Claiming my second chance

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Alexander POV “Let me go, who do you think you are” she said as she snatched her hand from my grip as we got outside “You’re not going back in there dressed like that” I said as I motioned up and down her body “Again, who do you think you are” she said as she clasped her hands together pointing at me Not willing to answer that question yet I claimed her lips before she could say anything else, and I quickly had to stop myself to keep me from taking her right here. She felt and tasted amazing I think way better than my first mate, I know she killed her in the looks department for sure. “Can you please get in the car” I said once the kiss was broken and I motioned to the car behind us while Chris held the door open. “What, why I cannot leave work I need this job, are you going to pay my bills”? she said as she was about to walk past. I grabbed her arm before she could get far totally ignoring the amazing feeling between us and scooped her up and put us both in the back of my truck. “I’m would like to offer you the position at Montgomery Technologies” I said immediately after I sat her down not looking at her “What makes you think I want to accept your offer” she said “I will pay you more than what they are paying you” I said as I just stared ahead I couldn’t look at her not with her exposed breasts, belly, legs, and all that I could see I would take her the moment I look over and I didn’t want to frighten her in the least bit. “Tell Chris where you live so he can drop you off”? I told her still unable to look her way She just remained silent, and I could feel her eyes on me and the steam radiating from her. I wanted to look at her so badly to see how good she looked angry. “Please” I pleaded with her Finally, after a while she told him her address and we headed in the direction of her place. “Tell her that we are mates” Deacon said dreamily “No, she isn’t going to understand what that means D, I will let her know in due time” There was silence, unearthed passion, and the sweet, sweet scents of my mate I was in heaven, but I wished Chris would hurry the f**k up before her arousal made me do something I would regret. I snapped back to the moment when I heard her sexy voice beyond my thoughts, thinking how good her moans would sound as I pleasured her. “When do I start” “You tell me, I will let you start whenever you please” I said already falling hard for her “Tomorrow, is that okay” she said shyly Fuck, no baby bring that attitude back here I thought to myself, seeing her like that did something to me not only did it make my d**k twitch but also my heart. I’ve never felt anything like it not even with my first mate. I cleared my throat before I spoke again “Well, me nor HR work on weekends so how does Monday sound, can you arrive at 8am?” “Okay…. Can I ask you a question”? she said after a pause “Sure” “Why did you offer me the position”? she asked me “I did not like how you were objectifying yourself for a job knowing you just interviewed for a position at my company” I said totally lying I knew exactly why I offered her the position. “Okay, so what did you mean when you said those things about rejection after the interview was completed and why won’t you look at me” she asked “You only asked for one question to be answered” I said still not ready to answer her We rode the rest of the way to her place in silence and 20 minutes later we arrived at her place that was in a shitty part of town. I did not care for this area at all and didn’t like her being over here “Assshole” is the last thing I heard before I heard the door slam once Chris came to a stop. I was finally able to look at her walk away up the stairs and disappear into the apartment building. She has this way about her that makes me feel alive and back to old happy self before I got rejected. I want to give her the world, everything she has never had or had to work way to hard to get. “Take me home Chris” Taylor POV I learned everything quickly at the restaurant and before I knew it the week flew by. Fred let me get on the floor a day early due to my experience and being a quick study. I wasn’t even at work a good three hours before I was being forcefully pulled out of the restaurant by a crazy man. The same man who apparently rejected me and moved on to the next interview, I guess. Here he was causing a scene for an unknown reason. After he pulled me out of the restaurant in the middle of my shift, I was livid, and I didn’t care who he was. No doubt he was sexy as hell and power just radiated off him like he was a king or something plus he had billions of dollars. What I didn’t understand was why out of all the women he chose me to be with I was a nobody that was from Ohio. I didn’t come from money I had to earn everything I got for myself, and I was up to my neck in student loans. I was about to go back into the restaurant when he planted a big juicy kiss on my lips, and I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it because I did, then he picked me up and put me in his truck. Before I could say anything, he told me that he wanted to offer me the position that he interviewed me for earlier in the week. Before I accepted, I wanted to know why he offered it to me now and why should I accept it and I guess he gave a good enough answer. So, I accepted it, but I was almost skeptical about it because he had not looked at me since we got in the car. I asked him a couple more questions and he was a complete ass hole about it, so we rode in silence all the way to my place. As I got out of the vehicle, I called him as asshole under my breath and hopefully he didn’t hear me I didn’t need to lose this job already for calling my boss and asshole. I entered my place and plopped down on the couch still in my work clothes and called Sergio’s to let them know I was quitting, and I will bring in the cash and receipts I had on me from the night in the morning. After that I called Jeremy to see if he was okay and to see if they made it home or if they were still at Sergio’s. He didn’t answer but I knew he would call me back once he seen I had called. I sat on the couch and recalled the events from tonight, not wanting to dwell on it too much I went to take a shower after a while I needed one, I was so wet after the altercation with him and needed a release. After I was done, I headed to bed and once my head hit the pillow I was out. ********** Monday finally arrived after what seemed like a very long weekend. I dressed in a black pleaded skirt with a short yellow