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Okay this was not the jealous type of warning but i realized that Rhoda was genuinely concerned. Why would their lives be in danger then Robert asks her not to tell me anything, did Robert want me dead too? I was now officially worried and maybe Serena was a project indeed. What if they were all in the plan and what if coming to my place for dinner was just for her to familiarise with me and start pulling stupid moves like following me to a club. What if Rhoda never showed up that day? Rhoda: I didn't mean to make you doubt Roberts friendship but it was just awkward. Me: I get it. Everyone was raising an alarm about Robert and I had better take them seriously. How was I going to confront him about the car he got off and who was he meeting in that car? Maybe mark was right to give me a gun because now I think I know why he thought I needed it... Elsewhere... After a few minutes kizito left Adana's place after leaving her some money for shopping. He had waited for Della to show up because she was not picking his calls but she never did. Adana: would you like to show up for the birthday or should it be a girls day kind of a thing? Kizito: you can do a girls day but I will have you come with me to get her car. Just find out what type of a car she would like.. Adana: okay. Thank you so much for the money and for talking to my landlord. Adana: thank you for agreeing to help me with Della. It means a lot to me. He left and Adana got back to her couch and started counting the money kizito had left her for shopping and she smiled to herself. Adana: ten thousand shillings... Wow! God you are faithful... She said fanning herself with the money.. Kizito coming through was a big relief for her as she didn't know what she was going to do with the landlord or where she was going to get the money. Leonard never answered her calls and at times when he did, it was to call her names. There's something about Adana, she loved Leonard with everything she had and the love made her somehow stupid. Leonard was a playboy and despite People saying all playboys recognizes a main chick in their lives, Adana was Leonard's main chick though she knew he was cheating on her. She was mad at him but she didn't leave him, she kept hoping their relationship would get better.. She treated him on get aways for just the two of them, she surprised him on his birthdays and sent a cake over to his workplace. She bought him clothes and shoes and its not like Leonard couldn't afford all that but Adana was in love and gifting was her love language. She gifted Della as much too. Leonard got bored with Adana and he started mistreating her. He paid rent most of the time so when Adana was at work, he would bring random women and sleep with them on their bed. Leonard and Adana were not married yet but they lived under the same roof. Leonard became worse when Adana got pregnant. He wasn't ready to be a father and he kept telling Adana he was not excited about the pregnancy. Adana was stressed out but that didn't stop Leonard from sleeping around. There is this one time, he brought another woman home and slept with her as adana slept on the couch that night after Leonard introduced her to the woman as his sister, she was mad for days but she didn't want to leave him either. She always felt like something was wrong with her and that's why Leonard was cheating. She decided to work on herself and do things that would please Leonard even more but the more she went out of her way. The more she got hurt and rejected. Leonard completely left her after the miscarriage and she had to fight alone.. Willis spoke to Serena as Jabali and Buggy waited outside. He was emotional and its the first time she had seen her father cry in her twenty something years. Serena: its okay. Jabali told me it was a mistake and no one will really have to know what happened. Willis: thank you darling, we need to call your mother. She must be so worried. Serena nodded then Willis called Maggy and put the call on speaker. Maggy: where is my daughter and you better tell me the truth. Serena: I'm right here mum. I'm with dad. Maggy: why wasn't he picking my calls? Serena: he was bringing me to he hospital. I got shot earlier today. Maggy: shot, oh my poor baby are you hurt, where are you I will come there right now. She said trying to catch her breath. Serena: mum, I'm okay. I've been treated and the bullets have been removed. Maggy: tell Me what hospital you are in willis, I need to see my daughter. Willis: st.Teresa. I will ask Jabali to come and get you. Maggy: I will take a cab. Willis: Jabali will pick you. He is not doing anything right now and I can't come there myself. Maggy: what part of I'll get a cab don't you understand? Maggy hanged up and immediately rushed to her