The Awakening of She-Wolf

1718 Words
Arabella Thornhill:- I woke up with a gasp, holding my throat as I breathed heavily and looked around the familiar surroundings, the soft morning light and rays of sunshine hitting my face, along with a breeze of fresh air coming through the window of my small room. I frowned, feeling strange and disoriented, with my heart beating rapidly. What am I doing over here? Didn't I die? Then, how come I am alive and in my room? The painful memory and all the events I went through came vividly flashing in front of my eyes, reminding me of Declan's betrayal along with my best friends and his parents. The death of my parents, the manipulation, and every tragic event made my head hurt, and I screamed in pain, holding my head. The pain was so unbearable that I couldn't keep my eyes open and clenched them shut. As soon as I did, the pain vanished, and I found myself standing under the moonlight, on top of the forest hill area, gazing at the moon. I looked around, feeling confused. One moment, I was in my room, and now I was in the top area of the forest, where I could clearly see the full moon. "Where am I?" I mumbled to myself, "What is happening to me?" "You are in my realm, dear Arabella." A soft voice came from behind me. I turned around to find a beautiful woman glowing under the moonlight, the crescent moon necklace shining on her neck, her silver hair flowing on her shoulders. She was wearing a white full-length dress. She stood there calmly, looking at me with a soft aqua-blue gaze. "Ar...Are you the Moon Goddess?" I asked, stuttering as I couldn't believe my eyes. "Yes, Arabella." when she replied, I instantly knelt and bowed in front of her. She smiled, walked towards me, and touched my shoulder. "Rise, Arabella," she spoke. Your plea reached my ears, and I am here to give you a second chance. I know you have been wronged for your whole life, and I am willing to give you another chance to make things right." I stood back on my feet, tears streaming down my cheek. "Th...They killed my parents, and my pack members took everything from me. Now, my remaining pack members are suffering under the leadership of a fake Alpha. I want to make things right, moon goddess. I have nothing but good intentions to bring peace and harmony back into my pack and avenge my parents' death. I want to take my revenge. Please...please grant me another chance." I pleaded with her, and she smiled, nodding her head. "I will give you a chance, my dear Arabella, but you know everything comes with a price." Moon Goddess spoke. "I am willing to do anything, and I mean anything. Just give me a chance." I agreed to whatever she wanted from me. "I will send you back to your life one year from now, where you will have 365 days, which means a year to take your revenge because, after one year, you will have to return to the realm of the dead. Where you belong because technically you are dead, and I am sending you one year back, the year when you were alive, but this time you will not live as a weak and naive omega, but you will rise as the true AlphaAlpha that you are, nothing less. Take your revenge and save the lives you can, but in the end, you will have to come back on the same day of your death." she informs, and I gasped as I looked at her wide-eyed. ", you are saying that I will only have one year to live, and then I have to return to dead? I will not get to live?" I asked with trembling lips. "I wish I could change that, Arabella, but like I said, everything comes with a price. So, if you are willing to take your revenge, even if you get to live for 365 days, then tell me yes. I will send you back to life for a limited time. But, if you are not willing, I can send you to the realm of the dead, where you belong." she said, softly taking my hand in hers and squeezing it. "I know it is a hard choice, and I wish I could change that, but I can't." "I am willing to go back to life. Even if it is for a year. A year is what I need to take my revenge, and I promise to return to the place I belong, Moon Goddess. I am just grateful that you will give me this chance." I told her in a heartbeat because I would take whatever opportunity I got to take my revenge. She smiled at me and vanished, and I found myself back in my room where I was a few minutes ago. My eyes landed on the calendar date, and I sighed. One year from now, it is going to be my death day, so I need to move fast before I run out of time. But this time, I need to be sharp and keep my eyes and ears everywhere. "Alaya, are you there?" I talked to my wolf, who howled in response in my mind and replied. "Yes, and I am ready to take down our enemies. Together, you and I can do this. We are strong, and now, it's time to show who the true AlphaAlpha is over here." Alaya answers. "I know, but Alaya, we must keep a low profile. We know that we carry the alpha blood in our veins, but it's not the right time to announce that, for now, we have to act like an omega. Like we still don't know anything. Okay?" I told her, "Time to play the same game Declan played with us until the day he realized that the tables have turned now." before my wolf could reply, the door to my room burst open and entered Nina, looking concerned and worried, well pretending to be one. I clenched the sheet under my fist in anger, trying to hold myself back from killing her right at this moment, but I couldn't. They won't get an easy death from me, and besides, first thing first. I have to find and save my parents and captive pack members from Declan's hold before it's too late. I can't reveal myself until I know my parents and pack members are safe and alive. "Bells, are you alright, my friend?" she asked worriedly. "Is everything alright? I heard you scream earlier." "Oh, nothing. I just woke up from a bad dream. That's all. I am alright." I answered, with a fake smile and eyes, the juice in her hand that she just placed on the nightstand in front of me. The vision of my previous life hit me, where Declan and Nina were adding a potion to my juice. The love spell potion that Declan mentioned. s**t! I need to do something because there is no chance I am drinking this to repeat my past mistakes. The moon goddess is helping me with the vision, and I am genuinely grateful for that. "Oh, alright." She smiled, then pulled me in for a tight hug and squealed, "Happy Birthday, my friend. I am so happy and excited for you today. Tonight is the night you are going to find your mate. Are you excited about that?" "Thank you so much, Nina, and I am beyond excited. You can't even imagine." I replied, hugging her back until she pulled back and picked up the orange juice glass. "Here, I brought you the freshly squeezed orange juice just for you," she said, holding the glass before me. "Drink it." I looked at her and then at the juice in her hand. I can't drink this again unless I want to be under the love spell. "Thank you, Nina. You know you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for, right?" I said, with a smile, as I attempted to take the glass from her hand, only to act clumsy and spill the whole juice on her Chanel dress. "Oh my God! I am so sorry...I am so sorry; I didn't mean to. I don't know how my hand slipped. You know I could be clumsy sometimes. Please forgive me." I acted out and watched a furious expression take over her face, but she instantly masked it with a fake smile. "Hey, don't worry. It's alright. Nothing to worry about," she said, getting up from her bed. "You won't mind if I use your bathroom, right?" she asked, holding the wet side of her dress where the juice had spilled. "Not at all." I replied, "After all, it is my fault." Nina smiled and went to my bathroom without saying another word. I took that as an opportunity to pick up my laptop from under the bed and use my geek-technical side to hack the cameras of Declan's whole wing and the whole pack house to keep my eyes on everyone. By the time Nina came out of the bathroom, I was done and slipped the laptop under the bed once again. "Our Alpha Declan has chosen a dress for you, which will soon be sent to you as a birthday present." Nina informs, "I am telling you, our Alpha finds interest in you. Don't mind me saying that, but unlike your rank as an omega, he doesn't feel bothered by it. Who knows if he turns out to be your mate tonight?" She said with a wink and left. Once she was gone, my wolf asked. "I know it's not the right time to say this, but I am curious to know that if Declan isn't our mate, then who is?" Alaya asked. "You remembered Declan's words? He was always close to us, but due to the spell, we never felt it. But since we are no longer under the spell, do you think we will be able to find him this time, Arabella?" my wolf asked. "Now, that is a great question, Alaya. If Declan is really not our mate, then who is?" I murmured, lost in my thoughts.
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