walk away but what if----I blink my eyes when I hear my phone ringing. Who’s calling me at this hour? Taking my phone from my bag, I roll my eyes when I see Ferdie’s name on the screen. “Yes, sir?” “I bet you’ve arrived already. Well, I want to make this quick because I still have many things to do.” I am frowning as I listen to him because I heard him saying that he’s gonna make it quick but does he really have to talk fast as well? I can barely understand him. “You’re spacing out again Evie.” I blink my eyes when I hear Ferdie raising his voice on the line. But how did he even know I was spacing out? “As I said, I’ll make this call quick because I still have many things to do and it cost me money.” Wow. I am biting my lip to prevent myself from laughing because the only occasion Ferdie acts like this is when he’s having a date with Tom, maybe or if he is still sleepy. I think it’s the former though. “I already hired someone to take you to the hotel, I gave him your number and after that, it’s your choice what to do next. I already rented a car for you that you can use during your stay. It’s already equipped with GPS, well, I think all cars nowadays are, but anyways, I charged it all to your account but don’t worry, it didn’t cost you much money because you’re parents paid most of it. Well then, stay safe, physically, emotionally, and reproductively. BYE.” My jaw literally drops far on the floor when I heard the last things he said. Seriously, he’s almost like Veronica but they have different styles. Ferdie ended the call after his long speech. Honestly, I thought he was gonna run out of breath but he didn’t. A few seconds after Ferdie’s call, my phone starts ringing again but this time it is an unknown number. I remember Ferdie saying that he hired someone to take me to the hotel? It must that guy holding a cardboard with my name on it. I glance at him and he is holding his phone on his ear. I slowly walk closer to him as I answer the call. “Yes?” “Hello, is this Miss Genevieve Lewis?” I hear him say. “Yes, I am.” “I am Dexter Ma’am and I was asked by Sir Ferdie to pick you up at the airport.” “Yes, I can already see you.” when his eyes land on me I wave my phone up to let him know that it’s me. “Welcome to Australia Ma’am.” The man named Dexter took my luggage leading me to his car. When we reach his car, I mentally face-palmed when I saw the type of car he’s using.  What? This is too fancy and too eye-catching. “Dexter?” “Yes, Ma’am.” Dexter turns his head to my direction and walks closer to me. “Do you not have a less fancy car or a normal-looking car? I think a limousine would be so----I don’t know. I don’t want to attract anyone’s attention.” As we speak I can already some people glancing over at our direction with curious looks on their faces. I mean, who wouldn’t be curious if you see someone picked up by a limousine? They can either be a celebrity, a politician, a royalty, or a businessman. Should I be thankful that there are no bodyguards or escorts or butlers? “Forgive me Ma’am but this car is one of the cars we use to pick up our hotel guest and the General Manager specifically told to use this car and to make sure you’ll have a relaxing and comfortable journey to the hotel.” Dexter replied. “Oh, very well then.” I give an awkward smile and I place my hand over my forehead to avoid people from seeing my face. Dexter pulls the door open for me and I quickly entered not bothering to look back. Dexter places all my luggage in the compartment then he goes to the driver seat and starts driving the car. Finally, we’re moving. Seriously, Ferdie shouldn’t have done this. I can’t help the smile on my face seeing my favorite champagne. “I heard from the General Manager that you love El Garcia champagne, Ma’am so I have them prepared for you.” I hear Dexter say. “Thank you, Dexter.” I pour myself a glass and savored the pleasurable taste of El Garcia champagne. There is a basket of grapes as well and seeing it made me think of Genovia. I wonder how the farmers are doing. Three months I won’t be able to check on them but I will definitely call Grandpa Ben from time to time to ask how the farms are doing. I don’t know how long we were traveling but when the limo stopped, I look out the window and saw a fancy looking hotel. What a surprise! Note the sarcasm. This is so Ferdie-like. Dexter opens the door for me and I was planning to wait for my luggage