Bad News

1100 Words
Alexander POV “f**k, now our mate knows about Carmen and the fact that she’s pregnant. You must tell her about us I’m not about to lose my mate because you can’t keep your d**k in your pants” Deacon scolded me Not sure what to do I was at a loss for words as rejection clouded my mind, I knew for sure she wouldn’t accept us especially after hearing that. “Well, you must change her mind, claim her like I told you to, if you don’t, I will take control and do it myself. You’re f*****g everything up for us I want our mate by our side by the time the week is out” Deacon said I blocked him out not wanting to hear his bitching and whining and I knew he would do what he said if I didn’t accomplish this goal. “Taylor, can you come into my office please” I said through the phone intercom “Yes sir, I’m ready to start whatever you need me to” she said as she entered my office totally ignoring what just transpired. “Can you please shut the door and have a seat please” She was hesitating for a moment, but she finally obliged. “What you heard” is all I got out before she cut me off” “I know it’s none of my business and I shouldn’t have been at the door I’m so sorry I thought she was an employee please don’t fire me” she said nearly in tears It broke my heart to see her like this, but it would break my heart even more if she rejected me, so I had to play my cards right. She wasn’t a wolf so she couldn’t really feel what I felt when I touched her, but I knew she feels something, she also can control her emotions unlike our wolves. “I don’t care that you overheard that, I want you to know that me and her are not together” I said lying hopefully she didn’t see through my lie I had to break it off with Carmen asap if I wanted my mate “Okay” she said confused “What does that have to do with me, I should be the last person concerned about your love life?” she said with a slight smile “You are the one I want” I said as I looked at her She looked up at me and tilted her head sideways and there was a long pause before she said anything “Why I’m nobody and I certainly don’t look like her in the least bit, she’s beautiful” she said “You’re more beautiful than her in my eyes” I said as I gazed into her beautiful brown eyes She just stared at me for a moment and I’m unable to read the expression on her face. “Thank you” she said as she looked down Before I said anything I locked the doors and frosted the windows I didn’t want anyone seeing inside my office. As I started to speak someone came through on my phone intercom to let me know my mother was on the phone. “Hey mom can I call you back later, I know you’ve been calling I’m busy at the moment and I promise I will call you later” I said trying to get her off the phone to explain to my mate “This actually cannot wait, me and your father have something to tell you” she said sadly “What’s going on” I said as I turned around in my chair All I heard was silence and then my father came on the line “Hey son” “Hey dad, what’s going on that can’t wait until later when I call” I said kind of agitated “Your brother was killed on his way back from his mission” he said That’s the last thing I heard before the phone fell from my hands; I couldn't believe what I just heard. I just talked to my brother a week ago and we made plans for him to come and see me. *******Flashback******* Anthony called me at least five times as I was in a meeting. As soon as the meeting was over, I called him back “Damn bro are you dodging my calls now” he spoke into the phone I could tell he had a huge grin on his face. “I mean I do have an entire company that I’m running. What’s up I was in a meeting when you called me a hundred times over” I said laughing. “It’s been so long since I saw my big brother, after this mission me and Melissa will come and see you. I’ve got some amazing news to share with you”. “Cool I can’t wait it has been forever since we got together to shoot the s**t” I scolded him “Yes sir I’ll give you a call when I’m back from my mission. Stay safe bro and I’ll see you soon” “You stay safe, and I can’t wait to see you guys I love you brother”. “Aww save that lovey dove s**t for your new mate. I can’t wait for you to meet your second chance and finally be happy. Bro, mates are worth it they make you feel something other women can’t. Don’t give up hope I promise you are worthy of having a mate” he said. We spoke for a few more minutes about all the things he is looking to change before saying our goodbyes and disconnected the call. *****end of flashback**** “Is everything okay” I heard my mate say as she picked my phone up and placed it back on the receiver I cleared my throat before I spoke. “I just received some bad news about my brother” I said unable to wrap my head around it I needed to get out of my office for a minute “I need to go” I said as I got up and looked at her “Come with me please” I pleaded with her “Ummm” is all I let her get out “I’ll answer whatever questions you have for me if you just please come with me I swear not to say anything out of the way or touch you” I said sadly looking away
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