Challenging Her Superiors

1329 Words
"I made your favourites baby." Her mother smiled at her as she took her seat in the dinning. The girl smiled softly and nodded. Without saying a word, she picked up her cutleries and began eating. The trio had their meal silently for some minutes before the girl's voice was heard. "I have something to tell you two." Her parent shared a glance before returning their attention to her. Her father, just like she expected, asked. "What is that?" "I'm not interested in being a Luna." Angrily, her father banged hard at the table startling none of them. "What is that supposed to mean?" The girl forked meat into her mouth, chewed and swallowed it before saying. "I'm not interested in being the park any longer. I want to go to the police academy." "No, you won't." Gerrit said adamant. For the first time since she walked in, she raised her eyes to meet her father's furious eyes. "You won't approve of it?" "I would never!" "What if I did so without your approval?" Upon hearing her, Davina's mother who had been silent the whole time tried to say something but was beat to it by her mate. "Then you'd cease to be my daughter." Davina tilted her head to a side. Seconds later she shrugged and lowered her head to eat more. After dinner, the couple had watched their daughter walk out the door with a school back. The last time they ever saw her. Shaking the memories of her head, the middle aged woman who stood behind a door with a police uniform smiled broadly. She had made a resolution a 12 years ago and was happy to have stuck by it. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and stepped into the police station. Although turning heads, she still didn't fail to notice the look of disgust on the faces of other colleagues. Her eyes scanned their various faces. Suddenly noticing something, she frowns. Just then a man equally dressed the same way as her walked towards her. Davina's heart quickened seeing the handsome face again. "Davina" her wolf, Ann, called out. For a fact, Ann was excited that they found 'him' again. Stopping in front of her, the man who had a slight frown on his handsome face, said. "Hello, I'm Dave and I've been chosen as your partner. Please, let's tour around the station so I can point out some certain things to you." Davina chuckled. She refused to be discouraged. "I'm Davina and it's nice having you as a partner." she smiled out. Dave tried so hard to keep the smile tugging at his lips. Her smile was too contagious. Placing his hands behind his back, he walked in front while she trailed quietly behind him. "This station was built 76 years ago. Many heros has served here and passed away in their bid to save New York City." Dave said as they walked along. Just as they were about to walk past a corridor, a leg suddenly popped out and Davina tripped on it. Noticing the movement behind him, Dave swiftly turned and held her in place. After stabilizing her, his lips curled up disdainfully. "You have no control over the balance of your body. How do you Intend to work in the police force?" Davina didn't look at him at first, she glanced at the man who stood leaning on the wall, his eyes closed. Dave had seen her falling but had no idea why. He just assumed she lost balance. Ann had told her of someone lurking around but she had dismissed her on the ground that nothing harmful could happen in the station. Seems her wolf was right afterall. Glancing at the man who leaned lazily on the wall without moving, She was sure he did it on purpose. The two continued walking foreward. "Why does it look like they all dislike me?" Davina finally asked with a sigh. She had pictured herself making a lot of meaningful friends In the station. She had no idea why they all suddenly hated her the first they saw her. "You're a female." Dave answered curtly. A female? Her eyes widened recalling she had indeed not seen any female when she walked in. "The fact females are weaker than men doesn't necessarily mean some of us can't beat an average man." She groaned. "Average man you say. We deal with top criminals. Assassins who had spent their whole life training and taking lives, lots of lives. If you think because you can beat an average man in a fight makes you qualified to be one of us, I'm sorry to announce to you It'd be better if you quit now before it's too late!" Dave snapped. "Woah woah woah. Calm down man. Why overreacting?" She asked obviously surprised at the sudden change of tone. She now strongly felt there was something wrong with the police station. Dave sighed, regained his composure and stopped in a room full of various paintings. Under each painting was the name of a hero who had died along with their ranks and how long they'd served, what they had brought to the country and the children they left behind. Dave's eyes lingered on s particular painting. Davina followed his train of sight and subconsciously read out the name written under it. "Donald Glover, born on May 17 1955 and died in battle on the year 2019, 3 of June...." She was about to continue when a strong hand clamped her mouth shut. "You don't read out such things. Look around you, they're so many people around. Obviously, you're being of great disturbance to them." he said lowly, whilst withdrawing his hand. "Oh." Davina muttered doing as he asked. Sure enough, some eyes were already staring heatedly at her. She blushed embarrassingly and walked out of the room along with Dave. "So here we are." Dave beamed walking into another room. This time, it didn't seem crowded like the other room. Excitedly, Dave took out a stick of documents and proudly dipped them.into Davina's arms. "This are the different awards I've gotten during my ten years of serving in the police force." Davina gave a low chuckle and flipped through the pages. An hour later the two emerged from the room. Dave glanced at his time and hurriedly dished out some instructions to Davina and rushed into an office. Now bored, she sat down on the desk assigned to her, a hand under her chin and the other tapping away on the desk absent mindedly. Moments later, Dave walked out of the room along with some superiors. Seeing them, everyone straightened their backs. Davina wondered why everyone was so tensed but got her answer after hearing what one of her superiors had to say. "As we all know, for the past few weeks they've been reports of killings going around the state. All effort to track down the culprit has all seemed futile. So now, we're now choosing to withdraw from the case and hand it over to the FBI." Davina snorted. Everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to look at her. "Is this how you all act in the face of such crisis? Acting like weak old men?" The statement quickly annoyed the superior who spoke and angrily he ordered. "Since you think you're so awesome, find out what has been happening around New York with your partner. Failure to do so will have your license revoked!" With that being said, he turned and stormed back into his office. Dave sighed helplessly, he cursed Davina a thousand and one time in his heart. Here he was happy he had gotten rid of the case and this girl just made matters worst! Recalling the girl had a fragile look and the fact she had been talked to harshly, he turned around to console her incase she breaks down in tears but was shocked at the sight he saw.
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