but then Dexter says, “I can take your luggage inside Ma’am.” I nod my head then I took a small amount of cash from my wallet giving it to Dexter. He seems surprised that he didn’t get to speak but I just smile at him. I start walking away when Dexter runs after me, “Ma’am I am grateful but this is too much.” “It’s okay Dexter, you earned it. I know I have a lot of suitcases and they are incredibly heavy. That’s for you.” I turn my heels and went into the hotel. I approach the reception and I was greeted by one of the receptionists. “Good day Ma’am. Welcome to Hotel Fantasia. How may I help you today?” “Do you have any available room that I can stay in for three days? Just three days.” I ask. The race track even is still a week away so that’s seven days and according to the letter, I need to be there three days before the race; it’s the day after tomorrow. “Yes, Ma’am. Would you like a suite or----“ “A suite please.” The receptionist smiles probably because I am getting hasty. I can’t help it. I can’t wait but explore the streets of Sydney. Hopefully, there are no thugs or gangsters around here just like those in movies or novels. Well anyway, our parents enrolled us in a self-defense class so we could protect ourselves, so I guess I’ll be just fine. “Can I have your name, Ma’am?” I blink my eyes when I hear her voice again. “It’s Genevieve Lewis.” “Miss Genevieve Lewis, our General Manager has been expecting you.” what? Why? I blink my eyes and frown. The receptionist guides me to the lounge area in the lobby then she says, “Please wait here for a few moments Ma’am as I call on our General Manager. Would anything to drink Ma’am?” Shaking my head in refusal, the receptionist slightly bows her head and left. I didn’t notice it when I came in but this hotel is very much luxurious. Wow. I didn’t wait for too long because I can already see the receptionist walking back to me with a man in his late forties behind her. “Welcome to Hotel Fantasia, Miss Genevieve Lewis. Sir Ferdie specifically told us not to make a grand welcome for you, therefore, I decided to welcome you myself. I asked the staff to inform me of your arrival so I could accompany you to your room. By the way, I am Timothy Frost, the General Manager of Hotel Fantasia.” General Manager Frost gently bows his head to me and I offer my hand for him to shake. “Nice meeting you, Mr. Frost and thank you for your hospitability.”  Mr. Frost seems surprised that I offered my hand to him but he gently accepts it with a smile on his face. “Shall we Ma’am?” I nod my head and he guides me into the elevator. Wow. I’ve been to many hotels before but I must say that this hotel is one of the most luxurious and elegant hotels I’ve seen in my life. After a short elevator ride, Mr. Frost leads me to my room and unlocked the doors for me. My eyes grew wide and I was gaping at my room. It’s shocking that the room is unbelievably beautiful and big but I can’t stay here. I feel like I am being treated like a princess. “This will be your room, Miss Lewis.” I can barely hear Mr. Frost’s voice. What am I doing in this room? Isn’t there a normal one? “U-uhm this is a presidential suite. Can’t I move to a junior suite instead---or a normal suite, that would be better.” I can see a frown forming on Mr. Frost’s forehead. “We know you are the first princess of Genovia, therefore, we want to provide you with a royal treatment that would make you feel more at home.” Sigh. I don’t think I can win an argument against him. Well, why not? It’s just for three days. “Alright, but can we keep it a secret from everyone? I just wanted to have a normal vacation, as an ordinary tourist would do.” Mr. Frost smiles at me and bows his head. “Of course, Princess. Sir Ferdie has already requested that of me. Well then, I shall let you get settled in.” Mr. Frost left the room and he is right. It really feels like home. It almost resembles my room back in Genovia but with different colors and styles. The room is somewhat divided into three sections. In the middle part is a lounge area, on the left is a dining area with a bar counter filled with champagne and wines of the same brand, and lastly on the right is my bedroom. Entering my bedroom I was surprised to see all my luggage there. I slam my body on the bed and close my eyes. I open my eyes and a smile form on my lips. I’m finally here.
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