What a week

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Alexander POV After I rejected my mate and entered my truck I doubled over as this sudden pain came over me. “Why do you want to go through the pain again. You did nothing but drink and sleep with different women every night for a month. I don’t want to go through that again. Please don’t reject our mate” Deacon said sadly. By the time I made it back to my office the pain had eased up. Meeting my second chance mate made me forget all about my girlfriend Carmen and the fact that she has been gone a month. I am at a loss for words as she struts in my office and plops down in a seat. Carmen stood about 5’7, with blonde hair, long legs, green eyes, slim body, with perky t**s. Yea she was a knockout and every man’s dream, but I really could not stand Carmen she was loud, obnoxious, annoying, rude, and just all around unpleasant to deal with. I will admit she had a body and a face to match but ever since I saw my second chance, she did not compare to her in the least bit. Besides being a wolf, she had nothing else that I wanted or needed. I snapped back to reality when I heard her squeaky voice chime in over my thoughts. “Hey, honey I’m back did you miss me”? “I forgot you were away” I said as I busied myself with work “How could you miss all of this” she said as she motioned to her body “He could miss that especially since we met our voluptuous mate” Deacon said to me trying to change my mind “What do you need Carmen, I’m busy” I said agitated. “Well, I’m back and I missed you dearly” she said as she got up and walked around my desk and sat on my lap “Hmmm” is all I could get out before Deacon took control and forcefully pushed her off my lap “Our lap is for our mate only” he said to me before I was able to take control back and block him out “What the hell Alexander, what was that for” she said as she got up angrily and wiped herself off “My bad, I’ll catch up with you later” I said as I went back to my work. She left my office incredibly angry, and I was not in the mood to stop her to apologize. Hours passed and I was still hard at work I really needed a distraction like yesterday, and I was eager for HR to hurry up the process and hire someone already. Tired and done with work for the day I left and went home. Taylor POV I got up early showered and took care of my morning duties before dressing in black dress pants with a short sleeved red satin blouse and black pumps. I grabbed a black leather jacket on the way out in case it got chilly later as I planned to be out all day looking for a job. I made it to the bus stop in 15 minutes and hoped I did not miss the bus due to me getting out the door a little late. Luckily for me I seen the bus 10 minutes later, I was so worried that I had missed it when I did not see anyone at the bus stop. Forty-five minutes later and I was downtown with my resume in hand ready to take on anything. I felt like today was going to be a good day and I hoped to find a job that I liked. I did not want to go back to a retail job, so I went around to the restaurants to a least find a serving position, I always made money being a server. I went from restaurant to restaurant to see if they were hiring only a handful of restaurants were hiring so I put my application in everywhere I went that said they were hiring, and while I was out one of them called me in for an interview. It was one of the restaurants I liked the least due to the dress code being short shorts or a skirt and a belly shirt and I am sure women made money based on their looks and body versus food or service. I made it to the restaurant in under 15 minutes and the host escorted me to a seat almost immediately to wait for the hiring manager Fred. I ordered a cup of water while I waited for Fred to come out to complete my interview. As I waited, I received a text from Jeremey asking if I was up and ready to start my day. “Hey Tay, you up and ready to start job hunting” “I have been out job hunting since 7 this morning and I’m at an interview now, they called me while I was still on the hunt” “Really…...where” “Sergio’s” “Ohhhh, I love that place the food is splendid and let’s just say some of the wait staff can get it” “Lol, you are something else. Let me get back to this interview before the manger comes out, I will hit you up later” “k” I waited for about 10 minutes before I seen the manager come out with a couple of appetizers and plates in hand. I stood up to help him out and he just shooed me away and said he had it. I sat back down and waited for him to place the plates and food down on the table before I introduced myself “Hi, I’m Taylor Knight” I said as I stood to shake his hand “Hi, I’m Fred Matthews” he said as he shook my hand and motioned for me to take a seat He offered me the appetizers that I gladly took food and placed some of each on my plate. He started asking me a series of questions and I answered them all to a tee, as he was about to ask me another question, he seen I was not eating. “Do you not like the food” he said motioning to the untouched food on my plate “Yes, I do, I just don’t want to eat anything until after the interview I’m kind of a messy eater and I don’t want to spill anything” I said embarrassed. “Okay” he said laughing “So have you ever served before” “Yes, I have, and I am a bartender as well with my license” “Really, where are some of the places you have worked” “Red lobster, The Cheesecake Factory, Mitchell and Ness, and I have also bartended at pubs as well” “Oh, ok you have a ton of experience and I like what I hear. When can you start? I laughed as he asked me the last question “Can I ask you a question or two”? “Yes, I was so wrapped up in all of your experience I didn’t want to take a chance and lose out on you” he said laughing “You are fine. How much is the position for and the hours as well”? “Well since you have experience in both fields of serving and bartending, I plan to use you in both departments and start you off at 7 an hour plus tips”. “Okay, I can get with that” I said as I shook my head “So, when can you start”? “When do you need me to start”? “Hmmm…. how about tonight, I can start you with the other people in training” he said after a long pause I thought about it for a minute and said “OKAY” “Great, training is at 7pm tonight and wear black shorts with a tank top please. Training is a total of 4 days; the first two days will be paperwork and learning the restaurant and the other two days will be on the floor training with someone. Once you are acquainted with serving then I will train you behind the