First Time They Met

1007 Words
10 year-old Davina stared down at her hands. It was her first time out of the pack and into the city. Seeing the numerous faces which seemed both good and bad got her feeling unsecured. The train ran for a bit more time before it stopped at a railway station. The sound of door opening echoed throughout the train. Davina raised her eyes to see different set of people walking in. Her wolf Anika, who had been too lazy to notice the surrounding suddenly got on alert perceiving an unfamiliar yet familiar cologne. Davina's eyes almost fell out seeing the most beautiful sight, one she hadn't come across even in the pack. What caught her attention the most was the uniform he was putting on. It looked smart on him and for a moment, Davina wanted to be just like him. Anika sighed sadly and relaxed back again. Although the man was also one of them they didn't have any connection with him. 'what a waste of handsomeness!' The serene environment was disturbed when a man on a mask, a gun tightly clutched in his right hand ran into where Davina was seated. "Everyone sit down! If I see you move I swear to God imma shoot you!" The man yelled hysterically. Davina glued her eyes on the gun, seemingly looking for an opportunity to attack. The man seemed to notice someone had an ulterior motive cause he turned around and fired a bullet under his foot—directly at the train's iron sheet. "Anyone of you dare to try something silly and imma kill someone at random!" He yelled once again. His breath heavy. Looking at him, Davina felt the man knew that his time was near. Anyway, it was none of her business. She was going to lunge up at him in an extremely fast motion and if he reacts on time, she'd only get a cut. Maybe a deep one while he'd be maimed to death by her. Making such plan in her head, she quietly cracked her wrists and was about to stand and lunge forward but surprisingly, a dark figure flashed across her eyes and the next thing she saw was a reversed case. The masked man was now defenseless, while the handsome guy who came in earlier now twirled the gun between his fingers. "If you kill me that's a criminal offence and you won't get away with it!" The man finally muttered, a smirk outlining itself through his mask. The handsome man who had his head lowered, raised his head, his finger exerted a little force on the trigger and an ear piercing sound rang out. "Ahh! Damn you man!" The man cursed out angrily. He didn't get why the man didn't seem fazed by the threat. Just then, the sounds of running footsteps echoed out from a distance. Soon, the group ran closer and everyone identified the group as the cops. "Dave" one of the policeman called walking towards the handsome man. "Dave" Davina muttered, smacking her lips. "Keep your eyes off, we'd soon arrive at the bustop." Anika said. Davina didn't bat an eyelid at the reminder. Infact, she forgot it as soon as she heard it. "Dave, thanks for keeping the man in check." The same policeman said. Dave nodded, then took out a hankercheif from his pocket and wiped the gun clean. Wiping out all trace of fingerprints. Afterwards, he handed it to the policeman, "what happened?" "The man escaped from a police cell in town. He was sighted early. Initially, aimed to run towards the orphanage, but because we already got the information of his escape and knew where he was headed, we already had the orphanage surrounded." "So he headed for the train? Nice plan" Dave said. Soon, the train came to a halt at a train station. Dave who had no idea he already left a huge impact on someone's life walked out of the train. Stiffly, Davina also alighted. Her eyes followed him until he was out of sight. ..... Five years later "Welcome Davina" a woman's voice rang out from the kitchen. Davina who now looked s little grown, was drenched in sweat. She barely gave a hum, and headed to her room. She passed a man on her way. The man Davina's father, Gerrit, stared at his daughter's bent back. He didn't know why but he sensed something bad was going to happen. "Your daughter's been acting strange lately" Gerrit said walking into the kitchen where his wife stood over the cooking gas. The woman who had an apron on, didn't bother turning her head but outrightly nodded. "She's fifteen already and still haven't found her mate, anyone would be upset and anxious" the woman replied. She sounded a little worried. Her daughter had gone out few years back and had turned cold whenever they mentioned the talk about being luna in the house. She'd temporarily go crazy, screaming and yelling at them. She'd break down in tears after the little drama. Over the years, the two had learned not to bring up any discussion related to it. Gerrit sighed worriedly, he glanced towards the already made dishes and transferred them all to the dinning table. The two waited patiently for three minutes which seemed like three months for their daughter. Finally, not being able to sit still, Gerrit stood up and walked out of the dinning heading towards his daughter's room. He raised his hand about to knock but paused hearing the sound of shower running. "Davina" he called out, "Dinner is ready and your mother and I are patiently waiting for you" Davina who was currently taking a shower gave a faint nod but was too lazy to voice out any word. Certain that she heard him, Gerrit turned around and groped his way back to the dinning, giving his wife an assuring look. After spending thirty minutes under the shower, she dried her body with her white towel and walked out of the bathroom making a resolution.
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