sleeve silk shirt and black pumps, and I was out the door at 630 I didn’t want to take any chances and be late. The bus took about 20 minutes to come and when it did it took about an hour to make it to Montgomery Technologies from where I lived. I made it just in time and gave security my name and luckily, I was on the list, but what did I expect he did offer me the position. I went to the elevators after finding out which floor HR was on and headed straight up to start the paperwork and orientation/training for the position. I waited for 15 minutes while Jessica the head of HR called Alex to double check hiring me. After confirmation I was able to go into her office to start the paperwork. I quickly fished out the items she needed and waited while she copied them and gave them back to me. “I have some paperwork for you to fill out here; one is the application I will need it again, direct deposit information for your pay, employee handbook that you can keep to read over and just sign the paper stating you received it, w-4 forms, and lastly is a NDA to sign. Do you have any questions”. “The NDA, why do I have to sign it and what is it for” There was a long pause before she said anything. “Look, I see that you are not one of the women that he typically hires which I’m shocked by. All of his assistants have to sign it not matter what. Since you are not his type I won’t have you sign it. I will let you know to just be careful”. I listened to the words she said and carefully thought about it before filling out the paperwork and continuing on. By the time the tour was finished my badge was done and I was sent on lunch to the cafeteria for free food today only. I was glad for that because I did not pack a lunch today and I was starving by the time I went on lunch. They had an assortment of food to choose from, all different types of protein, carbs, sweets, drinks and more. I didn’t want to smell of seafood on my first day, so I left that alone and grabbed a burger and some fries with a drink and I sat and enjoyed my food before going up to start my duties as his assistant. I finished my food and went up to the office to start my duties, Alex door was open and he was talking with someone. I decided to go and see what he needed me to do as I overheard the conversation of the blonde woman stating she was pregnant. Alexander POV Last night was brutal for me as I seen my mate sit on another man’s lap, I completely lost it, she was MINE and I needed her to know that. I didn’t want to scare her or do something I would regret so I remained calm and never looked at her the whole ride home. She smelled amazing and if I was in the car with her any longer the smell of her arousal was going to make me take her and make her mine for sure. I maintained my composure the whole time and I was so glad it was dark because I was extremely hard. I couldn’t wait to see her Monday I should have offered her the position and claimed her a long time ago, but I couldn't go through the heartache again, and I would totally lose it this time. All weekend long I dodged Carmen coming by and calling me I was not in the mood to deal with her, because once I told her it was over, she’s going to lose her s**t. . . . . Monday came upon me very fast; I worked all weekend long to keep my mind off Friday night’s events. As I arrived at my usual time of 6am I added her name to the security list, so she was able to get through without any problems. Before I headed up to my office, I stopped at the cafeteria to grab a coffee and a light breakfast, when I made it to my office Carmen was waiting for me in the waiting area. I rolled my eyes as I headed to my office to unlock it. “What’s up Carmen” I said as I sat down “Why have you been avoiding me, you’ve been acting weird since I returned from work, is everything okay” she said in a high pitch squeak or so I thought “Everything is fine Carmen, why are you acting like any of this is new” I said as I booted up my computer while drinking my coffee “Well, I’ve been gone for a while and like I said I missed you dearly” she said as she came around and stood in front of me Before I could say anything, she got down on her knees and unzipped my pants to pull my c**k out I didn’t dare stop her, something was better than nothing and I needed an orgasm from someone that wasn’t my hand. I threw my hand back ready for her to take me whole I haven’t felt her mouth since she left. Twenty minutes later and I creamed all in her mouth and down her throat and she was to eager to accept it all. As she got up, she licked her lips and went to grab her things to leave. “Remember that I will see you later” she said and left ****** I was so busy this morning trying to submit the contracts that I asked the assistant to put together for me, and it was a mess and out of order. I forgot to tell Jessica that I fired the assistant she hired and was having Taylor come in to take her place. I received the call from Jessica to confirm and I let her know to have her fill out the paperwork, get her a badge, show her around and make sure she gets fed, and then she can start right away. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was well past noon and then there was knock on my door, thinking it was my mate to see what I needed her to do I quickly unlocked and unfrosted the windows and got up to meet her. To my surprise it was Carmen coming back to annoy me more and I wasn’t quite in the mood for her I knew she would try to finish what we started earlier but I didn’t need her to finish anything. “What is it Carmen, I’m busy I though you were at work” I said annoyed as hell “Well, I wanted to finish what we started earlier if we can get in a quick session” she said as she hugged me from behind “I cannot I have a new assistant starting today and I need to get all of this work taken care of and organized” I said as I pulled her hands off me I went to look out at the beautiful view of Maine that I had right off the water the sight was divine, and it helped calm me down. “Is there anything else you needed besides that” I said not looking at her “I thought you had an assistant last week when I came, I seen one” “I fired her” “Oh” “What else do you need Carmen I need to get back to work” “Okay okay……. well, I’m pregnant” she said after a long pause “What” is all I could say as I turned around to look at her but I’m met with my mate’s beautiful eyes and I grew livid “Yea, I found out the day I came back” she said “Carmen, let’s discuss this later” I said sternly so she would leave.
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