bar on how we do things here” “Awesome, I’ll be here at 7pm sharp” I said as I drank some water my mouth was parched, and I was starving “Glad to hear, it was nice meeting you Ms. Knight and I’m glad to have you on our team” he said as he got up to leave I was super excited; it was not the job I wanted but it was a job so no complaints there. I texted Jeremy to let him know I got the job as I dug into the now cold food. I got up to leave after I finished eating to do a little shopping as I did not have enough shorts and no tank tops, I heard my name being called as I made it to the door It was Fred with a bag in his hand. “Here is some hot food for you to enjoy, sorry about the cold food” he said and left Wow I got hot food I was certainly about to enjoy as I made my way to the mall by uber. . . . . . It was now time for me to dress and head to my first night of training and I could not contain my composure I was excited. I was just getting out of the shower when Jeremy called my phone, “Hey, what’s up” I said answering on the third ring “Do you need a ride to work” he asked? “Sure, I could use one I got back home rather late due to the bus running late” I said as I put lotion on my body. “Okay be there in 15” he said, and we hung up I resumed putting lotion to my body and finished my other duties such as putting on deodorant, body spray and putting my hair in a bun before getting dress. I finished just in time to hear Jeremy’s horn and I grabbed my bag with a change of clothes and left out the door. Alexander POV It has been one hell of a week, and I was glad it was finally Friday where I can spend part of my night blowing off steam. I still had this damn headache in the back of my mind even though I popped more than enough pills to make it go away and it was still there. This new assistant of mine does not make it any better she does not know how to do anything but run her mouth too much and stare at me all day long, so much I must keep my windows frosted just to keep her from looking at me. It was the end of the day when I headed up to HR to sort this assistant mess out, I was not happy, and I should at have at least blew off steam a couple of times today. “Hey Jessica, you got a minute” I said as I knocked on her open door “Yea, sure what’s up” she said as she motioned me to have a seat “So, this new assistant what’s up with her she’s a complete bonehead” I said as I placed my feet on her desk. “Well, out of all the applicants the most qualified one you wrote on her application not to hire her, so you get one of the non-qualified women that applied” she said as she folded her arms across her chest “Okay, I seen a ton of applications are you saying out of all of those applications these were the most qualified”? I asked her “Yes, two-thirds of them did not have any work experience and the rest just wanted the position because they were working for you. These women do not and claimed not to know you or anything about you. I ask that in all my interviews, and the one you interviewed I wanted to do a second interview, but I saw on the application not to hire so I did not” she said “Hmm…...Okay. Thank you for that. Have a good night” I said as I got up and left I was not happy I had to continue to do everything myself and I did not have an assistant I could screw; I was not about to screw a bonehead who could not do anything. I arrived back at my office to a staring Karen, I was so annoyed because if she was not staring at me, she was running her mouth, she has not done a thing I said the correct way. “You can leave” I said as I opened my office door As she got up to leave while packing her stuff, I told her not to come back, she just looked at me like I had two heads. “What do you mean don’t come back, I’m fired” she said with tears in her eyes “If you can persuade me otherwise then please, but other than that you have not done anything I said the correct way and you’ve had training so I’m confused on that part also you do nothing but talk and not enough listening and I can’t deal with you staring at me all day” I said sternly “Okay, well what if I offered something that wasn’t a work perk” she said not looking at me “What, what are you talking about” I said clearly annoyed “What if I offered you myself, I’ve heard the rumors of how you sleep with your assistants” she said in a faint voice still not looking at me “Wow, you really think I would sleep with you, you think just because you get the job of my personal assistant, I’m just going to automatically screw you” I said to her loud enough for everyone to hear She was clearly embarrassed and quickly gathered her stuff and left. I entered my office and gathered my things and left for the day I was not in the mood to deal with anyone plus I was starving so me and Chris went to grab something to eat. I let him choose the restaurant I did not want to have to do anymore thinking today. . . . We arrived at Sergio’s 10 minutes later and was seated immediately as I was a regular here, the wait staff always treated me right every time I came in. What was weird was the smell of rainwater and lilies, but I did not see my mate in here at all as I scanned the restaurant. Our server arrived at our table seconds later to take our drink orders, I ordered a scotch on the rocks and Chris ordered a Manhattan, and we ordered a couple of appetizers’ as well to hold us over until we ordered food. The server was hot as hell with a tight little body and the shorts she had on exposed the right amount of ass that I could see, and she did not mind showing me more at all as she sashayed away to put in our order. Me and Chris were in a heavy conversation when the scent of rainwater and lilies became extremely strong and then she walked past us, and I grew livid. I had to stop Deacon from coming to the surface and trying to claim our mate. I could not keep my eyes off her, she had on a tank top that exposed not only her belly but her big, beautiful breasts as well, and the shorts were so short you could touch her v****a if you grabbed a handful of her ass. The server came back out with our drinks and tried her hardest to get my attention but all of that went out of the window when I seen my mate sit on a guy’s lap and his hand grazed her ass as his hand went around her waist. I no longer could contain myself or Deacon as my eyes changed from blue to green, I growled aloud and everyone turned to look at our table as I got up and three long strides later, I was pulling her off his lap and out of the restaurant with Chris right behind me.
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