room, got a jacket and left. The fact that Serena had been shot made her all jumpy and stuff... In the village... Sankara went to Agrippina's house. He had run out of money and he thought Agrippina could bail him out through willis. Sankara knew Agrippina loved him and would do anything for him so he used her. He used her to extort money from willis and Agrippina blindly did everything he asked. That night he went to her place drunk and banged on the door severally and when Agrippina opened, he fell on her arms and she dragged him inside and helped him to the couch.. Agrippina: why would you drink like this though? He leaned back and bulged and Agrippina moved back. His breath was stinking of alcohol. Agrippina: will you eat something? Sankara: I'm not hungry. In fact I'm very stressed out. Agrippina: talk to me darling what is it? Sankara: I need money. This is wrong, look at me, I can't even give you the life you deserve. Agrippina: I don't want anything Sankara I told you that. My son is capable of taking care of our needs and all we have to do is find means to get the money from him.. Sankara: you see this, this is that Gerald man's phone. I found it. Willis can sell it then give us the money. This phone costs so much in the market. He said taking out the phone from his pocket and handing it out to Agrippina who seemed rather shocked on seeing the phone. Agrippina: so this is the phone Gerald had been using, he was buying himself expensive things and leaving my son out in the cold. Sankara: can you get it sold? Agrippina: yes but not to Willis. If this phone gets into his hand we will never see the phone or the money.. I know someone else who can get the phone sold and get us some good money. His name is Quincy. He owns a phone repair shop and he also deals with second hand phones. Sankara: where is this Quincy guy? Agrippina: in Nairobi of cause. I have his number but I will handle it in the morning. Can I get you some food? Sankara nodded almost looking sobber and when Agrippina left, he smiled and said a not so loud yes! Sankara wasn't drunk all along but he wanted Agrippina to believe he was so that she could do just what he wanted. He wanted money and she could get it... Maggy got to the hospital and by then it was around 10:05pm. She hurried along the corridor after talking to the receptionist who told her where she could find Serena. She was in a private wing where patients were well taken care of. Buggy had gone to smoke outside and Jabali was seated by a small waiting area just outside the wards with his hands folded on his chest and When he saw Maggy he got up and she walked right up to him... Maggy: how could you not tell me my daughter had been shot? Jabali did not even answer that but grabbed her arm, dragged her to the corner that led to the washrooms then pushed her to the wall and moved in on her. Jabali: do you want to get me in trouble with willis? Maggy: she's my daughter! Jabali: I know that but I wasn't going to be the one to break the news to you because that would have raised suspicion with Willis. He should not even know we are in communication... She calmed down then looked at him in the face then grabbed his neck, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. Jabali pushed her off then looked around to make sure no one could be watching so he kissed her again before pulling back and letting her catch her breath. Jabali: this is not the place, anyone can walk in on us. She straightened her dress, wiped off the lipstick on Jabali's mouth and walked towards the ward without another word to him. Jabali walked back to the waiting area and sat there waiting for willis to come out and give him the next direction.. Elsewhere... "What will you do Owen?" She asked as I had her sit on the kitchen counter while I prepared something for her. Rhoda was not in the mood for eating anything but I was hungry so I sweet talked her into cooking for her. She was a better cook than I was but she didn't actually think I could cook so I wanted to surprise her. I had cooked for Della several times but she was just Della, nothing really seemed to impress that girl except for the s*x part. She made me feel like I was on top of my game.. Me: I honesty don't know. If we were to report the case to the police we will need evidence and the judge can't depend on your words or Roberts. They will need solid proof. Rhoda: but the CCTV's are there right, it will show the entire thing Owen I swear that way, you will have gotten rid of him and some of your problems. Me: its not that easy Rhoda, willis is a big part of GnW and he wouldn't go down that easily. I know Willis was involved in my fathers death and he had made attempts of killing me but trust me he will not succeed. Rhoda: how do you know that? Me: I have a plan Rhoda, Rhoda: well