I’m a wolf…You’re my mate

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Taylor POV “You seem like a really nice girl, and not someone that he would normally hire” Jessica said as she paused before continuing “The women that he normally hire all have fair skin, brown hair, grey eyes, and a slim body and from looking you do not seem like his type at all. Just be careful and you don’t have to sign that. I’ll take the wrap and say you did” What Jessica said played in my mind as I was trying to wrap my head around what just transpired here between him and his so called girlfriend and what he just told me. I didn’t understand why he wanted me to come with him? Why would he share the shocking news about his brother with me? After a moment of thinking I finally obliged when he offered to answer any questions I asked. This is not how I wanted to start my first day in new a position; walking in on a conversation that was none of my business to leaving with the boss. I knew I would be arriving with him in the mornings but not leaving too. As we walked past all the employees on his floor, they just stared at me like they all knew what was happening. Wow, his whole floor knew he slept with his assistants I can see it on their faces as we walked past them. We finally made it outside to his waiting vehicle and I hesitated to get in. “Where are we going?” I asked in a faint voice “To get something to eat, are you hungry?” I could eat but I would rather get to work, but I did not want to pass up an opportunity to ask the questions I want to ask him, so I got in. The whole car ride was silent as my thoughts of the interview came into my head and those words about rejecting me did as well. I really wanted to know what he meant by that. Did he say it because he had a girlfriend? I did not know he was attracted to me like that, this is our first-time meeting. There is love at first sight, but I am not one to really believe that hype. We arrived at a café about 20 minutes later, I guess he did not want to be seen with me for the reason we came to a café, but I did not care food was food. Alexander POV The walk down to the car and the car ride to the café was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I did not care about none of the looks my employees gave me as I passed by each person. They knew I slept with my assistants due to the last one letting it slip from her lips. I did not care they didn’t sign my paychecks I signed theirs and if they had a problem with it no one let it be known. I made a mental note to find out which assistant let it fall from her loose lips to my employees what I do. That is what the NDA was for, and I fully intend to let her know that once I found out which one it was. My mind was not really on none of that, my mind was on what my parents called and told me. Who killed my brother? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why didn’t anyone call me sooner? I had so many questions that I needed answered and no one to provide me with those answers until I went home. Another thing that weighed heavy on my mind was the fact that I would have to go back to my pack to reclaim my title. I needed and wanted my mate by my side, but I had so many doubts. The biggest one being that she was human, and I did not need anyone finding that out. We finally arrived at the café I had Chris take us to due to me not wanting anyone I knew to see me, as I only dealt with humans besides Chris and Carmen. I was hesitating for a moment before getting out dreading the questions that was to come my way. I sucked it up and made my way out of the car and into the café with my mate close by. We had to wait about five minutes for a table to get cleaned off before sitting down. “Can we order before the questions please” I asked giving me a little more time to get my head straight She just nodded her head and looked at the menu. I could not help but to stare at her the whole time, she was so beautiful, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life telling her that. I would need her to believe me when I said that and not because I wanted to sleep with her. Not wanting to get caught I looked at my menu, but I already knew what I wanted. The server came back a few minutes later to see if we were ready to order “Would you like to tell her what you want to eat first” she said so sweetly as she looked into my eyes You, I would love to indulge in, is what I thought to myself. “Ladies first please” is what came out “Okay, can I have a quesadilla with no onions, light peppers, with French fries, and a coke. Also, can I have some sour cream, guacamole, and some ketchup as well please” “Is that all that you want” “Yes, that is all” “Alright, can I have a steak medium rare, with mashed potatoes and asparagus and I guess I will have a coke as well” When I finished, I could not help but to look over at her and see the disgusted look on her face “What” I said “Ew, you ordered a steak from a café” she said Baby if you knew half of what my other half ate you would not be asking me that question I thought. “Why not, I enjoy steak” “Not from a café, I do not know what your other assistants were like, but we must cut some things out like eating steak in a café. It’s almost like ordering pancakes at the waffle house” she said laughing “Okay, but you must try it first before you knock it” I said “Whatever, I know better” she said still laughing I just sat there enjoying her laughter and her smile making my heart skip a beat. My wolf going wild in my head with us being so close to our mate and I guess I must have been making her uncomfortable with my staring, so I looked away. “Okay, so can we get started with 21 questions” she said shyly The server came back with our drinks and let us know it would be a little minute before our food arrives. “Okay…...shoot, one question at a time please” I said as I sipped my coke She sipped her coke and I guess got her thoughts together before she asked the first question. “What did you mean when you said you rejected me after the interview was over” I knew she would ask me that question, I just did not think it would be the first one she asked me, though I had a little time to ponder the answer. “When I tell you what I need to, that answer will become clear” I said “Okay, so why did you really offer me the position?” “I didn’t want you having to expose your body for money” I told her “How is that your problem” she said “When I tell you what I have to all of this will become clear” “Okay so why don’t you tell me what you need or have to then” I pondered