A False Proposal

1834 Words
Arabella Thornhill:- "I can't tolerate it anymore, Declan. Isn't it enough that I have to watch my mate with someone else that now I have to bear that b***h's clumsiness. She spilled the juice all over me." I watched Nina enter Declan's office in the Alpha wing through the camera I hacked to spy. I never thought that I would ever see this bastard's face again, but I am glad that I did because this time, it is not going to be me who will be suffering; it will be him. I will make him shed the tears of blood. I can't believe that I ever loved such a man like him. Declan and Nina were right. I was naive, but not anymore. I am the opposite of what I was in my previous life. "What? She didn't drink the juice?" Declan's eyes instantly widened as he stood up from his chair behind his desk. "What do you mean by that? Don't you know how important making her drink that juice was? Do you know that she will find her mate if she is not in our spell today? We can't let that happen because if she does, then we are ruined. You can say goodbye to your dream of being a Luna, and I can say goodbye to my Alpha's position." Nina flinched back with Declan's raised voice, and I laughed, finding the satisfaction. "How dare you yell at me like that over here, Declan?" Nina shouts back. You know that you have reached here with my help, or she wouldn't have fallen for you. Today, she secretly hopes that you turn out to be her mate." She snaps. I manipulated her into believing that you are good for her, so don't you stand over there and yell at me because you are useless without my help." Declan went silent and sighed. He went to Nina, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her while running his hands all over her body seductively. I gagged, looking at them. At first, I thought I would feel hurt looking at them kissing, but I didn't. I didn't feel anything; instead, I felt pain and anger, which made me feel strong and motivated towards my real mission in this second life. "I am sorry, baby. You know how much I want to be with you, which hurts. I am just under a lot of stress today. I want her to be under our spell. We need her, Nina. We need her blood. You know how precious her blood is. We can't let all of our hard work go to waste." Declan apologized to Nina, "I promise I will make it up to you. You know that you are my strength, right?" I rolled my eyes because Nina doesn't know that, but Declan uses her too for his advantage. It turns out she is the fool over here. Declan doesn't care about anyone but himself. I watched him call for a maid, who entered with my breakfast tray. Declan added the spell to my breakfast and asked the maid to bring it to my room. f**k! He is hellbent on making me take that spell, but he doesn't know what he is getting into now. Once the maid left the office, they ripped one another's clothes. I wasn't in the mood to watch their porn session, so I shut the laptop lid and waited for the maid to enter my room with breakfast. Instead of one maid, two maids entered. One held the breakfast tray, while the other held a square-shaped big box in her hand. "Happy birthday, Arabella." The maids greeted me. "Alpha Declan, his gratitude and a little token for your birthday gift. The dress and breakfast are from him." "Although, I don't know why he acts so nicely to you when you are just a low-rank omega." the other maid murmured. "You should be serving like maids instead of getting served." "Thanks for your heartwarming compliments, Shirley. I will deliver the same compliments to Alpha Declan so he knows how warmly I am greeted on my birthday," I said with a sweet yet cunning smile. The maids glared at me and left. Once I was sure they had left, I picked up the breakfast, threw it in the dustbin, and spilled the coffee in the toilet. I knew I would be hungry all day but couldn't risk it. I looked at the dress with a Happy Birthday note from Declan and rolled my eyes. The dress was stunning, but no way I was wearing that. I entered my closet and took out the golden shimmer floor-length dress with deep cleavage and quarter sleeves. I designed and stitched for myself but never got to wear and show everyone because I was scared, embarrassed, and shy to show anyone, but not anymore. I know Declan will be angry and disrespected when I don't wear that dress, but guess what? I want to see exactly that. The night arrived, and I found myself at my birthday party thrown by Declan and Nina. Some of the pack members were nice to me, like always, while the others were rude and looked at me with disgust. Declan and his clan haven't arrived yet. Just as I mentioned, the devils arrived. They had the fake smile plastered on their face, but it vanished from Declan's face when he saw me in the dress he didn't send. The dress he sent has turned into ashes since I burnt it. The dress was beautiful, but too bad the