is that plan Serena proof because I know what happens to you when you see beautiful women. I smiled. Rhoda was something else and she let her jealousy show but not enough to make her seem desperate. She was always in control of how she felt and most of all of her game.. Me: you think she's beautiful? Rhoda: she is. Me: what happens to me around beautiful women? Rhoda: you became stupid. I saw it happen with Della. I stopped whatever I was doing and looked at her and she looked away. Me: I loved Della, Serena is different. I barely know her. Rhoda: it won't stop her from coming for you. You saw how aggressive she got at the club the other day and before that, you two seemed to be really hitting it off. I narrowed my eyes at her and covered the pan to let the food cook. Me: let me ask you something, why are you acting like a jealous girlfriend, do I really owe you an explanation for every girl I speak to? She got down from the kitchen counter and raised her arm as a sign of surrender. Rhoda: you know what, you are right, you don't owe me anything and I'm sorry I crossed the line. You can see whoever you want to see. I have zero rights over you anyway. I watched her walk her sexy ass out of the kitchen and the next thing I heard was her bedroom door bang. These females though, what did I do now and why was she mad? I'm not sure of how intense the situation had been but for her to have tensed like that, she must have really felt threatened and now I had Robert to look into, Della and Willis as well. Could it be that they were all working together?.. Willis released Jabali and Buggy to go home as he stayed behind with Serena and Maggy whose worry had subsided after she saw that Serena was not badly off. Jabali came in to say goodnight to Serena then to Maggy and left with Willis who saw them off before coming back to his wife and kid. Willis: do I get you guys something? Maggy: I'm not hungry. Serena: me too.. There was an awkward silence after that as Serena shifted her gaze to her mother then to her father. It was obvious that something was wrong but she was glad they were both there. Maggy: who did this to our daughter? Willis: I don't know Maggy, by the time we got to her she was already down. Maggy: I leave my daughter in your care for a few hours and you couldn't even protect her? Willis: I couldn't tie her on my neck like a chain and walk around with her. Serena is over twenty and she can take care of herself. This was a damn accident. Serena: stop it both of you or I will ask the nurse to kick you out. They both looked at her. Serena: I'm serious, the walls of this room is already so depressing that I don't need another stress from you guys.... Jabali walked into his house and from the door he was welcomed by a sweet aroma. The house was dark and when he switched on the lights he saw candles and a well arranged table. He smiled as he walked in and while at the table, Della came from the kitchen with a bottle of wine. Della: its okay. The lights can remain off. Darkness is the best friend to intimacy. She said putting the wine on the table and throwing her arms around him and kissing him as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Jabali: uuumh! Are we celebrating something? Della looked up from kissing him and their eyes met. Della: no. We are not. She planted another kiss on his lips and Jabali stepped back. Della: don't be such a kill joy. It took me a lot to put this together. Jabali: I know but I'm honestly too tired for all these. Della: then you can take a warm bath then I will massage you. He walked to the couch leaving her standing by the dining table. She was now beginning to loose her cool. Della: what's wrong? She asked heading towards him and she sat next to him. Holding his thighs. Jabali: I need to be alone Della, this is not the night. Della: seriously! She got up and threw her arms in the air.. Della: I spent the entire afternoon trying to make this dinner and you are just going to show up here and act like I don't mean anything to you? Jabali: I just want to be left alone what's so hard to get there, I had a f****d up day and the last thing I need is you all over my space.. If I need your services, I will ask for it but right now get dressed and get a cab home. I'm really not in the mood. He got up and went to his room leaving her stranded in her lingerie and candle lit dinner. She walked to the table, pulled the table clothe off the table and everything that was nicely arranged on the table came crushing down... She got dressed and walked out of that house a disappointed woman.. In the village... The following morning Agrippina contacted the phone dealer and showed him photos of the phone and when the Quincy guy saw it. He stopped everything he was doing and called her. Quincy: where did you get that