where I should start before I put my foot in my mouth and just before I was about to speak our food arrived saving me a little bit longer. After the server left making sure everything was fine Taylor just sat there staring at me with those big, beautiful eyes and I knew exactly what she wanted and could not deny her. “I’ll need for you not to freak out or anything of the sort over what I’m about to say” “What could be so horrible that I will freak out over it” “A lot of humans would and do a lot of times” “What does that mean, are you not human” “Partly” “Will you stop beating around the bush and tell me already” “Okay, okay……...I’m a wolf” I said after a long pause “A wolf” “A werewolf” “What, like you turn into a wolf every full moon” she said laughing “I’m serious and it’s more than that” I said “Okay so what does that mean for the questions I asked” she said eating her food “Wolves have that special person that they are mated too, we don’t know who that person is or when we will meet them it just happens. It is supposed to be the most beautiful thing when mates meet, depending on the wolf and the need of the wolf, we are mated to a very special person or wolf that changes our life and they make us better. We are also overly possessive when it comes to our mate. In some cases, other wolves that don’t want a mate or for other unknown circumstances rejection occurs and the mate bond is broken, but they both must reject each other for the mate bond to be broken”. “Oh okay, so do I need to say it back because you said it to me” “NO” Deacon came to the surface and growled out making everyone in the café look our way “Can we depart where I can explain things a little bit better” “Sure, I’m stuffed thank you for the food” she said After everything I told her she does not believe a word I’ve said so I think I would have to show her better than I can tell her. Keeping Deacon at bay can only go so far, he is going insane in my head wanting his mate. I want our mate as well, but she needs to know first so I know that she will not reject me and run away scared. I paid the bill, and we left immediately Chris already waiting. “My house” i said to Chris as we entered the car “What, I hope you don’t think you’re getting any just from buying my food” “What are you talking about, I am trying to explain things for you in a way that you can understand. I can show you better than I can tell you” Taylor POV I did not know if I should believe what I was hearing or not, Alexander is a werewolf. The mate part sounds beautiful and impressive that wolves are mated to one another and not even know who they are and fall madly in love. I did not know if I liked the idea of going to his house, but I guess I did not mind I could see how rich people lived for once. We arrived at his place 15 minutes later by the highway and my mouth dropped at his house. His place had at least four floors and was equipped with huge windows all throughout almost looking like a glass house and the driveway was at least a mile long. Once we finally stopped Chris opened the door for us to get out and we went around to the backyard. It was breathtaking with a least a couple of acres of space with tress that went who knows how far. There was a huge deck off from what looked like the kitchen equipped with a table and chairs, a grill, and a bar. There was also an infinity pool with a hot tub and a pool house attached. The outside of his place was barely decorated, and I wondered if it was the same for the inside. We walked until we made it to the wooded area, and he started to take his clothes off. “What are you doing” I asked him “I told you it’s better for me to show you than tell you” he said still taking off his clothes. What the hell was he doing, and Chris just stood back by the house like this wasn’t weird. I looked up in the sky and I clearly didn’t see a full moon at all quite frankly it was a half-moon to be exact. Then all a sudden he turned into a big black wolf with silky fur, white paws, and the most beautiful green shiny eyes I have ever seen. I lost my footing and fell on the ground hard, not sure if I was scared or not. He seemed powerful and very in control, he did not seem dangerous as he walked up to me and nudged my hand, I guess he wanted me to pet him. I obliged and stroked the top of his head; his fur was soft and silky, his paws huge with massive claws then he laid down next to me and I laid down and together watched the stars. After a while I got up and he did as well, then I felt his stout nudge my leg and then he licked my leg when I didn’t look. I was injured and bleeding I guess from when I fell and hit the ground. “It’s just a little scratch I’m okay” I said to him He nodded his head seeming to know what I said then he kneeled. I didn’t know what he was doing and then I heard Chris “He wants you to get on him and take a ride” “What, a ride” “He said it’s fine you won’t get hurt” “How do you know what he’s saying” “I’m a wolf as well and we can talk to each other” I shook my head and contemplated for a moment before I passed Chris his clothes and hopped on the wolf’s back. “Hold on” was the last thing I heard Chris say before the wolf took off into the woods. He was extremely agile as he ran through the woods not once knocking me off his back as I held on for dear life. Five minutes later we came upon a lake with a beautiful waterfall and a small cabin on the other side of the lake that was barely visible. He kneeled so I could get off his back and then I seen a small brown wolf come out of the woods from behind with clothes in its mouth that he dropped in from of us. The black wolf grabbed the clothes and ran into the tress. Moments later Alexander came back out from within the trees and just looked at me. I was in awe and amazed and then sad when I started to think about what he said about mates and rejection. Then I thought back to the interview and the moment when he rejected me. I could not believe he rejected me without letting me decide for myself on if I wanted to be involved with him and his world or not. I looked down unable to look at him and the fact that he did not want me. He grabbed my hand and I felt that most amazing feeling I felt before when he grabbed me at the restaurant. I thought it was adrenaline or the fact that I was high that brought about that sensation but now I know that it was not. I did not know what to do or say about the information that I just received so I sat down in front of the lake and just zoned out thinking.
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