sender wasn't worth it. "Oh my God, look at you, my dear Arabella. You look stunning." Helena, the b***h complimented while I gritted my teeth as the memory of my parent's death flashed in front of my eyes, by looking at her and Robert, "Happy Birthday, dear." "Thank you." I thanked Robert and everyone else until Declan stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Happy Birthday, Arabella. You look beautiful like always, although this is not the dress I sent." Declan said, masking his expressions when he really wanted to choke or torture me for disrespecting him. I knew how to ignore this topic for now, so I said the word he was waiting to hear. "Mate," I lied, looking into his eyes. He smiled and said the words back. "Mate," he murmured, taking my hand in his and leaning down to kiss my cheek. "Finally, you spoke this word. You don't know, but I knew for a long time that you were my mate." "You did?" I asked, shocked, bringing fake tears to my eyes. "Then, how come you didn't tell me? No, there must be a mistake. I can't be your mate. You are an Alpha, and I am an omega. This..." he cuts me off by kissing my lips, taking me by surprise. I felt like vomiting right then and there. I really wanted to bite his tongue and burn it with acid. In my previous life, I thought that it was the best moment of my life, but not anymore. Now, I realize that was the worst moment of my life. "Do you think it matters to me? Did it matter to me before, Arabella? No!" Declan asked after breaking the kiss. " All I know is that you are mine, and I am yours." "Really?" I asked, "You mean that?" "One hundred percent," he answers and gets down on his knee. "I knew that you would find out that I am your mate today; that is why I came prepared," he says. "Arabella, I have waited for this moment my whole life. Will you do me the honor of becoming my Luna, wife, mate, and partner for a lifetime?" he asked. I watched the pack members murmuring and whispering into one another's ears. They think I do not deserve their Alpha, but they don't know that he doesn't deserve me, and I will prove it. Just you all wait. "Yes...yes...yes, Declan. Yes to everything." I agreed, pretending to be excited, with my hand placed on my mouth in awe. Declan stood up, slid his finger into my ring, and kissed me in front of everyone. I needed to do something about this, too. I can't just let him kiss me whenever he wanted. "My dear pack members. I, Alpha Declan of the Moonstone pack, announce my wedding one year from now, on this same date, with this beautiful lady Arabella."Declan announced, along with some other words that I hadn't heard. Why? Because something unexpected happened this time that didn't happen in my previous life on this day. A very tall, muscular, hot, charming, and green-eyed handsome man dressed in a designer suit entered the event hall where my birthday party was held. The man was none other than Elias Cambridge, Declan's best friend and the most powerful Alpha of the largest pack alive. The one everyone fears and trembles with just his name as rumors are there that he is heartless, and this heartless but hot and handsome Alpha was looking at me with those captivating green eyes and a sexy smirk on his face like he knew. Of course, he knew because I felt it, too, but I can't admit it. He has caught my lie. I know it. I just do, and it was confirmed when he approached Declan and me. "Hey, my man! What a surprise?! I didn't think you would show up." Declan said, in a surprised tone and bro hugged Elias, whose eyes were still fixed on me, while I tried to ignore his gaze because it was doing so many things to me and my body. "Well, I wanted to surprise you, so here I am!" Elias answers Declan, "I heard the good news when I just entered. Congrats on finding your mate, man." "Thanks, Elias." Declan thanked him and looked at me. Arabella, you know my best friend, Alpha Elias Cambridge, right?" Declan looked at Elias and said, "Isn't my mate the most beautiful woman in the world?" he asked Elias, who looked at me. "Indeed, she is a very beautiful woman, Declan. You are a lucky man." Elias murmurs, gazing at me, making me feel bad and uncomfortable "Now, I understand, why you always kept her hidden from me, whenever I asked you about the woman of your interest. I won't blame you because if she was mine, I would have done the same or who knows killed many men for her." "Alpha Elias, it's a pleasure to have you at my birthday party," I murmured, bowing my head in respect before shakily holding my hand forward for a shake, trying to act cool. "Trust me, the pleasure's all mine," he spoke, and instead of shaking my hand, Elias leaned down to kiss my cheek and whispered in a deep and seductively low voice. "You are such a beautiful liar," his voice sent goosebumps all over my skin "My sexy little mate."
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