phone? Agrippina: come on now, are you going to play police with me? Quincy: no Agrippina this phone is so damn expensive, where did you get this? Agrippina: i got it from a friend. Its his phone and he wants to make a quick sale. Quincy: what's his price? Agrippina: he says he bought the phone at 53,000 ksh. He will take 40,000. Quincy: come on Aggy, I can't give 40 on the phone. How will I even sell it? Agrippina: okay then, 35,000 ksh. Take it or leave it. Quincy: we have a deal. Send the phone as a parcel and I will send the money. Agrippina: no. You do a down payment of 25,000 then send the rest once the phone gets delivered. Quincy: okay.. Quincy knew the phone cost more than the guy quoted but he had a client in mind that he wanted to sell the phone to. The client was cashed and he would not mind getting the phone at 40,000. This was a good deal. He smiled to himself as he did the transaction. I got a call from the hospital where the DNA tests were conducted and the doctor said the DNA results was going to take a bit longer than the anticipated time but I had faith in the doctors because after that DNA I would know who truly killed my mother and only then would I wage war on them. I was not going to let my mothers killer walk free and neither was I going to let my dads. I left Rhoda's house and of cause we were still not in good terms as some guy came over to her place in the morning and didn't seem too excited about finding me there. She introduced us but she never mentioned who the guy was to her something that bothered me a bit. Could it be that this was the same guy who called her the night I was with her? Was she seeing him and why would she even invite him over when I was still at her place? Did she want us to kill each other?.. I didn't stay long after the guy showed up because i did not want to interfere.. I got to my place that morning and just as I pulled over by he parking, Della drove in too and parked her car right behind mine. I got out and walked towards the house as if I had not seen her and she hastened her steps and caught up with me. Della: babe! I didn't respond as I didn't know which babe she was calling. The last time I checked, we broke up and all that was her not me. Della: Owen wait! She said grabbing my arm and I stopped by the door and turned to look at her. Della: baby I'm so sorry. Please listen to me. I crossed my arms to my chest. Yes I was going to listen to her, then walk into my house and close the door on her like I heard nothing. She got down on her knees and she already had tears falling down her face. This girl was indeed an actor. How could she pull the tears stunt within a second? Della: Baby I'm sorry for everything I said that night. I didn't mean any of it. I kept quiet. I didn't want to entertain her or engage her in a conversation or an argument. Della was pretty good at both. Me: Della you are the last person i feel like having a conversation with right now Della: the way you came at me that night made me feel the need to tell you stuff that would hurt your feelings. I wanted you to feel the same way you made me feel Owen you accused me of killing your mother. I loved her..... How could you even think that of me? Me: Della, get up.. I'm not doing this with you. She didn't. So I stepped up to her and pulled her up. Della: Owen I love you. Me: and I don't. I've moved on and I suggest you do the same. Della: is it because of her, I've seen you with two ladies, so who is she... Who is the girl who replace me? Me: how about I keep you guessing? Get lost Della you made it clear that its over between you and me. Della: Owen seriously, you are going to throw away two years over some random girl? Me: that random girl is the one making me sane right now otherwise i lost my mind the day i found out you were sleeping with my father's friend and you even walked out after telling me how less of a man i was.. She got mad and left. I watched her get into her car and start it bjt before i got i to the house, I heard some car make some crazy type of noise.. more like failed breaks and Della must have heard it too because she stopped the car the moment she drove out and the car that had failed breaks made a crazy turn and shot at Della's car several times until the windscreen was all shattered. I pulled the gun from behind and shot at the car aimlessness like the armature that I was then whoever was in the car shot at my direction and I ducked behind Della's car as he drove off in speed... I quickly got up to see if I could get the number plate but I caught nothing. The car however I could recognize. It was the black car I had seen Robert get out of the day of my parents burial. I didn't get to see whoever was in the car for obvious reason. Oh, s**t! Della!!....
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